National Armed Forces will increase to 70 thousand!


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
That would be good to see. No reason for SNA to be in JL,KGS,HS,GM and not have a presence in PL and SL. We should have SNA in all four corners of the country. It would be nice to see hsm make that happen.

There is no SNA. It's a glorified a Hawiye militia.
Even with all of the weapons the FGS could buy and 70k troops, they would not dare step foot into PL. We would retaliate by bulldozing every Hawiye town from Baraxley to Beledweyne.

Hawiye know not to antagonize us too much.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The fact that you mischaracterise a common feature of propelling a country to economic growth is clear evidence that you are not in this thread with a genuine interest to discuss ways that Somalia could improve its military or its economy. I guess all of these countries below fall under the same categories?

Egypt, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and Nigeria are all either failed or failing states.
Egypt, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and Nigeria are all either failed or failing states.
As a former grief recovery specialist for demoralised ethiopians I agree with your statement laf iyo harag. It’s definitely failing…⏰…tik…tok….tik….tok
channel zero horror GIF by SYFY


There is no SNA. It's a glorified a Hawiye militia.
Even with all of the weapons the FGS could buy and 70k troops, they would not dare step foot into PL. We would retaliate by bulldozing every Hawiye town from Baraxley to Beledweyne.

Hawiye know not to antagonize us too much.

I swear to you no hawiye has ever taken fighting talk from a darood serious especially mj

idinkoo ordaayo ee xabada idin qabataa sida kaptan geesdiir. Nin mj oo xabad asagoo soo jeedo ku dhacdhay maba jiro :chrisfreshhah:
Number of soldiers doesn't matter if the govt is corrupt and the soldiers have no will to fight, for instance afghan govt had about 300000 soldiers before taliban takeover in 2021

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
Good old bah humbug; let me ask you: toss the complexities of financial statements to aside for a moment, have you ever reconciled a double ledger? if so, could you offer an instance?

I’m not an accountant / book-keeper, so why would I? Is this another instance of you flexing your financial background instead of simply answering my question on what the government should do from your perspective?

I swear to you no hawiye has ever taken fighting talk from a darood serious especially mj

idinkoo ordaayo ee xabada idin qabataa sida kaptan geesdiir. Nin mj oo xabad asagoo soo jeedo ku dhacdhay maba jiro :chrisfreshhah:

Is an Abgaal talking about dagaal? Name one dagaal you won and don't add when you snatched xalwad and Ugaali out of 0.5 mouths. You can't even free yourself from AlShabab and live under AMISOM troops. The only time you have energy is when you burn your own homes and chop up your own relatives. Didn't your President beg Hawadle to free you? Didn't he also try to get Dhulbahante troops to jump in?

Aduunyo! We have these weak HAGs who have shamed the Somali name, talking about bravery when their testicles get fondled by foreign troops, in their own land.

Afkaaga xiro when you are in the presence of FREE PEOPLE, maganta AMISOM.

Anyway, Puntland will never accept weak and useless non-Puntite troops on our soil. Now will we integrate our troops with mooryaan with no wins on their record.
Let them learn how to fight, and after that, let them emancipate themselves first. How laughable and ludicrous.
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Guul iyo Gobanimo
Anyway, Puntland will never accept weak and useless non-Puntite troops on our soil. Now will we integrate our troops with mooryaan with no wins on their record.
Let them learn how to fight, and after that, let them emancipate themselves first. How laughable and ludicrous.
It is inevitable whether you like it or not, SNA and NISA will be an integral part of Puntland very soon. You can't use SL rhetoric and think you're part of Somalia, it doesn't work that way!
It is inevitable whether you like it or not, SNA and NISA will be an integral part of Puntland very soon. You can't use SL rhetoric and think you're part of Somalia, it doesn't work that way!

I'll use whatever rhetoric I want and Somalia is not a religious decree. I want Puntland to be part of a system that suits its needs, I don't care what suits the needs of less efficient states. It is not our job to babysit this useless and infantilised nation.

Let every FMS have their own army which can then jointly come under one Central Somali command if there is a foreign threat. Qofwalba gurigiisa haku eekaado.
If I was Puntland President, I would offer Puntland soldiers to replace the useless SNA in South Somalia. In return we should get an army base, political representation and land in every FMS we have liberated.

No such thing as a free lunch and certainly no such thing as free dhimasho iyo dhaawac. It already pisses me off that there are Puntites in the corrupt, bullshit, Hawiye majority "SNA". They get ambushed and shot in the back, after being set up by Damul Jadiid.
I’m not an accountant / book-keeper, so why would I? Is this another instance of you flexing your financial background
One must be financially literate in discussing these matters. The idea is to incubate sense in your debt-hooked mind esp. where you come across as if unaware of the perils of debt and loan sharks. In your hasty sprint, you are no different from an addict, in failing to grasp the perils of debt, and subsequently defaulting in repayments.

Could you afford to pay 8 million dollars a month on a loan, which is not generating revenue to even cover the costs of carrying the loan? No, you could not, yet you are so blinded by your addiction you could not possibly see the improbability of your becoming beholden to rogue lending houses.

Bear in mind, a factor, which further stagnates economic growth of struggling nations is conditions and demands attached to loans by rogue agents/nations, who force poor nations addicted to debt just like a junkie is to his drugs supplier.

Opinions must be grounded in veracity, and not in fanciful figments. It was to further demonstrate knowledge of the subject you so passionately speak of is required, and to underscore the dangers surrounding forming opinions in vacuum in facts-free world.

Again, do not let me slow you down. Do proceed.

instead of simply answering my question on what the government should do from your perspective?
Oh I did answer, but you probably failed to see it.

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
One must be financially literate in discussing these matters.


The idea is to incubate sense in your debt-hooked mind esp. where you come across as if unaware of the perils of debt and loan sharks. In your hasty sprint, you are no different from an addict, in failing to grasp the perils of debt, and subsequently defaulting in repayments.

Somalia defaulted because of a prolonged war, which erased its financial institutions, majority of the debt was accumulated during that period. It’s not comparable to being an addict, because this debt is a legacy from the 1980s, there is a 40+ year gap between the issuance of those loans and the situation of today.

It would be like a person taking out loans as a 25 year old to buy a house, falling into a coma and waking up years later with a mountain of debt to pay off, all of which thankfully is erased by the banks in question due to the person’s special circumstances and who have decided not to foreclose. No organisation, institute or rehab clinic would characterise this individual as being an addict.

However, that same person’s house during those same comatose years fell into ruins, and needs to be restored to increase its value, but you want to sell us the idea that this person could do all of that without financial support? When I asked you what the person could do instead, you deflected with pretentious financial waffle instead of delivering on the question head on.

Could you afford to pay 8 million dollars a month on a loan, which is not generating revenue to even cover the costs of carrying the loan? No, you could not, yet you are so blinded by your addiction you could not possibly see the improbability of your becoming beholden to rogue lending houses.

There are plenty of avenues the current government is actively working on to expand their tax-base. You actually believe that $8 million a month is out of Somalia’s capacity, when the current government is collecting more than that on a monthly basis from a single city like Mogadishu? A military expansion to other regions with multiple cities and ports, would increase this figure multifold, therefore increasing the funding for that same military is a great ROI.

Not to mention this same military spends it monthly salary on domestic goods and services, therefore the money returns to the Somali economy, which in turn the government steadily seeks to tax on a greater scale.

A Win, Win, Win situation if I ever saw one.

Bear in mind, a factor, which further stagnates economic growth of struggling nations is conditions and demands attached to loans by rogue agents/nations, who force poor nations addicted to debt just like a junkie is to his drugs supplier.

This is more fear mongering.

Opinions must be grounded in veracity, and not in fanciful figments. It was to further demonstrate knowledge of the subject you so passionately speak of is required, and to underscore the dangers surrounding forming opinions in vacuum in facts-free world.

  • First of all, the figure you originally stated as being the Somali budget was 1/3th of what it actually is, yet you claim to be a champion of facts, unless you want to rehash it as an opinion?

  • Year on year the government budget has grown bigger with the percentage of domestic collection increasing steadily, a fact.

  • Fiscal programs spanning two different administrations have demonstrated sound economic reforms on the part of Somali financial institutions allowing Somalia to eventually reach the critical Decision Point and the erasure of all of its legacy debt dating from the 1980s.

  • Post-HIIPC debt management protocols to make future loans sustainable and manageable are already in the works for a post-debt relief Somalia, which is something a new government in the 1990s would have been doing if one was actually formed during that time-period. Thankfully there is a system in place today that can oversee such a program to increase Somalia’s debt carrying capacity and threshold on an annual basis.

  • Despite several multimillion dollar credit injections by global finance institutions, you demonised, Somalia’s economy continues to grow, with the only shocks coming from climate and conflict related issues.

  • The salary of the Armed Forces has doubled and troop numbers continue to rise with more training and recruitment.
None of the above facts are my personal fanciful figments of my imagination, that’s clear cut progress. These doomsday hypotheticals about loansharks, junkies and my supposed illiteracy in financials are just neat deflections to hide that you have no actual alternative approach to the matter.

If you did, you would be joining the Federal government or a regional admin to disburse this grand wealth of financial literacy, seeing as you consider yourself to be above the current Somali economists and financial institutions that are actually delivering on their promise to get Somalia’s debt erased.

Oh I did answer, but you probably failed to see it.

Sure, just like that Pink elephant that flew past my window.
Somalia defaulted because of a prolonged war, which erased its financial institutions, majority of the debt was accumulated during that period. It’s not comparable to being an addict, because this debt is a legacy from the 1980s, there is a 40+ year gap between the issuance of those loans and the situation of today.
In other words, you have no responsibility of debts acquired under the Somali name, yet are now seeking more debts secured under the same name; in the lending world, that is called unworthy creditor. A classic sign of a true addict.
I’m not an accountant / book-keeper, so why would I? Is this another instance of you flexing your financial background instead of simply answering my question on what the government should do from your perspective?

If you're not an accountant or a book-keeper, where is all this support for the Somali Government and its economists, coming from? Should you not research what you are supporting? Politicians love people like you by the way, they simply adore them. You make their lives so much easier.

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
In other words, you have no responsibility of debts acquired under the Somali name, yet are now seeking more debts secured under the same name; in the lending world, that is called unworthy creditor. A classic sign of a true addict.

Debt ballooning to an unsustainable level through due decades of accumulated interest because the state in question was incapacitated as a result of war does not equal a lack of responsibility. More importantly, the only way to build up your credit worthiness, is not to run away from using credit, but to create a history of using it in a responsible manner, which is clearly the case with the Somalia of today or debt relief wouldn’t have been on the table to begin with.

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
If you're not an accountant or a book-keeper, where is all this support for the Somali Government and its economists, coming from? Should you not research what you are supporting? Politicians love people like you by the way, they simply adore them. You make their lives so much easier.

Are you a commander or a general in the military? I doubt it, yet it didn’t stop you from adding your two cents on military issues in the replies above, did it? It’s your right, why do I need to be a graduate of Wharton to participate? I could simply be ignored instead.

Also, all of the financial information on the path to debt relief, government relationship with global financial institutions, and future programs and projections are all available online.

There is no reality in Dr Strange’s Multiverse of realities where a Somalia that misappropriated $355 million would be eligible for debt relief, so let’s keep it realistic.