Old lady in wheelchair tries to stop looters, gets messed up


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Walaahi they should have dumped the old lady out of her wheelchair and left her there, trampled and trodden on by the mass. Hope she was reported to the police. Karen the Terrorist.

Nope. I have been all over the town on my mini van recording on android. I wish i had iphone

You could always take part in the looting and snag yourself a new shiny iphone :)


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Walaahi they should have dumped the old lady out of her wheelchair and left her there, trampled and trodden on by the mass. Hope she was reported to the police. Karen the Terrorist.

You could always take part in the looting and snag yourself a new shiny iphone :)

Its very tempting huuno, but who is going to protect me from the Boss in the heavens? The Boss could send a lightning & i die from electrocution while speaking with my new bling bling iphone to hawo luugo balaar.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake


Isn't the Justice system in the US very strict? Aren't these idiots not worried for their lives and future. People are filming everywhere and you can be sentenced later.

