Music and concerts banned in Burco.

People don't want to live in a place which bans harmless things and treats you as being crazy because you want to do those things. There is nothing wrong with listening to music or going to mixed weddings.
Cigaal was actually an idiot for not transforming Somaliland into a secular state. They would've got independence and recognition quickly through attracting the brightest.


Cigaal was actually an idiot for not transforming Somaliland into a secular state. They would've got independence and recognition quickly through attracting the brightest.
communists are worse than murican capitalists. not many things are more despicable than communism. disgusting.
Mayor threatens violence against young men and women who were listening to music at a hotel. Dangerous precedent being set , Waqooyi used to be the place of poets and beautiful somali culture.

communism is vile and barbaric communists should be put to death. bigger satan devil the colonizers. qurun baa tahay.
Me and the free people of Somalia will be putting you to death inshallah. Let red flow through the streets and let the bourgeois cry out in vain!

MT Foxtrot

communism is vile and barbaric communists should be put to death. bigger satanic devil the colonizers.

qurun baa tahay.

Do you even know what communism is or are you regurgitating something you heard?
Mayor threatens violence against young men and women who were listening to music at a hotel. Dangerous precedent being set , Waqooyi used to be the place of poets and beautiful somali culture.



Do you even know what communism is or are you regurgitating something you heard?

communism was more devastating to the muslim countries they colonized than the allies? are you denying that? communists still run central asia with more religious repression than france.
communism was more devastating to the muslim countries they colonized than the allies? are you denying that? communists still run central asia with more religious repression than france.

You heard it here folks!

It's communism that destroyed Somalia not rampant extremism, tribalism , corruption. Communism is the region the average Somali makes >2$ a day while Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud has an annual salary of ~500K..

Central Asia is light years ahead of us, inshallah we will bring communism and arrest all of you rent seekers who are holding us hostage.

MT Foxtrot

communism was more devastating to the muslim countries they colonized than the allies? are you denying that? communists still run central asia with more religious repression than france.

Nice pivot. Could you answer the question? In your own words, what is communism?
I support a functioning state to begin with, can we at least get Somalia to 12th century AD before we worry about confederalism?

Actually it isn't actually "confederalism" in the normal sense but in fact municipal level anarchism. Ocalan is an anarcho communist kkkk


You heard it here folks!

It's communism that destroyed Somalia not rampant extremism, tribalism , corruption. Communism is the region the average Somali makes >2$ a day while Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud has an annual salary of ~500K..

Central Asia is light years ahead of us, inshallah we will bring communism and arrest all of you rent seekers who are holding us hostage.
somalis have never seen communism which bans all outward religion. if you are atheist come out the closet.

Nice pivot. Could you answer the question? In your own words, what is communism?
atheistic mooryaanimo. the soviet empire.