Niqab banned in Chechnya


destroying the peoples ambitions of self rule by slowly making them become more liberal over time and assimilaiting them in to the larger russian population wahabi = anything conservative or against western liberalism

Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
I feel really devastated for them. Telling a niqaabi to take her veil off would perhaps induce the same fear as telling a regular girl to take off her clothes.

Unfortunately, some men are seriously confused. They don’t like immodest women, but if she’s too modest, it’s a problem. What they want is the right ratio to look at her, but at least have her somewhat covered. Very gross.

One thing that did confuse is when the girl agreed with him that it’s a Wahhabi practice. Perhaps she felt she had to comply with whatever he was saying... Poor thing
Another example of the term Wahhabi being misused :farmajoyaab:. Niqab should be a woman's choice simple as that, neither enforced or banned.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
In 2014, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov threatened the men that if they let their women out of the house in a black dress with her chin covered, they will kidnap her, make her take off her dress and take off her pants, and search her everywhere even between her breasts.

does this look ok to you?!!!! Is this proper islam?!!


how embarrassing doesn't that oaf have any shame forcing these women to take that part of the niqab off on national tv.
and that gremlin looking lap dog of a president insulting them by calling them demons and threatening them with rape and kidnapping disgusting and vile behaviour.

Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
In 2014, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov threatened the men that if they let their women out of the house in a black dress with her chin covered, they will kidnap her, make her take off her dress and take off her pants, and search her everywhere even between her breasts.

does this look ok to you?!!!! Is this proper islam?!!

These men are weird. That’s him being caught in 4k threatening to sexually harass these women


In 2014, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov threatened the men that if they let their women out of the house in a black dress with her chin covered, they will kidnap her, make her take off her dress and take off her pants, and search her everywhere even between her breasts.

does this look ok to you?!!!! Is this proper islam?!!
nope its what that midget putin ordered Kadyrov to do


These men are weird. That’s him being caught in 4k threatening to sexually harass these women
not weird just corrupt and pathetic they got their jobs due to licking moscows shadow and like the slaves they are their gonna execute anything putin tells them regardless of how it effects their own kin
Why does this remind me of Somalia during Said Barre's era. My hooyo use to tell me how some soliders would threaten to strip girls in the middle of the street if they covered their hair.
niqab isnt mentioned in the quran and is a wahabbi saudi modern invention(im not talking about older medieval fashionable ones) , its probably not even a must to wear, only wahabbis do that. However the chechneyan president shouldnt shame his ppl
Why do women always face the brunt when regimes want to tackle certain ideologies they may not agree with?

There seems to be an obsession with women's clothing and its the first thing nations do when they want to either 'modernize' a society or make it more conservative.

FYI: for those that are saying that niqab isn't part of the deen. Our mother's of believers wore it.