Official Diary of SSPOT

Dear SSpot diary.

I had a great day considering I got less than 5 hours last night. Work was work but went by surprisingly fast for a Monday. Gonna cook something to eat later tonight cause no Xalimos have scooped me up yet.

might redownload muzmatch



I have no mouth & I must scream
Dear SSpot diary,

I have wasted another day yet again looking for fked threads, I have a project and an essay due date coming soon. And All I did was watch Ethio and diaspora bashing.

why did I discover this place, it haunts my mind. I have become addicted to watching 68IQ doing their natural things:stressed:
Plz bless me today with a fresh qashin thread before I go to sleep,:rejoice:

Dear SSpot Diary,

I think I failed the math test I took yesterday which isn't the end of the world. I can always retake it. I'm highly considering shaving my head. I dislike my hair very much. I want to wear wigs like this one. The hair is so pretty. I think I could pull it off.

I don't know how to help you bcs that's really all I know about hair just texture/amount. Maybe I can make a thread about it in the Women's den. Softening tips and other things.

That's sweet of you. I appreciate the thought. Don't worry about it. I've tried to soften it but all of my efforts were in vain. It's what it is.