Official 2016 U.S. Election Thread -- Welcome Führer Trump

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Nobody likes Hillary Clinton and those hat voted for her were scared by the media establishment to vote her because "Trump" is bad etc. Noone can deny who the media wanted to win so Im glad that she lost. The opinion of media dont reflect the reality of america and american people opinion.


Congrats. Now the US dollar is going to fall against the Sterling (Pound). :dabcasar:

I wouldn't be so sure.

Trump didn't say much about his economic plans. The US is fairly independent economically and not so linked to other economies. The UK's brexit move was economically more impactful. Trump's presidency won't have a big impact on the dollar compared to brexit had on the sterling.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I'm in denial, I've been avoiding news channels and newspapers since I've gotten up. I can feel the shift in the balance of the world.


I think Trump will only be a 1 term president. His win was very weak.
If there aren't any major terrorist attacks like 9/11 again, he will lose to the next Democrat.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
hillary was such a dumbass walahi, she really thought she could win by simply saying 'i'm not trump haha do u see that idiot' all campaign :bell:

i mean, i thought she could too but i'm an actual dumbass and not running for president :bell:

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I think this election says more about Clinton than it does about Trump, she had the money, the media and the political establishment in her corner and yet she still lost. The DNC chose a terrible candidate while also losing the House and the Senate, they done fucked up. Bernie, Biden and Warren are probably tossing and turning in their sleep right about now wondering "what if?".

I have to congratulate Beesha Pig Sounds you successfully told your elites to f*ck off. For those of you who don't know who Beesha Pig Sounds is please watch the video below and before you do make sure you aren't in a work or school enviroment and aren't eating or drinking. Enjoy.

P.S. It should be made a mandatory watch before a green/asylum/citizenship. The name should be changed to "Mating calls of the Amerifat(Amerifaticus Septentrionalis)".


There's the possibility that Hillary can still win the popular vote, but not the electoral college (states vote). This would make Trump's authority even weaker.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
I think this election says more about Clinton than it does about Trump, she had the money, the media and the political establishment in her corner and yet she still lost. The DNC chose a terrible candidate while also losing the House and the Senate, they done fucked up. Bernie, Biden and Warren are probably tossing and turning in their sleep right about now wondering "what if?".

I have to congratulate Beesha Pig Sounds you successfully told your elites to f*ck off. For those of you who don't know who Beesha Pig Sounds is please watch the video below and before you do make sure you aren't in a work or school enviroment and aren't eating or drinking. Enjoy.

P.S. It should be made a mandatory watch before a green/asylum/citizenship. The name should be changed to "Mating calls of the Amerifat(Amerifaticus Septentrionalis)".


walahi cadaan ppl never cease to amaze me :damn:

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Inb4 he writes an essay about the resemblance between this event and some cartoon he has watched :bell:
It's all a genjutsu and the election is still going on, amirite @ghost
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