My Somali female friend's 23&me results

Garaad diinle

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complex dynamic wave pulse radiations from Africa at different times.
I consider myself an armature when it comes to topics such as these, don't know if i can really call myself this. Wallahi i had to read 3-5 times to understand what you wrote. Is this what an oxford grade english looks like?
I consider myself an armature when it comes to topics such as these, don't know if i can really call myself this. Wallahi i had to read 3-5 times to understand what you wrote. Is this what an oxford grade english looks like?
Hahaha, no bro. Truth is, I write in the abstract to explain things that I don't know how to word. If I had a better vocabulary, then I'm sure I would use better fitting precise language that would explain what I was thinking. Sometimes I feel like writing in the abstract can explain complex things better with lesser steps. Explaining the inner workings of such broad theories requires long texts and arduous crafting of coherent narratives and reworking the old ones with novel adjustments. So in a way, the vagueness in the language is actually good because it gives room for flexibility and multi-purpose. So what you read can in a way register for you something that deviates from my intention but your understanding might be superior to mines or an evolved perspective or aspects that are additive for comprehensive advancement. After all, most of this is a conversation.

I'm like you, an amateur. Many amateurs know more than me, let alone experts.

Garaad diinle

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Hahaha, no bro. Truth is, I write in the abstract to explain things that I don't know how to word. If I had a better vocabulary, then I'm sure I would use better fitting precise language that would explain what I was thinking. Sometimes I feel like writing in the abstract can explain complex things better with lesser steps. Explaining the inner workings of such broad theories requires long texts and arduous crafting of coherent narratives and reworking the old ones with novel adjustments. So in a way, the vagueness in the language is actually good because it gives room for flexibility and multi-purpose. So what you read can in a way register for you something that deviates from my intention but your understanding might be superior to mines or an evolved perspective or aspects that are additive for comprehensive advancement. After all, most of this is a conversation.

I'm like you, an amateur. Many amateurs know more than me, let alone experts.
Damn right wallal. I think now i've developed a sort of appreciation for this style of writing. It feels like it has a sense of academical poetry if you know what i mean. Abstract very descriptive and filled with expression. A platonic style of writing perhaps.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Yeah, I have no issues with other people by the way. Sometimes I'm willing to hold the hand of ignorance for the humor. I'm not the type to use genetics to streamline it through such unethical framing, or I try hard not to, at least.

Yeah, I know fetishism can be about some level of obsession in a non-sexual manner. I have heard about it in academic settings toward ideas. But do you expect me to let that opportunity go? I had to dunk on that one. Either way, with that term as you intended, I wouldn't even consider my interests in anthropological subjects like that. A lot of people exchange knowledge in these things for values or use it to feed into their messed up perspective of people or the world at large. I'm far from those.

Yo, I actually read wrong the first time and thought it was South Asian and not Southeast Asian. But when has being correct stood against saying something ridiculous?

Anyway, that is enough derailment of this thread from me.

:deadrose:You must admit it's fun to make up tales about what you see at least in jest. As you did with the fetishism pun.
:kanyeshrug:I came to realize that the other Somali samples were showing up as Basal East Asian in the PCA calculations but I was getting slightly more. I will assume this is something ancient baked inside. I suppose I'm off the hook. On the bright side, I have far less omotic than most of the other Somali samples. They assume Somalis from Ethiopia have more.
:deadrose:You must admit it's fun to make up tales about what you see at least in jest. As you did with the fetishism pun.
:kanyeshrug:I came to realize that the other Somali samples were showing up as Basal East Asian in the PCA calculations but I was getting slightly more. I will assume this is something ancient baked inside. I suppose I'm off the hook. On the bright side, I have far less omotic than most of the other Somali samples. They assume Somalis from Ethiopia have more.
You can test with newer samples. If the percentages seem to compensate for using various adjacent Asian samples, then you might have something indeed that is not baked inside. But then again, it can be from some other process. I had ancestry that always showed itself through Anatolian ancient coords which later I found out was likely minor Egyptian, later it showed in the 23andMe. Now it suddenly popped up on G25 too when I model using all the available Egyptian samples. Strange how that works.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You can test with newer samples. If the percentages seem to compensate for using various adjacent Asian samples, then you might have something indeed that is not baked inside. But then again, it can be from some other process. I had ancestry that always showed itself through Anatolian ancient coords which later I found out was likely minor Egyptian, later it showed in the 23andMe. Now it suddenly popped up on G25 too when I model using all the available Egyptian samples. Strange how that works.
:damn: South Asians have the highest % of Basal East Asian. :meleshame:Though my sample was further away from West Africans in distance compared to the other pure Somalis. Also one of the lowest in Omotic.
Mostly, Muqmaad with a sprinkle of Curry and Khat but no Fufu.:lawd: See it's more entertaining to construct a culinary story around your results. For instance, you thought you had elevated kebab but it turned out you had more ful in your line than you anticipated reflected in your G25 results.
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:damn: South Asians have the highest % of Basal East Asian. :meleshame:Though my sample was further away from West Africans in distance compared to the other pure Somalis. Also one of the lowest in Omotic.
Mostly, Muqmaad with a sprinkle of Curry and Khat but no Fufu.:lawd: See it's more entertaining to construct a culinary story around your results. For instance, you thought you had elevated kebab but it turned out you had more ful in your line than you anticipated reflected in your G25 results.
It was really not a surprise that I got minor Egyptian. Other Yemeni samples often got minor Egyptian or Coptic, and to mention again, I always had a similar signature amount that registered as pre-historic Anatolian. So when that got designated to a modern ethnic cluster, then it was nice. I remember taking MyHeritage or one of those high-noise-level commercial DNA services, and they gave me Ashkenazi Jew for that same amount. At the same time, I saw the same small frequency pop up as Levantine or nested in that broader area. Subsequently, I rationally inferred that they allocated the gene for diversity within the area. So it makes sense that it was a minor Egyptian proper.

I know of one individual that scores very small yet consistent AASI without any known typical Benadiri signature profile; likely one of the most "pure" Somali scores I know of in G25. To explain it in a hypothetical way is a multi-propositional. As I mentioned earlier, you can find out by filling in the data and checking if it pops up in various samples with similar broader genetic overlaps. How to put an explanatory narrative around is a secondary stage looking at your overall score and relevant data.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It was really not a surprise that I got minor Egyptian. Other Yemeni samples often got minor Egyptian or Coptic, and to mention again, I always had a similar signature amount that registered as pre-historic Anatolian. So when that got designated to a modern ethnic cluster, then it was nice. I remember taking MyHeritage or one of those high-noise-level commercial DNA services, and they gave me Ashkenazi Jew for that same amount. At the same time, I saw the same small frequency pop up as Levantine or nested in that broader area. Subsequently, I rationally inferred that they allocated the gene for diversity within the area. So it makes sense that it was a minor Egyptian proper.

I know of one individual that scores very small yet consistent AASI without any known typical Benadiri signature profile; likely one of the most "pure" Somali scores I know of in G25. To explain it in a hypothetical way is a multi-propositional. As I mentioned earlier, you can find out by filling in the data and checking if it pops up in various samples with similar broader genetic overlaps. How to put an explanatory narrative around is a secondary stage looking at your overall score and relevant data.

Interesting how they were able to capture the minor Egyptian. You were on MyHeritage? I wasn't aware.

While I was playing around with different combinations of Southwest and Southeast Asian groups I noticed I had slightly more than the Somalis at least on G25.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Its alright if y'all have lost your Somali language, as a pure hawiye, I and my qabil will cleanse the unclean galla dna from your blood and make Karanle once again speak af somaali. You will be pure and many again in sha Allah.
Karanle are the purest hawiye stock they have no “impure blood”. They also have babile on lock and ofcourse they speak Somali
I know of both of them in this video lol. She isn't barawani shes Reer faqi (they are from xamar and sometimes merca) and he is Reer Mashaanga - the same as my friend. So it makes sense that they have more Asian in him.
You can be reer faqi and barawani , Reer faqi were qaadhis in Barawa they were known as Ra Faqi there. Ra Mashaanga claim to be From Banu Khazraj one of the Azd tribes. Have you seen any Ra Mashaanga haplogroup results?
They are from barawa, I don't think they know they night have hindi origins. Most barawanis claim they are originally arab Yemeni especially Reer Hatimi they claim they're hadramout in Yemen. When they go there though they are called Yaa Soomal and are not accepted
The Yemeni Arab tribes in barawa are Hatimi, ashraaf ba alawi,reer faqi,ba sadiq,ra mashaanga,gabra there may be other smaller families that I don't know of
Well.... something isn't adding up. How does a group have noticeable Hindi DNA on average but they claim they don't know about it. I don't think they're telling the full story.
By the way, Hindis have a dhaqan where they deny their roots, they do it everywhere. They like to claim and assimilate into the country they live in.
The Indian families know themselves and most Indians came in 19th century to banadir coast.Gibil cad banadiris having Indian dna just means that they mixed with them.
I'll ask my mother, don't know the exact subclan. My uncle is Hatimi and came up as G-PF3296.
I've heard there's a hatimi with subclade G-Y32613 of G-PF3296 . G-PF3296 is the same haplogroup many ashraaf ba alawi clans get.

What other results have you seen from banadiris and from what clan