Official roast a member thread.

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Loooool I did expect some backlash for yesterday but didn’t think they were this hurt.

Most of the UK and Canadian faraxs are incels and they also have high rates of degeneracy. Coincidence?
Blame socialism
They collect free stuff, the government assistance handicapped them :dead:


I didn't say being a Fob you fag I said you write like a fob which is an insult you raging pansexual bastard:mjhaps:your the only kindergartener here, insulting someone over using caps. That's a new low.:russsmug:

Wouldn’t a Fob write like a Fob?
Abti ma saabuuntaa cuntaa?
I didn’t insult u, I merely questioned ur online etiquette.
Don’t be emotional like Heblaayo


Shalom goyim
Wouldn’t a Fob write like a Fob?
Abti ma saabuuntaa cuntaa?
I didn’t insult u, I merely questioned ur online etiquette.
Don’t be emotional like Heblaayo
My online etiquette is rather good now idaaf warya also I've met non fobs that write like fobs and fobs that write like non fobs so that'd be a no.


Shalom goyim
Ninyo u were right.
This dude gets triggered easily.
You scream incels and ashy abdis as soon as someone calls you fat or a nayaa. You don't have shit to say about getting triggered
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