One of men's Core responsibility

I just wanted to give my two cents on why us Muslim men should always strive to provide for anyone that they're in care of. From the looks of my own experience and internet stories (which i can't confirm if they're true or not), it seems like providing for the people who are in our care is a massive struggle. This shouldn't be the case and we should value this responsibility Allah has bestowed upon us.

We are encouraged to use our strength and youth to work in a halal way. Allah Subhana Wa ta'ala has built us to work and provide for the people who we are in care of. Its one of our ultimate purpose after worshipping Allah Subhana Wa ta'ala.

Don't care too much of what kind of a job you have, take every opportunity to work even if you are cleaning the toilets. I know some of us are insecure with our occupation because we are afraid other people will make fun of us but we are not working for them, we are working for the sake of Allah Subhana Wa ta'ala and our dear family members. In the sight of Allah, as long as you're working in a Halal way, you are loved by Allah Subhana Wa ta'ala. Aswell as your family members such as your mother, sister, wife, daughter. If they truly love you, they wouldn't care about the title of your job or your job role. As long as its HALAL.

Being dependant on your mother or sister is the most embarrassing thing. I know, you think that because they're your family, its ok to accept their help. If you have reached an age where you are capable of working, so in the UK 18, then you should be insecure about being dependant on your mother or sister than being a bathroom cleaner. Again, imagine your own mum working day or night while you're at home or outside with your fake homies. Get back to your true purpose, worshipping Allah Subhana Wa ta'ala and taking care of your family members who are dear to you.

Also, don't let women make you feel like you're an embarrassment because you're working at a job which society deems low status. Don't be a slave to random women's opinion and do whatever job possible and keep working hard. Allah will reward you with a woman who doesn't care about the title and your job description. Allah will reward you with a woman who's goal isn't this dunya but the hereafter. Let them fight over the dunya which is compared to a dead carcass's teeth in the sight of Allah Subhana Wa ta'ala. Whats more beneficial is you working hard in a halal way, providing for your beautiful family who will get you to jannah.

Just change your mindset and do everything you do for the Sake of ALLAH Subhana Wa ta'ala.
Part 2 - What's worse than an unemployed guy who is dependant on his mother or sister is an employed guy who doesn't want to help out his family with the money he makes and spends his money to impress his fake homies or the girls.
Also, make sure when going into a job, you are mentally strong as the job will make you tired, get you stressed or maybe contribute to you developing major mental issues. So Its ok depending on your family for you to get the help you needed but just don't get comfortable. Once you have got yourself together, the first thing you should do is get a job and act like a man who provides for his family.


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