Nasa Proves School Makes You Dumb

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NASA Study Shows That We Are All Born Creative Geniuses But School Makes Us Dumber


highly specialized test that would provide them the means to measure the creative potential of rocket scientists and engineers efficiently. Therefore, the duo came up with a rather unorthodox test, that was rooted in the process of divergent thinking; that's the ability to look at a certain problem and suggest multiple solutions.

NASA was very satisfied with the efficacy of the test's results, and so it proved to be a great success. However, Land and Jarman — who had apparently explored the concept of creativity in great detail while devising that test — decided they wanted to explore and try to understand the actual source of creativity better. Was it a genetic trait, the result of life experience, or something else?

As the test Land and Jarman created for NASA was very simple, it could be applied to any age group. Therefore, the researchers found 1,600 kids aged four to five years old, and decided to measure their progress. They were shocked by what they discovered.

Out of the 1,600 children that took the test, 98% of them scored at a genius level! Excited by those incredible findings, the researchers decided to transform this test into a longitudinal study and then give the same group of kids the same test again in five years time. Once again their findings were shocking, though this time for conversely different reasons. As these same kids, by now in grade school, had declined to just 30%, which is a 68% reduction! The same study was conducted again five years later on the same group of children — by now in high school — and they had again dropped down to just 12%!

Disturbed, but still intrigued by the results, Land decided to conduct the same test on adults aged 25 years old and up (with an average age of 31). After several studies, what he invariably discovered, was that less than 2% of all the adults scored at genius level. For those who question the consistency of the results — or think they may be isolated incidences — these results have actually been replicated more than a million times![1]

The implications of this profound test are rather self-evident. We're innately born with the potential of becoming a creative genius, but the moment we enter the education system, we get dramatically dumbed down. The reason for this isn't too difficult to understand; school is an institution which has historically been put in place to serve the needs of the ruling class, not of the common people. Whether it was ancient Sparta, Germanic Prussia, or the more contemporary industrial American system, education always served as the “lawful” means of mass indoctrination.[2]

You see, kids pose the greatest threat to this corrupt system. Their “wild imaginations” are so vivid and remarkable, that if left unchecked could lead to a creative revolution that will ultimately compromise the ruling class’s proverbial game of monopoly. For the so-called elite to keep their lavish life style’s of overt luxury, they understand that kids must be dumbed down and brainwashed to serve their rapacious system of unending exploitation and incessant war.

Creativity is born in the brain; especially imagination. The good news is that in spite of the ruling class’s best efforts to make us dumber, the imagination can only be suppressed, it can't be killed. Every night when you go to sleep, your imagination gets stimulated.[3] Therefore, your creative potential is sleeping within and just needs to be reawakened and rehabilitated.

According to George Land, based on all his studies and the brain scans he has looked at, we need to learn how to judge less and understand more. We need to criticize less and be curious more. Land also cites fear and anxiety as being exceedingly counterproductive.

Some of the most effective ways to deal with those mental debilitations include practices such as yoga, meditation, or physical exercise, as they all help to reduce stress and anxiety. They also inspire a process called neurogenesis; that's the creation of new brain cells. Diet also plays a vital role in mental strength and overall wellbeing.

You also need to challenge your belief system regularly. It is essential to realize that whatever view you currently hold of the world, it is partly — if not entirely — the result of some cultural or societal indoctrination; and that no matter how much we believe we know, we are all ignorant one way or another.

Remember this well: the system is built on our imaginations. Therefore, money has imaginary value; the government has imaginary authority, but we have imaginary limits. So, if we want to change things, we need to start with our imagination.

Reference: The Mind Unleashed


1] George Land, Beth Jarman (1992), Breakpoint and Beyond: Mastering the Future – Today

2] John Taylor Gatto (2000), The Underground History of American Education

3] Nir, Y., & Tononi, G. (2010). Dreaming and the brain: from phenomenology to neurophysiology. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14(2), 88.


I had a damn feeling this was the case. There is no explaining why millions leave universities and colleges and produce nothing substantial, it's just a damn zombie machine and since none of you guys on the SPOT ever listen to me, you can listen to your damn institution NASA that you trust who is clearly saying the same thing.

The education system is created for the wealthy to keep the masses dumb and un-questioning and never coming up with anything beyond the indoctrination of college or universities. The education system is geared towards creating factory workers basically, that actually makes sense but I just called them zombies not knowing the education system was developed in the factory age who needed just zombies who can follow instructions at the plant.

You are still learning under that SYSTEM you won't ever be creative through that system. They suggested some points such as yoga, exercise, meditation. I mentioned the importance of meditation to you guys but you just simply IGNORE IT. You need to get out of your comfort zones if you wanna be creative and question everything you been taught up until now.

I actually wish I could do an expremiment one day where I take a kid into the jungle give him food and water and no contact with society and see what the REAL human is like without the society brainwashing. It will be interesting because that will tell you a-lot about yourself.


This is why I want to homeschool my kids!

I noticed something was wrong in university, they are more concerned who you read, how you source it, structure it, it's not really about adding any value, it's just following the structure of learning they lay down and this makes the mind shut down eventually to ever think for itself as you fear you will be considered wrong or fail, so you enter the world with this 'rules' mind-set and looking for rules before you do anything cause your whole mind has been structured to follow rules. So the mind goes into hibernation and you just become a zomby, that's my view anyways.

Wallahi, I would see zombies at my workplace and just look around sometimes and know we aint heading anywhere but the same place over and over again and at the same time you can't say shit either as the whole place is zombied out. It felt like your the only who was actually alive and the rest were just robotic. It's not a good feeling that's all I will say and kills the morale. But there are some people i've noticed who aren't like that but they are very far n few between. I think they realized the game of life those ones, there is no fucking rules here you need to drop the rules mindset. I still even struggle to shake off this rules based mindset lol so it's not an easy task and takes a long time from what I can imagine.

But the mind can be opened up. Meditation is one way but just consider the world as Charles Darwin said, it's purely survival there is no right or wrong if you see the sun rise the next day, you will really need to travel in my opinion also and see there isn't one way in life and we are all here still alive so they must of done something right. But I think the biggest way to open up creativity is you need to be put in a survival moment or think about it and trust me the creativeness will start rushing through.

You see it even on the SPOT everything they talk about such as race and all that was TAUGHT by the system to them. If you watch all the discussions here, it's all been HANDED down to them by other men and they fight over being who's more slave minded then the other with their arguments, I never venture in those discussions, their just repeating the old same wheel expecting some different answer. They will die in this world adding nothing substantial other then repeating what has handed down to them and watch their faces on their death bed as the regrets start to pile up and that look of WHY DID I WASTE MY TIME.
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very lowkey
I noticed something was wrong in university, they are more concerned who you read, how you source it, structure it, it's not really about adding any value, it's just following the structure of learning they lay down and this makes the mind shut down eventually to ever think for itself as you fear you will be considered wrong or fail. So the mind goes into hibernation and you just become a zomby.

But the mind can be opened up. Meditation is one way but just consider the world as Charles Darwin said, it's purely survival there is no right or wrong if you see the sun rise the next day, you will really need to travel in my opinion also and see there isn't one way in life and we are all here still alive so they must of done something right. But I think the biggest way to open up creativity is you need to be put in a survival moment or think about it and trust me the creativeness will start rushing through.

You see it even on the SPOT everything they talk about such as race and all that was TAUGHT by the system to them. If you watch all the discussions here, it's all been HANDED down to them by other men and they fight over being who's more slave minded then the other with their arguments, I never venture in those discussions, their just repeating the old same wheel expecting some different answer. They will die in this world adding nothing substantial other then repeating what has handed down to them and watch their faces on their death bed as the regrets start to pile up and that look of WHY DID I WASTE MY TIME.
I agree with you, the education is system has no value anymore. And it is extremly flawed. It slows down very bright kids and strips away their love for education.

I remember being ahead of everyone in my classes in primary school. In literally every subject! They asked me to sit and wait until the rest of the white kids caught up to me.:O27GWRK:

Same thing is happening to my younger sisters. They are both science and language geniuses. My 10 year old sister can do advanced algebra and my 8 year sister can write and read fluently in three languages. The schools don’t have the tools to do anything for them!! We keep asking them to take advantage of these bright girls and help them reach their potential. And everytime we get the same replies back.

Where I live they also don’t allow kids to skip grades. So my sisters are stuck having to wait for everyone else to catch up. And by the time everyone else catches up to them, they will be fed up with the school system. (I know this first hand because the very same thing happened to me.) :uCkf6mf: They also don’t teach them anything substantial.

I freaking hate the schools here. I would never trust them with my own kids!!
I agree with you, the education is system has no value anymore. And it is extremly flawed. It slows down very bright kids and strips away their love for education.

I remember being ahead of everyone in my classes in primary school. In literally every subject! They asked me to sit and wait until the rest of the white kids caught up to me.:O27GWRK:

Same thing is happening to my younger sisters. They are both science and language geniuses. My 10 year old sister can do advanced algebra and my 8 year sister can write and read fluently in three languages. The schools don’t have the tools to do anything for them!! We keep asking them to take advantage of these bright girls and help them reach their potential. And everytime we get the same replies back.

Where I live they also don’t allow kids to skip grades. So my sisters are stuck having to wait for everyone else to catch up. And by the time everyone else catches up to them, they will be fed up with the school system. (I know this first hand because the very same thing happened to me.) :uCkf6mf: They also don’t teach them anything substantial.

I freaking hate the schools here. I would never trust them with my own kids!!

You’d make a great mother. Let’s make babies!


This is why I want to homeschool my kids!

Have you noticed those rules based minds zombies who can't shake it off usually have similar traits that are similar. I mean there was this one guy who I used to work with, he was like a mid-manager and he would be great at his tasks but the second you take away the rules, wallahi he would be on the phone for help or if he encountered something that was different to his usual zomby task lol. But at the same time these are the people who laugh at you for making mistakes at the workplace, and I am like I don't care if i make mistakes, at least im trying something different then just following the same old order of work plus I am preparing myself for different scenarios in the future so if the facts change I know where to start without being on the phone for help.

So be weary of the zombies they have same traits, they are the first to laugh when mistakes happen cause they have that rules based mindset which punishes mistakes hence they never want to think beyond that rules based mindset for fear of being laughed at and stuff and hence he becomes a zomby for life and progresses up the ladder and u end up with the whole type of wrong people leading the place and then the whole place below it turns to shit. U got a zomby at the top and zombies at the bottom and in between.

I would blame them at the workplace and think what's wrong with these people but I am wiser now, I know their zombies due to the system structure, so it's not their fault and now I have to learn to adapt to them in the future because changing a zomby isn't possible it has been worked in him from a child till an adult. So I need to learn how to manuever around these people and keep them satisfied while keeping myself from becoming one.

But I mean honestly if those guys are great their tasks, why in the world are they doing something over and over again, not adding anything to change the outcome of work or the teams? you will see him sitting there for years just repeating how quick and fast he is at his tasks but his tasks NEVER CHANGE, he provides no value to reduce it or make it efficient and now I know why, it's cause of the society brainwashing him, his basically a factory worker in a suit now lol long story short.
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I agree with you, the education is system has no value anymore. And it is extremly flawed. It slows down very bright kids and strips away their love for education.

I remember being ahead of everyone in my classes in primary school. In literally every subject! They asked me to sit and wait until the rest of the white kids caught up to me.:O27GWRK:

Same thing is happening to my younger sisters. They are both science and language geniuses. My 10 year old sister can do advanced algebra and my 8 year sister can write and read fluently in three languages. The schools don’t have the tools to do anything for them!! We keep asking them to take advantage of these bright girls and help them reach their potential. And everytime we get the same replies back.

Where I live they also don’t allow kids to skip grades. So my sisters are stuck having to wait for everyone else to catch up. And by the time everyone else catches up to them, they will be fed up with the school system. (I know this first hand because the very same thing happened to me.) :uCkf6mf: They also don’t teach them anything substantial.

I freaking hate the schools here. I would never trust them with my own kids!!

I suggest you travel, not to your comfort zones though just to reinforce your already established views, you won't ever learn to break that rules-mindset. You know how I devastated I was when I travelled and a 10 year old boy on the streets in a poor country knew more about life then me. That's when I realized, all that I grew up with is going out the window, I just didn't know how to do it but I knew I had to change just didn't know the way I would.

For example you can tell a slave mindset he will want to know the INSTITUTIONS say something, like you see on spot who say PROVIDE ME YOUR SOURCE? notice it's the slave mindset around rules and shit, it's the structure of thinking from university lol. They don't look at the value what is someone saying, it's WHO IS SAYING IT? trust me, I listen to anyone nowadays not just people in suits, cause life changing ideas can come from anywhere, it did for me.


very lowkey
I suggest you travel, not to your comfort zones though just to reinforce your already established views, you won't ever learn to break that rules-mindset. You know how I devastated I was when I travelled and a 10 year old boy on the streets in a poor country knew more about life then me. That's when I realized, all that I grew up with is going out the window, I just didn't know how to do it but I knew I had to change just didn't know the way I would.

For example you can tell a slave mindset he will want to know the INSTITUTIONS say something, like you see on spot who say PROVIDE ME YOUR SOURCE? notice it's the slave mindset around rules and shit, it's the structure of thinking from university lol. They don't look at the value what is someone saying, it's WHO IS SAYING IT? trust me, I listen to anyone nowadays not just people in suits, cause life changing ideas can come from anywhere, it did for me.
Masha’Allah. Brother you are so wise. You remind me of the poets and storytellers back home. I wish more people were like you. Unfortunately most of us are bound by our societies, and can’t think much for ourselves.

I have travelled a few times. I studied abroad for a year and I am currently living in another city. Travelling is definitely a source of healing for me.

Wow. I can read your post all day. :rolleyes: They really enrich my mind. It’s a type of knowledge you wouldn’t gain from 3-5 years at University.


Masha’Allah. Brother you are so wise. You remind me of the poets and storytellers back home. I wish more people were like you. Unfortunately most of us are bound by our societies, and can’t think much for ourselves.

I have travelled a few times. I studied abroad for a year and I am currently living in another city. Travelling is definitely a source of healing for me.

Wow. I can read your post all day. :rolleyes: They really enrich my mind. It’s a type of knowledge you wouldn’t gain from 3-5 years at University.

Yeah the travelling will heal you trust me, just make sure you drop the rules mind-set. Answers to life can be found anywhere not just some western man in a suit looking over statistics lol. He thinks the world is some sort of place with rules lol. It's just a zomby with glasses on, cause becareful zombies come in all shapes, colors, faiths, and so forth.

You will see it even with people who work in technical areas like infrastructure, factories, plumbing, electrician. It doesn't matter because a zomby is a culture, it's not a profession as it's built into all of us through childhood untill we leave school. But the biggest battle you will find in life is questioning your values and morals and learning what you are without society telling you what you are. If you can come over that hurdle, the rest of the battles get a little lesser as that is the biggest thing to overcome is values and morals. I came to own my conclusions about them and there is a huge relief at the end when u do.

Just remember @SumMo society are humans just like you and they make mistakes, don't worship them like their perfect and once you know they are not perfect, you won't feel guilty about beginning the exploration stage of to find yourself and good luck or else enjoy the zomby life.

The exploration stage of finding yourself is not one that is easy, their will be tears, anger, frustration, if you come out of if easy, I doubt you really did it right. You need to question things like the dark aspects of you. Will u kill? why and why not? will you rape why or why not? where did you get this idea it's bad or good and then picture yourself in different scenarios and watching people who do kill. Then you move onto stealing and same pattern. Then it's love, hate, anger, and all of it. It's not easy task but you the first bridge u need to cross is you need to accept your parents and society or religion even are consisted of human beings just like yourself, when you accept that you will accept they can make mistakes and from that you can begin the journey with no worries or looking back.

I came to the conclusion at the end, I have no values or morals because I don't believe I will lose sleep or cry or be affected by alot of these things, it leaves no impact on me if you take away society brainwashing and I concluded I will explore life to figure my morals and values out for myself which may mean doing some fucked up shit in the future but I need to or else I won't know if it really is my values or not.

Before I close on this matter, just remember if society is so right about religion, values, morals, and everything else, why is it everything is so SCREWED up in society? if they got that wrong which they obviously did, they could've of got everything else wrong be it religion, values, morals. Don't feel guilty to begin your self exploration, you need to do it or else you will join the zombies and you know where the zombies are going, even if you come with no answer at the end it's better then following the sheep because a new route to your life will give u hope it might turn out good or bad or even worse but it's far better then joining the pact where the outcome is WELL KNOWN to you.
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@SumMo I think a picture says far more then words. This is what I mean with self-exploration for yourself, you might not know where your heading and that's just to scary for a rule based mind zomby, but you know where the slaves are going so at least you will have hope in the end, the road you take may lead to a better outcome and if it doesn't at least you know they didn't head anywhere either. It's a lonely road sister, a very lonely one and when you find someone who is on that path too, you should marry them instantly as you can bounce ideas of each other to make the path end well but it's a lonely road I am not gonna lie to you noone in society will agree with you so don't expect some sort of 'reassurance' lol, your on your own!!!

So much pseudoscience in this thread that it is slightly triggering.
Firstly the source is a website is a "mystic" website which consistently releases unverifiable and misleading information.That immediately casts doubt on the information shown here.Now for the actual content although the teaching model may not foster creative growth constantly it has been shown to produce scientists of all calibres which have helped advance humanity exponentially.Creativity is something people are inherently born with, it has no "set" levels and varies widely between people, when younger we often think tangentially as we don't understand many things. It , for children , is a sign of ignorance rather than genius.School focuses on refining certain characteristics depending on your avenue.Eg English , maths etc.

Although school isn't perfect it has produced results and instead of "cancelling" such an institution we must refine it to push people to discover for themselves rather than follow algorithms.In university the main goal is to teach you how to do certain things as well as how to formulate systems independently, so I would argue @DR OSMAN is confused.

Finally @DR OSMAN has the mentality where he sees everyone in educational institutions as wrong simply due to his ignorance in many fields he tries to contend with.It is the result of not going through an educational system.Infact he reminds me of someone I met who thought he was a genius but to me sounded like an irrational person.

This is why I want to homeschool my kids!
Homeschooling is the worst thing you could do to your children.Homeschooled children have consistently been shown to lack in both social and educational skills.Often they fall short due to the lax atmosphere along with lack of commitment due to the high prices of a personal tutor.


So much pseudoscience in this thread that it is slightly triggering.
Firstly the source is a website is a "mystic" website which consistently releases unverifiable and misleading information.That immediately casts doubt on the information shown here.Now for the actual content although the teaching model may not foster creative growth constantly it has been shown to produce scientists of all calibres which have helped advance humanity exponentially.Creativity is something people are inherently born with, it has no "set" levels and varies widely between people, when younger we often think tangentially as we don't understand many things. It , for children , is a sign of ignorance rather than genius.School focuses on refining certain characteristics depending on your avenue.Eg English , maths etc.

Although school isn't perfect it has produced results and instead of "cancelling" such an institution we must refine it to push people to discover for themselves rather than follow algorithms.In university the main goal is to teach you how to do certain things as well as how to formulate systems independently, so I would argue @DR OSMAN is confused.

Finally @DR OSMAN has the mentality where he sees everyone in educational institutions as wrong simply due to his ignorance in many fields he tries to contend with.It is the result of not going through an educational system.Infact he reminds me of someone I met who thought he was a genius but to me sounded like an irrational person.

Homeschooling is the worst thing you could do to your children.Homeschooled children have consistently been shown to lack in both social and educational skills.Often they fall short due to the lax atmosphere along with lack of commitment due to the high prices of a personal tutor.

The fact remains millions are churned out of those universities and the figures are very low in terms of tangible results. The pool of people that walk thru the doors of academia and what they actually provide in real measurable terms is very minimal brother? whether you want to accept that or not. If one person adds something it doesn't negate the facts millions of others didn't. The school system is screwed and anyone who can't see that is insane.

We should've of progressed way further then what we are right now, we don't even understand cancers properly or diseases and it's due to churning out these rules-based zombies who don't add any value other then repeating the same nonsense. Yes the zombies will say your irrational and mad, I expect nothing short of them as they are zombies for god sakes, didn't I tell the sister it will be a lonely road you won't get reassurance from the zombies at all.

Creativity is in all of us, so I disagree with that statement it's a gift it's not, we don't have different brains, it's just you refuse to open yours because of society and institutional brain-washing. The kid experiment proves it's in all of us, it's just you never will see it my brother because your a slave of the system.
The fact remains millions are churned out of those universities and the figures are very low in terms of tangible results. The pool of people that walk thru the doors of academia and what they actually provide in real measurable terms is very minimal brother? whether you want to accept that or not. If one person adds something it doesn't negate the facts millions of others didn't. The school system is screwed and anyone who can't see that is insane.

We should've of progressed way further then what we are right now, we don't even understand cancers properly or diseases and it's due to churning out these rules-based zombies who don't add any value other then repeating the same nonsense. Yes the zombies will say your irrational and mad, I expect nothing short of them as they are zombies for god sakes, didn't I tell the sister it will be a lonely road you won't get reassurance from the zombies at all.

Creativity is in all of us, so I disagree with that statement it's a gift it's not, we don't have different brains, it's just you refuse to open yours because of society and institutional brain-washing. The kid experiment proves it's in all of us, it's just you never will see it my brother because your a slave of the system.
Firstly, Universities pump out graduates of a certain calibre only a few go to top universities which create the truly "revolutionary".Most universities pump out politicians, scientists etc each one of them lives lives and advances the world in a different way.For example an electrical engineer may not discover anything new but he sure as hell can help companies bring a constant flow of electricity to the people.This is his job, whether he wants to change the world is up to him and has nothing to do with university or lack of it.

Lack of understanding of diseases and other conundrums are due to lack of funding by research fields. Research is only a small part of University graduates and is often limited to affluent nations.Not to mention that millions of science grads that want to go into research but are hindered because there is no real need for funding of most ideas.However what we have seen is steps to curing many illnesses through Mass education. Vaccinations, fluid simulations, chemical systems etc can now all be analysed better due to the advent of education.I mean all Science Grads release a thesis on solving a problem! some of which transformed many fields.The real question you should ask yourself is how many people do you see discovering cures etc who haven't studied in a university? the answer is close to none!

Creativity might not be inherent but it sure as hell disproportionate.


@CangeeroBear I think if there is a heaven there will be a heaven where the zombies stay in their zone zombying out and the creative folks stick in the creative zone. To be creative isn't a profession believe it or not. I read mystic stuff yes, I do watch arts and paintings, I do meditation, I also read professions especially the creative people in it as they exist anywhere and also religion as I think they are the creative kings of all cause the sheer amount of people they have speaks for itself.

Zombies are also in every facet of life be it religion, science, academia, technical areas, I just know how to spot them and move along. I don't know how to explain it my brother, but you just know when someone is creative or not, you get the vibe immediately and of the key signs is their not happy with the way THINGS ARE and they are looking for routes to change it.

So I listen to 2pac, read buddha, mohamed, philsophers, science, generals and politics, cause they exist anywhere, but the most creative in my view right now in our world are artists especially the ones with words and paintings. They concieve things we can't concieve of, that's just strange in my book and takes creativity to a whole new level. But they also have their zombies and u can tell they just produce crap we already can concieve of lol.

Science isn't creative bro whether u want to accept it unless in the big areas time-space-gravity and so forth the rest is just testing and following experimentation rules lol. I know zombies sxb you ain't going to tell me who they are, I know their traits.
@CangeeroBear I think if there is a heaven there will be a heaven where the zombies stay in their zone zombying out and the creative folks stick in the creative zone. To be creative isn't a profession believe it or not. I read mystic stuff yes, I do watch arts and paintings, I do meditation, I also read professions especially the creative people in it as they exist anywhere and also religion as I think they are the creative kings of all cause the sheer amount of people they have speaks for itself.

Zombies are also in every facet of life be it religion, science, academia, technical areas, I just know how to spot them and move along. I don't know how to explain it my brother, but you just know when someone is creative or not, you get the vibe immediately and of the key signs is their not happy with the way THINGS ARE and they are looking for routes to change it.

So I listen to 2pac, read buddha, mohamed, philsophers, science, generals and politics, cause they exist anywhere, but the most creative in my view right now in our world are artists especially the ones with words and paintings. They concieve things we can't concieve of, that's just strange in my book and takes creativity to a whole new level. But they also have their zombies and u can tell they just produce crap we already can concieve of lol.

Science isn't creative bro whether u want to accept it unless in the big areas time-space-gravity and so forth the rest is just testing and following experimentation rules lol. I know zombies sxb you ain't going to tell me who they are, I know their traits.
I'm not claiming that people are "zombies" rather I'm showing that "Zombies" are not caused by school but rather are inherent.Some people are not complacent and change the world others just live and let live.This has been throughout the centuries and has nothing to do with what you are on about.


I'm not claiming that people are "zombies" rather I'm showing that "Zombies" are not caused by school but rather are inherent.Some people are not complacent and change the world others just live and let live.This has been throughout the centuries and has nothing to do with what you are on about.

Brother it has to be school system, this is where they spend most of their formative part of life, then they walk outside in the world and see the same thing the system churned out and think this is the way only way and when the zombie see's someone say hey dude this shit don't look pretty in the world, something must be wrong he just looks at him and says what u say 'irrational' or 'insane'.

They did it with everyone in history prophets, scientists, philosophers, musicians(why u think tupac got killed), they don't like these people sxb they broke out of the zomby machine and expressed it with whatever their talents were.

Even politicians you see are simply mostly zombies just maintaining the system, let's not kid ourselves here. It's the same approach through-out each country, some nations zomby out better(developed nations) then other zombies(developing nations), but their all zombies at the end of day. Sxb a creative person just looks at the results present in whatever matter their looking at and say is this good or bad, they say nothing else and if it aint good they form a new route, it's not that difficult and it's not something that is unique to creative people.

We are all born creative it's just stolen from us the zomby making machine of institutions and society, we do not have different brains. I won't accept that, as we can put your brain on the table and anyone else and the structure and ingredients is the same.


very lowkey
So much pseudoscience in this thread that it is slightly triggering.
Firstly the source is a website is a "mystic" website which consistently releases unverifiable and misleading information.That immediately casts doubt on the information shown here.Now for the actual content although the teaching model may not foster creative growth constantly it has been shown to produce scientists of all calibres which have helped advance humanity exponentially.Creativity is something people are inherently born with, it has no "set" levels and varies widely between people, when younger we often think tangentially as we don't understand many things. It , for children , is a sign of ignorance rather than genius.School focuses on refining certain characteristics depending on your avenue.Eg English , maths etc.

Although school isn't perfect it has produced results and instead of "cancelling" such an institution we must refine it to push people to discover for themselves rather than follow algorithms.In university the main goal is to teach you how to do certain things as well as how to formulate systems independently, so I would argue @DR OSMAN is confused.

Finally @DR OSMAN has the mentality where he sees everyone in educational institutions as wrong simply due to his ignorance in many fields he tries to contend with.It is the result of not going through an educational system.Infact he reminds me of someone I met who thought he was a genius but to me sounded like an irrational person.

Homeschooling is the worst thing you could do to your children.Homeschooled children have consistently been shown to lack in both social and educational skills.Often they fall short due to the lax atmosphere along with lack of commitment due to the high prices of a personal tutor.

That’s because most homeschooled children come from conservative christian families.

They teach them nothing short of ‘Jesus’ and they purposely avoid topics that are unbiblical like ‘Darwin's evolution theory’. Many of these parents also prohibit their children from interacting with other kids. Thereby weakening their social growth.

This statistic doesn’t apply to me, but thanks for your concern.

I for one will homeschool my children. I have seen the detriment of public schools with my own two eyes, and I won’t risk my own children.

It is only in their primary school years, that I will homeschool them.


That’s because most homeschooled children come from conservative christian families.

They teach them nothing short of ‘Jesus’ and they purposely avoid topics that are unbiblical like ‘Darwin's evolution theory’. Many of these parents also prohibit their children from interacting with other kids. Thereby weakening their social growth.

This statistic doesn’t apply to me, but thanks for your concern.

I for one will homeschool my children. I have seen the detriment of public schools with my own two eyes, and I won’t risk my own children.

I am only planning on homeschooling them when they are in primary school.

Becareful of the zomby machine sister, don't let your kids become a zomby because they will spend all those years in their formative years in institutions and then head outside and see their families, friends and society are all the same and continue the long path of zomby heaven and once they die they will look back and wonder with regrets and may even blame you as a parent or society or anything else and can lead to them joining terrorism or any sort of wild shit like fighting others on forums, drugs, alcohol, suicide, the outcomes aren't pretty as they don't see hope in this shitty society plus they have no answers on how to turn it around as they are zombied out lol.
Brother it has to be school system, this is where they spend most of their formative part of life, then they walk outside in the world and see the same thing the system churned out and think this is the way only way and when the zombie see's someone say hey dude this shit don't look pretty in the world, something must be wrong he just looks at him and says what u say 'irrational' or 'insane'.

They did it with everyone in history prophets, scientists, philosophers, musicians(why u think tupac got killed), they don't like these people sxb they broke out of the zomby machine and expressed it with whatever their talents were.

Even politicians you see are simply mostly zombies just maintaining the system, let's not kid ourselves here. It's the same approach through-out each country, some nations zomby out better(developed nations) then other zombies(developing nations), but their all zombies at the end of day. Sxb a creative person just looks at the results present in whatever matter their looking at and say is this good or bad, they say nothing else and if it aint good they form a new route, it's not that difficult and it's not something that is unique to creative people.

We are all born creative it's just stolen from us the zomby making machine of institutions and society, we do not have different brains. I won't accept that, as we can put your brain on the table and anyone else and the structure and ingredients is the same.
You haven't answered my previous question.Why is it "school" when lack of creativity in the public has been a constant throughout the years , even before the current school institution has become widely prevalent? The obvious answer is that school has no major impact and has been benefitting the world greatly.

That’s because most homeschooled children come from conservative christian families.

They teach them nothing short of ‘Jesus’ and they purposely avoid topics that are unbiblical like ‘Darwin's evolution theory’. Many of these parents also prohibit their children from interacting with other kids. Thereby weakening their social growth.

This statistic doesn’t apply to me, but thanks for your concern.

I for one will homeschool my children. I have seen the detriment of public schools with my own two eyes, and I won’t risk my own children.

It is only in their primary school years, that I will homeschool them.
I will tell you frankly you are naïve.Statistics are just that, statistics.Most people are not special hence I will assume you will fail with your endeavour.Furtheremore I'm assuming you will pay a tutor well to tutor your child as parental tutoring has been seen to fail continuously.I would assume 500-1k pounds.

Seriously why don't you take your child to a private school? or move to a better neighbourhood? Undertaking home schooling when you are at odds with success is just calling for a slap back to reality.
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