National Armed Forces will increase to 70 thousand!

If you're not an accountant or a book-keeper, where is all this support for the Somali Government and its economists, coming from? Should you not research what you are supporting? Politicians love people like you by the way, they simply adore them. You make their lives so much easier.
His heart is in it for the right reasons, but is a dreamer, and will not acknowledge wherein lies the big problem.
Debt ballooning to an unsustainable level through due decades of accumulated interest because the state in question was incapacitated as a result of war does not equal a lack of responsibility. More importantly, the only way to build up your credit worthiness, is not to run away from using credit, but to create a history of using it in a responsible manner, which is clearly the case with the Somalia of today or debt relief wouldn’t have been on the table to begin with.
In all seriousness, unless I were a loan shark I would not lend a single penny to .So, for not only is it unable to manage it, but it would be squandered. There are neither credible institutions nor capable technocrats in .So. Good luck with the debt hunt, by the way.
Are you a commander or a general in the military? I doubt it, yet it didn’t stop you from adding your two cents on military issues in the replies above, did it? It’s your right, why do I need to be a graduate of Wharton to participate? I could simply be ignored instead.

Also, all of the financial information on the path to debt relief, government relationship with global financial institutions, and future programs and projections are all available online.

There is no reality in Dr Strange’s Multiverse of realities where a Somalia that misappropriated $355 million would be eligible for debt relief, so let’s keep it realistic.

Of course Somalia would be eligible for debt relief, in fact, countries that routinely misappropriate and even default on loans, are given even more loans.
His heart is in it for the right reasons, but is a dreamer, and will not acknowledge wherein lies the big problem.

In all seriousness, unless I were a loan shark I would not lend a single penny to .So, for not only is it unable to manage it, but it would be squandered. There are neither credible institutions nor capable technocrats in .So. Good luck with the debt hunt, by the way.

I want to know what they want out of giving us these loans, is this the infamous resource-backed loan? What will they take, when, not if, Somalia cannot repay back all the money that will be stolen.
I want to know what they want out of giving us these loans, is this the infamous resource-backed loan? What will they take, when, not if, Somalia cannot repay back all the money that will be stolen.
Absolutely, as happened elsewhere, with Sri Lanka being the perfect example, but then again @Three Moons does not care about that. It was not his, and shall not be his either. It is a culture of 'what can I pillage now'.
Absolutely, as happened elsewhere, with Sri Lanka being the perfect example, but then again @Three Moons does not care about that. It was not his, and shall not be his either. It is a culture of 'what can I pillage now'.

I am always amazed at how forgiving/naive Muslims are, they actually trust the same people that colonised our people, and don't think all these endless loans, are nothing more than a trap into perpetual adoon-nimo. This is precisely, why they love propping up these halfwit dictators, because they are banking on the loans not being repaid.

Debt-trap diplomacy is a term to describe an international financial relationship where a creditor country or institution extends debt to a borrowing nation partially, or solely, to increase the lender's political leverage. The creditor country is said to extend excessive credit to a debtor country with the intention of extracting economic or political concessions when the debtor country becomes unable to meet its repayment obligations. The conditions of the loans are often not publicized.[1] The borrowed money commonly pays for contractors and materials sourced from the creditor country.

I swear to you no hawiye has ever taken fighting talk from a darood serious especially mj

idinkoo ordaayo ee xabada idin qabataa sida kaptan geesdiir. Nin mj oo xabad asagoo soo jeedo ku dhacdhay maba jiro :chrisfreshhah:
The same MJs that chased you out of Galkacyo and took your tanks kkk... the same tanks that were being used in Goojacade:russ:
I am always amazed at how kind-hearted and naive Muslims are, they actually trust the same people that colonised our people, and don't think all these endless loans, are nothing more than a trap into perpetual adoon-nimo. This is precisely, why they love propping up these halfwit dictators, because they are banking on the loans not being repaid.
Even worse. And I did not want to bring in the prohibitive interest factor into conversation, and by the way, for the 1st 5 years all payments towards the loan are interest alone.

The best way to help economies of struggling nations is to help develop revenue sectors viz. livestock, fishing, farming, blue economy, alternative energy in the case of .So, and rebuild slowly and gradually small-scale revenue generating infrastructure projects with interest-free grants, but definitely not with exploitative loans. No nation should be borrowing to pay salaries of its security forces. The worse thing to do is to spike them, and pile them with debt, which they could not afford, nor could repay.
The same MJs that chased you out of Galkacyo and took your tanks kkk... the same tanks that were being used in Goojacade:russ:

All of USC's tanks were taken from them and they are in the hands of ONE MJ sub sub sub sub clan. Fuleeyda waalan, and that's why we don't want them to have new weapons, because AlShabab will snatch it, like always.

You know how Majeerteenia had two schools of thought in the 1800s to early 1900s? Majeerteenia vs Hobyo Sultanate

School of thought 1. This was 'mind your own business' and stay in your land- Majeerteenia
School of thought 2. Expanding South to counter Oman's power- Hobyo Sultanate

Maybe Suldaan Keenadiid/Hobyo Sultanate was right, and we do need to Colonise them (Humanely) to save them from themselves. Not much has changed walahi, only the names of the players.
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All of USC's tanks were taken from them. Fuleeyda waalan, and that's why we don't want them to have new weapons, because AlShabab will snatch it, like always.

You know how Majeerteenia had two schools of thought in the 1800s to early 1900s? Majeerteenia vs Hobyo Sultanate

School of thought 1. This was 'mind your own business' and stay in your land- Majeerteenia
School of thought 2. Expanding South to counter Oman's power- Hobyo Sultanate

Maybe Suldaan Keenadiid/Hobyo Sultanate was right, and we do need to Colonise them (Humanely) to save them from themselves. Not much has changed walahi, only the names of the players.
What's worse is he's Abgal, the same clan that got xooged for the capital by HG, I can't believe he's talking wallahi. :russ:


There are Hawiye alive today who were born in the Sultanate of Hobyo. I will leave it at that.
You damn well know 'Uasle' were never under you my boy, the italians had to regularly get inbetween your so called sultanate and 'uasle' all the way in Mudug, thats a sub of Abgaal Cisman :heh: when things get hot call me hawiye eboow waa caadi. We're not baraxleey to beledweyne and everything inbetween (Dhuuso, Guriceel, Ceel Buur, Matabaan) where your so called sultan supposedly had influence.

I'll pull up the sources if you like
Is an Abgaal talking about dagaal? Name one dagaal you won and don't add when you snatched xalwad and Ugaali out of 0.5 mouths. You can't even free yourself from AlShabab and live under AMISOM troops. The only time you have energy is when you burn your own homes and chop up your own relatives. Didn't your President beg Hawadle to free you? Didn't he also try to get Dhulbahante troops to jump in?

Aduunyo! We have these weak HAGs who have shamed the Somali name, talking about bravery when their testicles get fondled by foreign troops, in their own land.

Afkaaga xiro when you are in the presence of FREE PEOPLE, maganta AMISOM.

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Ayeeyo inkasto aa dumar tahay I'll entertain you

We're free from shabaab and 3.5k amisom have left Middle Shabelle. These are facts.

No xawaadle helped anybody and I don't know what you talking about when you say my president asked for dhulbahante to jump in? Is there footage? No because it was AAW talking on dhulos. The president you speak of is the president that will turn the interim SSC to a fully fledged FMS and that happens bother PL. HS, KGS, GM and JL will welcome Khaatumo. Bear in mind this govt signed off on the current interim SSC maamul

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
It is inevitable whether you like it or not, SNA and NISA will be an integral part of Puntland very soon. You can't use SL rhetoric and think you're part of Somalia, it doesn't work that way!
We can't even agree on how to go forward in completing the dasturi, system of governance etc and here these folks are talking about SNA clan militias in PL. Very delusional talk.
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We can't even agree on how to go forward in completing the dasturi, system of governance etc and here these folks are talking about SNA clan militias in PL. Very delusional talk.
We couldn't agree on the issue of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Completion Point yet it is about to be reached in this coming week whether some folks like it or not.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
We couldn't agree on the issue of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Completion Point yet it is about to be reached in this coming week whether some folks like it or not.
Anything Garguurte does has nothing to do with us. There will never be moryaan SNA/NISA presence on our lands. Waa xaaran


Bantu Liberation Movement
They should have 0 army and 100,000 police. They can't depend on the African Union forever, these Mogadishans. But I suspect, no amount will solve the civilization question.
The budget would have to be pushed to $5 billion first, which is a low estimate to what Somalia could generate internally with a good tax-system. A 5% transaction tax on the mobile money industry alone could yield $1.6 billion extra for the State based on 2018 figures, though starting with a 1% tax would be less disruptive.

A strong national police force is still the best solution for Somalia and internal stability. 80k standing Army is not necessary, the prewar military that brought the Ethiopian empire to its knees and put fear in the hearts of the wider region was only 30 to 40k.

Ideally the country would have a 30k standing military, 50k reserves (who continue civilian life as military trained engineers, architects, police-officers, industrial park managers, captains of container ships, airlines pilots, instructors, etc) 5k border guards, and a 40k Police Force consisting of officers with a navy blue or grey version of the Haramcad uniform;

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Gendermarie is what's needed