Real nigga
Don't they have EU passports that gives them unlimited access to other EU countries?I live in the UK and remember when they did the hijab ban. I swore that day that I will never go to France. I met so many Muslims that used to live there. They couldn't go to the hospital, library, schools, universities, government buidilngs or museums with a hijab on.
Completely degrading. French muslims struggle to find good jobs because of the extreme xenophobia and anti-Islam bigotry.
Don't they have EU passports that gives them unlimited access to other EU countries?
what dose france export even other then luxury items like wine and gucci pursesWell done. It is the best way to pressure on them and their islamophobic behaviour.
Rich muslims are the biggest consumers.what dose france export even other then luxury items like wine and gucci purses
machinery equipment, aircraft, plastics, chemicals, pharmaceutical products, iron steel, beverages cars and weaponswhat dose france export even other then luxury items like wine and gucci purses
i dont use that so dont know how i can boycott thatmachinery and equipment, aircraft, plastics, chemicals, pharmaceutical products, iron and steel, beverages and weapons
don't buy their perfume cars or anything in this listi dont use that so dont know how i can boycott that
ill try my bestdon't buy their perfume cars or anything in this list
guud cuz that orangina stuff that they produce is pretty disgustingill try my best