Omar Suleiman, Yasir Qadhi, and LGBT: The Dark Legacy

Wallahi Daniel has been right all along. Plus he goes after all muslims not just Somali’s. He also sticks to American islam and not barbaric salafi England preachers.
YQ- I haven’t seen his videos in a few years so this is a walk down memory lane for me. He doesn’t fail to make me laugh with his reasoning. So much video evidence of YQ telling us his views outright. It’s sad no one caught on until the last few years.
Man I actually really like Omar and his videos, I still watch them from time to time they're such an iman booster. I do know why Daniel is going after him though 😭😭😭
Man I actually really like Omar and his videos, I still watch them from time to time they're such an iman booster. I do know why Daniel is going after him though 😭😭😭
He’s going after him because he’s a disgruntled ex-employee, it’s quite obvious. I only like his content when he’s going after Islamophobes and secular-liberalism.
He’s going after him because he’s a disgruntled ex-employee, it’s quite obvious. I only like his content when he’s going after Islamophobes and secular-liberalism.
How he is disgruntled when he quite literally btfo all of them with zero chance of return?
It's a real shame though because I used to watch YQ seerah lectures and learned a good deal
How he is disgruntled when he quite literally btfo all of them with zero chance of return?
It's a real shame though because I used to watch YQ seerah lectures and learned a good deal
He used to work for Yaqeen and even agreed to their terms and policies of being a diverse platform before he stopped working for them (or he might have been removed) which is why people call him a “disgruntled” ex-employee because his motives are clear.

He hasn’t really “btfo” them, he’s either distorting them or over-exaggering their “evil.” According to this joker, if you support a certain politician for pragmatic reasons (Ilhan Omar for example), that suddenly makes you an LGBT supporter and you must endorse all of their views or you must support LGBT rights or you must be a liberal who tolerates the spread of these issues. This fallacy is called guilty of association and it’s a stupid tactic on his part. If I vote for the democratic party because I feel like their good for Muslims far outweighs the bad as compared to the far right, does that suddenly mean I agree with LGBT, marxism or any degeneracy that the left endorses?

There’s no doubt that Yasir Qadhi, Omar Suleiman and co make mistakes but I haven’t seen any mistakes that are enough to cancel them as heretics or deviants. Their track record speaks for itself and as an individual who has been following their work for years, I and most people have benefited tremendously from their work and I haven’t come accross anything that would suggest that they support LGBT or whatever the disgruntled ex-employee is accusing them with. At best, you can say their approach to these issues isn’t pragmatic and it’s wrong but to outright cancel them and accuse them of being an advocate for these issues is pure slander. The disgruntled ex-employee comes accross as a clout-chaser who wants to create drama and has his own nefarious agendas for attacking them.
When you look at facts and realize that left wing propaganda has so little to do with those facts and is nothing more than big lies to dupe the public, you wonder how is it that the Unfit Imams, the Crypto Reformers, and the Faux Traditionalists are being duped like this.

Then you come to the clear realization that they are not being duped, because even a 5 year old can see through these constant lies. No, they are not duped. They are agents of liberalism themselves.

Examples include: abortion, telling Muslims to vote for the more liberal politicians "otherwise they'll throw Muslims in concentration camps," shut down all mosques and hajj and get the vaxx or we'll die, Support gay rights otherwise Muslims can't get married, etc.

These are based on such outrageous and obvious lies that whoever has been aggressively promoting them, or promoting all of them, that tells you something significant about who that person is...

To be honest, I was a fan of many (like, several) of the people I have been criticizing among the Compassionate Imams. I have never denied this.

Then I saw them take increasingly liberal positions at the expense of Islam and I saw them work with and endorse increasingly deviant politicians and activists. The compromises got worse and worse.

I thought, well, these poor guys are being duped. I should help them and explain. When they see the lies and recognize the damage, they will surely stop this crazy behavior.

So I did exactly that. Was doing it for about 2 years. Private conversations, meetings at their organizations, phone calls. And I was patient because I thought, well, maybe it will take time for people to see the light.

Then it reached a point where I was told in no uncertain terms, no, this is actually what we are about. We understand exactly the situation and this is what we believe and we are going to continue exactly on this path. And the only reason we humored you was we wanted to convert you into one of us, or at least control you. But since you aren't going to be controlled, get lost.

Some people might think I am just a highly belligerent person, that I just ruthlessly attack. But they don't know the bigger story, though they can probably infer it. Smarter people than me always knew. But my point is, these people who have been getting debunked by MS: don't feel sorry for them. I'll just put it like that.

- DH
@Omar del Sur what is your opinion of Yasir Qadhi being an LGBTQ+ supporter?

Perhaps this is the first we will be on the same side of an argument??


well I was waiting to finish the part 2 before I comment... there's a part 2 they just released with a different title....

but I've been openly against Yasir Qadhi for years... all this is just confirming what I've been saying
I will tell you- the only small problem I have with these videos- this one and a recent one Haqiqatjou did on YQ..... is he doesn't name the ikwanis. I think YQ is very clearly some sort of ikwani. you could do a lengthy video on how a lot of what he says and does can be directly traced to ikwani ideology.


It is what it is
well I was waiting to finish the part 2 before I comment... there's a part 2 they just released with a different title....

but I've been openly against Yasir Qadhi for years... all this is just confirming what I've been saying

I thought you were pro-Yasir Qadhi.

Or maybe I’m mistaking you for someone else.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
He used to work for Yaqeen and even agreed to their terms and policies of being a diverse platform before he stopped working for them (or he might have been removed) which is why people call him a “disgruntled” ex-employee because his motives are clear.

He hasn’t really “btfo” them, he’s either distorting them or over-exaggering their “evil.” According to this joker, if you support a certain politician for pragmatic reasons (Ilhan Omar for example), that suddenly makes you an LGBT supporter and you must endorse all of their views or you must support LGBT rights or you must be a liberal who tolerates the spread of these issues. This fallacy is called guilty of association and it’s a stupid tactic on his part. If I vote for the democratic party because I feel like their good for Muslims far outweighs the bad as compared to the far right, does that suddenly mean I agree with LGBT, marxism or any degeneracy that the left endorses?

There’s no doubt that Yasir Qadhi, Omar Suleiman and co make mistakes but I haven’t seen any mistakes that are enough to cancel them as heretics or deviants. Their track record speaks for itself and as an individual who has been following their work for years, I and most people have benefited tremendously from their work and I haven’t come accross anything that would suggest that they support LGBT or whatever the disgruntled ex-employee is accusing them with. At best, you can say their approach to these issues isn’t pragmatic and it’s wrong but to outright cancel them and accuse them of being an advocate for these issues is pure slander. The disgruntled ex-employee comes accross as a clout-chaser who wants to create drama and has his own nefarious agendas for attacking them.

Whether he's a disgruntled ex employee or not doesn't mean that you don't need to consider the points he's raising. This is especially true when it concerns islamic doctrine, those calling him disgruntled do it so as to discredit him without addressing the valid critique he brings forth.

Take for instance the issue of advocating for lgbt rights & people like ilhan omar. Islam makes it clear that you can't support nor advocate for that which is haram and the only time exception is made is when it's a necessity that is done to avert harm.

Even then certain conditions have to met such as, there is no other alternative in facing the state of necessity other than committing the unlawful act. So the questions that needs to be asked here is whether

1. Promoting lgbt rights is considered to be a necessity ?
2. What harm is being averted by promoting lgbt rights ?
3. Which action causes more harm ? promoting lgbt rights or the harm that would've resulted by not promoting lgbt rights ?
4. Would it make a difference?

The reality on the ground is that advocating for lgbt rights has led to the acceptance and normalization of their haram life choices among muslims. This is fairly clear considering the amount of muslims coming out as gays or supporting it wholeheartedly.

Furthermore muslim promotion of the lgbt freedom and equality discourse has drastically undermined the ability of the muslim community itself to live with, or even conceive of, a conception of freedom and equality that would be most conducive to their ethos and the preservation of faith across generations.

If freedom, equality, and justice require the social and legal equation of homosexual with heterosexual relationships, then the sharia like all traditional religions that prohibit homosexual acts is indeed oppressive and unjust. What could possibly be gained for the Muslim community if we adopt discourses and engage in actions that inevitably lead to such a conclusion?

As you can see it's not that simple to merely engage in actions that are forbidden by the deen as there are serious consequences. Do those muslims who support her & ally with proponents of lgbt realise the cost, harm and impact of what exactly their support entails ?

Why should muslims advocate for lgbt rights when the lgbt community don't accept nor will they ever support the islamic stance against lgbt ? In fact it's part of the lgbt discourse to oppose any religious objections towards the acceptance of lgbt. So why are lgbt people entitled muslim advocacy and support at the cost of our deen ?

If the cost of lgbt advocacy is a muslim's deen what harm could be greater than this ? This is what's at stake and so far none of these imams, common muslims who support the likes of ilhan have ever brought forth a sufficient answer. Mind you this is just one issue, yaqeen have published problematic articles such as those advocating for the acceptance of human evolution etc

Dr Yasir Qadhi: Muslim Scholar or Liberal Infiltrator? WikiLeaks emails exposé​

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

One of the key challenges facing Muslims in the West is the rising tide of ‘muscular liberalism’: an Orwellian term coined by the former British Prime Minister David Cameron during a speech in Munich in 2011 as a façade for ever increasing erosion of civil liberties and the use of state powers to target the Muslim community.

As the term implies, the aim is to force Muslims to accept the prevailing liberal world order in place of their own religion. The effects of these policies, operating under the guise of tackling extremism, can be seen in all spheres of life for Muslims.

A prevailing theme in the West, concurrent to the introduction of these authoritarian policies, has been the rise and coming to prominence of an ever increasing number of ‘liberal’ and ‘moderate’ imams and sheikhs.

These imams are almost uniformly characterised by their radio silence on the plight of oppressed Muslims (except when doing so would be acceptable or even expedient for the powers that be) and advocacy for reform of Islam, some more vocal and explicit than others. All of this in an apparent attempt to seek compatibility with the ever changing moving feast of ‘liberal’ ‘Western’ values.

In another speech on extremism in 2015, David Cameron proudly declared that the British state is “…now going to actively encourage the reforming and ‘moderate Muslim’ voices.” This would obviously not be the first attempt to subvert traditional and normative Islam by a state to pursue its own agenda. One of the main ways such powers have sought to achieve this in the past has been by aiding, supporting and coercing individuals and groups that oppose the basic foundational principles of Islam with the aim of disuniting and weakening the Muslim nation. In doing so, they ride roughshod over the sacred beliefs and sentiments of ordinary Muslims.


A historic picture of Dr Yasir Qadhi on PeaceTV, prior to adopting a more modern appearance.

Dr Qadhi describes himself as an ‘Islamic theologian’ and ‘scholar’, although many may dispute his claim to those titles. He is usually quick to remind his audience (and critics) of his academic credentials, having studied at both undergraduate and master’s level at the Islamic University of Madinah and then going on to complete his doctorate at Yale University.

Whilst he was originally known for his robust adherence to traditional Sunni doctrine, Dr Qadhi has since been involved in a number of intra-Muslim controversies. Many commentators and scholars have challenged his statements that go against Muslim orthodoxy and his attempts to introduce (or reintroduce) new and rejected ideas to his young, impressionable, Muslim audience. Dr Qadhi now openly states that he is no longer the conservative ‘Salafi’ that he was upon his graduation from the Islamic University. Instead, he has spoken about ‘reforming’ Islam, finding aspects of the Shariah to be ‘problematic’ and saying they need to be ‘looked at’[1].

What are ‘The Global Intelligence Files’?

An email chain from 2010 leaked by WikiLeaks in 2013, which has largely gone unnoticed in the Muslim community, appears to shed some light on Dr Qadhi’s journey from a staunch advocate for traditional Islam to liberal reformist.

WikiLeaks explains the leak of this tranche of documents in its own words:

… The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.” (our emphasis)
Source: WikiLeaks
What do the emails about Dr Qadhi say?

  • The pertinent emails are between Dr Kamran Bokhari (then Senior Analyst employed at Stratfor) and Fred Burton who, according to his LinkedIn profile, was the VP, Intelligence & Chief Security Officer for Sratfor at the time. The full email chain can be found here.
  • The chain starts with a news report about Dr Qadhi and Al Maghreb Institute and their connections to Omar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a failed and convicted terrorist. It questions their credibility in anti-radicalisation efforts.
  • Fred Burton states that he will be questioning various authorities including the FBI, Texas Rangers, Congress and the Governor [of Texas] as to why Dr Qadhi’s centre has not been closed down.
  • Dr Bokhari then steps in and makes a number of interesting statements:
  • He claims to have a working relationship with Dr Qadhi and to have shared a hotel room with him in Edinburgh in the past. He then describes Dr Yasir Qadhi as “…a “reformist” Salafist of sorts.” He tells Fred Burton to let ‘our friends’ (an ostensible reference to law enforcement agencies) know that he can “… potententially get Yasir Qadhi, the guy who leads al-Maghrib to cooperate as well.” He later states: “Given the Abdul-Muttalab case he is under pressure and we can use that to our advantage to have him help us identify the bad guys, assist with long-term monitoring…”
  • When pressed for more information, Dr Bokhari says Dr Qadhi is “…struggling with his journey towards moderation…” and “… is highly interested in ownership over a modern Salafi discourse.” Dr Bokhari then claims it will take some time to win Dr Qadhi over and mentions “…he has a large following among American and British youth,” as an apparent up-side of continuing to work with him and to infiltrate his work and message.
  • Dr Bokhari suggests it will be possible to use Dr Qadhi to “… to develop a Salafi ideology that doesn’t clash with the need to integrate in mainstream Western life.

—–Original Message—–
From: “Kamran Bokhari” <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:20:25=20
To: ‘Fred Burton'<>
Subject: RE: Did you get this one?
Despite our huge differences, I have a working relationship of sorts with the guy where he at least hears me out. He is struggling with his journey towards moderation and has been criticized by the traditional Salafists and of course the more radical ones as a deviant. The guy is highly interested in ownership over a modern Salafi discourse but he has some hangovers that will take time and support to get over. He has a large following among American and British youth. I can help our friends to get this guy to become comfortable with us. Given the Abdul-Muttalab case he is under pressure and we can use that to our advantage to have him help us identify the bad guys, assist with long-term monitoring, and perhaps even in the long run develop a Salafi ideology that doesn’t clash with the need to integrate in mainstream western life. He is a unique personality and it is hard to find people like him. Perhaps that is why the folks at NCTC invited him for their deradicalization event in ’08.

Source: The Global Intelligence Files, WikiLeaks, Released on 11-03-2013 (one email extract from the relevant chain)
Dr Qadhi’s Response

In a reply to Al Ribat Media, Dr Yasir Qadhi stated that he only met Dr Bokhari “…may be once or twice, don’t recall too much of his conversation and for sure I had no idea of his ties to any other organization!” Dr Qadhi objects to the notion that anyone can ‘pressure’ him to change his views and claims this is a false allegation. Dr Qadhi affirmed that his positions today are sincerely held.

What does this show us?

Irrespective of whether the conversation shown in the emails actually caused or led to Dr Qadhi’s developing views on Islam, they are another clear evidence of a multi-pronged attack on Islam in the West. A smoking gun, proving active covert attempts to infiltrate and subvert the message of Islam, to ‘modernise’ it and to remove the elements considered ‘problematic’ or in opposition to the interests of politicians and the military industrial complex that Stratfor is a symbol for in this exchange.

With the benefit of having seen the transformation that Dr Yasir Qadhi has undergone over the last ten years, these leaked emails raise a number of serious questions over his motivations. Whilst we do not endorse some of the misinformed or ill-judged comments made by Dr Qadhi in the past, his claim of simply abandoning ‘extreme’ views to become more ‘mainstream’, do not stand up to scrutiny. Instead, it is clear that he has taken up a position to undermine the long and well-accepted principles of ordinary Muslims for 1,400 years – even going to the extent of endorsing same-sex marriage (‘politically’ whilst continuing to hold that it is a sin) – see below:
