Omar Suleiman, Yasir Qadhi, and LGBT: The Dark Legacy

It would appear from this exchange that Dr Qadhi was the subject of a campaign of pressure and coercion to adopt certain beliefs and repackage authentic Islam for the benefit of certain vested interests; and some may conclude from the subsequent transformation that he chose to cave in to those pressures rather than take a stand.

[1] In a response to a request for comment, Dr Yasir Qadhi stated that the type of reform he is advocating for: (i) is not anything that contradicts standard Sunni Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence); (ii) it is “rethinking through older opinions and not re-thinking through the Qu’ran and Sunnah”; and (iii) is not abandoning Allah’s commandments that are explicit in the Quran, Sunnah and via Ijma (scholarly consensus). Dr Qadhi cites the following YouTube video for a fuller explanation of his position:


Readers will note that many commentators still do not accept this more complete explanation, the details of which are outside the scope of this article.


