One of you just broke my heart

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im not dark warya shutup you look like this

He's majerteen. :mjcry:


Queen of the light
If your lucky you can upgrade and be the third wife of a Yibir, :siilaanyosmile:any clans is better than MJ, your kids might have more chances but because of their MJ DNA there is a high chance on autism:lolbron:
I am not a fan of interbreeding at all but our families value this stupid qabil stick together ethos


I got me some braids and I got me some hoes
We are marginalised so badly I have no clue why, stick to my brother these reptilian creatures are not going to suck our souls

May we one day lead the rest and bring them back into the fold of civilisation. The majeerteenian burden :meleshame:


Queen of the light
Why you always so negative?
Because negativity is my daily life I always highlight the cultural cancer that our people have succumbed to, we are regressing as people not progressing. This is more evident in our failed state our gloriously failed country Somalia
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