One sentence to make an Afrocentricist cry

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@onlyme Ummm, My madow side was loaded and never picked cotton . My grandma would cuss you out and listing of the vast acres her family holds .ALL black Americans are slaves or vitcims. Free people of color, maroons?! My cousin says you can take these hood rat and liberal art major feminist and trade for Somali people. I got banned for fb for calling a white liberal a snow niglets for a week. @4head Where's my justice ?!

Tell your cousin that he can easily achieve that swap of somalis for black americans....there is a whole country called somalia and he can get there and live that life of being surrounded by somalis all day every day. You can too. That way you won't ever have to mingle with black americans ever again.
Tell your cousin that he can easily achieve that swap of somalis for black americans....there is a whole country called somalia and he can get there and live that life of being surrounded by somalis all day every day. You can too. That way you won't ever have to mingle with black americans ever again.
Black people:Stick man bad cause mean brown man took land where dig my chicken bones at. They no say nice things and hurts my feels. Why no get resources. We here now.
White people: Stick man mean cause they won't share sea and their stuff. No fair!!! Water hole big!!Me go drop bombs. Snow man save evil brown nomard with big government and taxes.I help. Why Stick man no like me ?
Tell your cousin that he can easily achieve that swap of somalis for black americans....there is a whole country called somalia and he can get there and live that life of being surrounded by somalis all day every day. You can too. That way you won't ever have to mingle with black americans ever again.
You know, you were NOMARDS , right ? No one tells us where to go ........ People said not go to bridge port or little village. Still went .In Rick James voice: f*ck your couch, niglets!!!! My daddy and I traveled around the white neighborhoods with no fucks given. f*ck you, I'm getting my Starbucks one way or another

Though I’m a pan Africanist to a certain point, I do admire your resistance and opposition to that concept. Please continue your chitchat with onlyme. Your debate is exhilarating. Both of you are valued members on this website and bring different perspectives to this forum.


Sxb, ceeb, caayda ka daa @Emily She is a valued member here.
@AussieHustler . I do wish for the best for other blacks and that we need to be more congenital with other, but the problem when trying to force yourself on a group, while not knowing almost anything themselves as individuals. You don't have to be best buddies or Agree with everything to be business partner and good associates with one another. Plus, personality I think African Americans are bit sensitive and can hard to talk to you. Why is any criticism taken as racist ? Also, they need to stop saying self hatred and calling blacks who don't agree with coons . Doing that and demanding the government to take mine or my family's money because we kinfolk and the struggle? It's just self serving .
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