Nice picture

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The name is Professor, Haji Professor
whatever helps you sleep better at night
can i ask you a question why do you so fervently defended shitty Ugandishu. The place is one of the most backward and savege places on earth, yet you to love to defend it regularly. Why is that huh.

Inshallah 1991 2.0 will occur and the little progress you shit city has made will be destroyed.
can i ask you a question why do you so fervently defended shitty Ugandishu. The place is one of the most backward and savege places on earth, yet you to love to defend it regularly. Why is that huh.

Inshallah 1991 2.0 will occur and the little progress you shit city has made will be destroyed.

God doesn't grant unjust dua, you should actually be careful the dua doesn't fall back on you. What do you get out of hating and acting like a bitter mess other than looking pathetic?

Grow up and act like a man


The name is Professor, Haji Professor
God doesn't grant unjust dua, you should actually be careful the dua doesn't fall back on you. What do you get out of hating and acting like a bitter mess other than looking pathetic?

Grow up and act like a man
God do you ever get tired of what you say. Always acting like the little goodie two shoes of the site. Your are so condescendly annoying wallahi. I DON'T GIVE TWO FUCKS GTFOH WITH YOUR BULLSHIT 'I AM SUCH A GOOD PERSON' CRAP. :camby:
God do you ever get tired of what you say. Always acting like the little goodie two shoes of the site. Your are so condescendly annoying wallahi. I DON'T GIVE TWO FUCKS GTFOH WITH YOUR BULLSHIT 'I AM SUCH A GOOD PERSON' CRAP. :camby:


lmao go have your emotional outbursts somewhere else
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