My Theory: Her husband getting another wife so she sends this message

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
She has every reason to break her own possessions due to the anger she's feeling. She must have invested so much, emotionally, economically and even time with this fucking loser, only to be betrayed by a man who probably told her she was the only woman he was in love with on this planet.

f*ck men and women who break the hearts of people they've made to invest their precious time, mind and heart into something, they are not in it themselves, wholeheartedly.
Damn you're such a weak feminine girl... calm down.

Nothing wrong with marrying a younger beautiful girl. I applaud him for it. The women in the video was acting like a baby and I would divorce her in a heart beat.
You can tell it's not an everyday fight thing, she's anguished. Whatever happened, it was a vulnerable moment for her. I just wish it hadn't been broadcast.

Everyone's out for themselves in this world. It reminded me of a line in a Tracy Chapman song that fits this perfectly:

Give your life
And invariably they leave you with

That sums up life, pretty much.
I almost shed tears seeing the pain that woman was going through. She is truly strong for deflecting her anger towards material objects rather than the fucking loser that cheated on her. I totally agree with what Tracy Chapman said. I also agree with you, it should not have been broadcasted, but like Chapman implied, there are a lot of heartless mutherfuckers out there.
Damn you're such a weak feminine girl... calm down.

Nothing wrong with marrying a younger beautiful girl. I applaud him for it. The women in the video was acting like a baby and I would divorce her in a heart beat.
So, going by your logic, I guess, if your dad married a younger beautiful girl than by default you're saying your mother is an ugly, old hog that couldn't maintain her husband (your father). Right?
I don't understand men who marry second or third wives behind their wife's back and not tell them when you're entertaining the idea. Dont they have any shame? You brought kids into this world with your first wife. Why take the chance in destroying your family? Is busting a nut inside a younger woman more important than possibly not having your kids under your roof anymore?

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
If my father told me he wanted to marry a younger beautiful woman,
I WOULD SUPPORT HIM 100%. but I would appreciate if he told my mom just to give her a heads up and save her the pain of finding out from another person but if he didn't I wouldn't blame him.

I would understand if my sisters would feel some type of way and be all jealous but if one of my brothers started talking smack I would knock some sense into his ass.

Muslim-man code 101.

Never discourage your father from marrying a second wife if he wants to.

If you do you, you're are PUSSY .

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
I don't understand men who marry second or third wives behind their wife's back and not tell them when you're entertaining the idea. Dont they have any shame? You brought kids into this world with your first wife. Why take the chance in destroying your family? Is busting a nut inside a younger woman more important than possibly not having your kids under your roof anymore?
Too bad you wouldn't understand having kids. cause you suck dick remember?

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
If he was my husband he wouldn't dare, I would warn him he is NOT going to marry a second wife and if he goes back on our verbal contract... Nigga gona regret it lol
It's all talk sweet heart.
What are you gonna do?

I suggest you just take that big fat L and live with it while he devours that beautiful young futo:ahh:
he's gonna marry after your old ass.
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