Education, Peace and Prosperity
I've always suffered from horrible nightmares since I was young or usually I would have forgettable dreams I can't remember when I wake up, but this dream last night shocked me to my core.
I can't for the life of me remember the beginning of my dream but all I remember is I was sitting in an empty court room in the witness box. I started getting this weird feeling that I should get out of the court room immediately, like that panic you get when you are late to a function and people are waiting for you.
I run towards the large wooden doors and when I open them I enter St.Peter's square in the Vatican city
When I look back I realize instead of running out of the court room , now I was running out of the St Peter's Basilica. I remember this place vividly because I visited the Vatican City last summer but I never came that close to the St Peter's Basilica (church).
I turn around to carry on running but I run straight into someone that looked like a catholic monk , he was wearing a brown robe and a white rope knotted around his waist, he was holding a long metal rode with a cross on the top. He kept shouting at me to stop looking and to leave, that's when I noticed there were 3 men standing behind him. Two were in a red hooded robe with the hood up and one man in the middle. The man in the middle was completely naked , he looked old and fragile. The monk is now pushing me and keeps shouting "stop look , stop looking". That's when I recognized the old man , it was Pope Francis ( I'M NOT SAYING HE IS THE DAJJAL OR IBLIS keep reading). Him and the other men looked like they were heading to a ceremony of some sort.
The whole thing felt so bizzare, I immediately beginning running. I keep looking around, wondering why I was at the Vatican City. I was definitely sure that it was the Vatican because I remember those large pillars with the fountain in the middle.
Shortly after the fountain, I was heading towards the entrance of the square and in the distance I saw a man standing. He was wearing a white thawb.
I get closer to him, when I was about run past him on my left , I got this sickening feeling like I'm approaching serious danger. I get closer and I see his face clearly, he was clean shaven and had large eyes. His body was completely disproportionate, he was short, his shoulders were really small and thin but his head was very large.
I look at his eyes and his eye pupils were completely black. He wasn't looking my way but in front of him. He smiles and does a sort of , nod of acknowledgement in that direction. I stop running and look to my right and there he was, another man dressed in the same clothes as the guy on my left, except his thawb is completely black and he is missing one eye. I felt completely faint.
Suddenly the floor beneath my feet disappeared and I started falling , he(dajjal) stretches out his hand to me and says take it , I don't and fall into the dark abyss
Next thing I know, I wake up in my bed , drenched in sweat.
I tried to tell the story to my sister but I kept shaking, when finally explained to her what I saw and I was going through the details I realized the first man I saw in the white thawb must have been the Iblis.

anyways I really wanted to write about my dream because it's probably one of the most bizarre ones I ever had
astaghfirullah (x100)
edit : oops i spelt it wrong in the title
I can't for the life of me remember the beginning of my dream but all I remember is I was sitting in an empty court room in the witness box. I started getting this weird feeling that I should get out of the court room immediately, like that panic you get when you are late to a function and people are waiting for you.
I run towards the large wooden doors and when I open them I enter St.Peter's square in the Vatican city
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When I look back I realize instead of running out of the court room , now I was running out of the St Peter's Basilica. I remember this place vividly because I visited the Vatican City last summer but I never came that close to the St Peter's Basilica (church).
I turn around to carry on running but I run straight into someone that looked like a catholic monk , he was wearing a brown robe and a white rope knotted around his waist, he was holding a long metal rode with a cross on the top. He kept shouting at me to stop looking and to leave, that's when I noticed there were 3 men standing behind him. Two were in a red hooded robe with the hood up and one man in the middle. The man in the middle was completely naked , he looked old and fragile. The monk is now pushing me and keeps shouting "stop look , stop looking". That's when I recognized the old man , it was Pope Francis ( I'M NOT SAYING HE IS THE DAJJAL OR IBLIS keep reading). Him and the other men looked like they were heading to a ceremony of some sort.
The whole thing felt so bizzare, I immediately beginning running. I keep looking around, wondering why I was at the Vatican City. I was definitely sure that it was the Vatican because I remember those large pillars with the fountain in the middle.
Shortly after the fountain, I was heading towards the entrance of the square and in the distance I saw a man standing. He was wearing a white thawb.
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I get closer to him, when I was about run past him on my left , I got this sickening feeling like I'm approaching serious danger. I get closer and I see his face clearly, he was clean shaven and had large eyes. His body was completely disproportionate, he was short, his shoulders were really small and thin but his head was very large.
I look at his eyes and his eye pupils were completely black. He wasn't looking my way but in front of him. He smiles and does a sort of , nod of acknowledgement in that direction. I stop running and look to my right and there he was, another man dressed in the same clothes as the guy on my left, except his thawb is completely black and he is missing one eye. I felt completely faint.
Suddenly the floor beneath my feet disappeared and I started falling , he(dajjal) stretches out his hand to me and says take it , I don't and fall into the dark abyss
Next thing I know, I wake up in my bed , drenched in sweat.
I tried to tell the story to my sister but I kept shaking, when finally explained to her what I saw and I was going through the details I realized the first man I saw in the white thawb must have been the Iblis.

anyways I really wanted to write about my dream because it's probably one of the most bizarre ones I ever had
astaghfirullah (x100)
edit : oops i spelt it wrong in the title
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