Mohammed Siyad Barre appreciation thread

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You'll never see me support Morgan or Barre.
But you support Abdullahi Yusuf, the man who marched 50,000 Ethiopians into the country on numerous occasions.

If anything Morgan and Siyaad are better than that dog, atleast they weren't willing to sell their country to foreigners.
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Gaalkacyo Gangster
But you support Abdullahi Yusuf, the man who marched 50,000 Ethiopians into the country on numerous occasions.
The Americans forced Ethiopia to invade. Abdullahi Yusuf (AUN) made the best of a bad situation. The capital and the southern regions were overrun with terrorists. Something that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the years of anarchy left behind by your glorious USC comrades. The relative peace and stability in the city, not to mention the current government there, are thanks largely to his efforts. He was the man who returned legitimate governance to Villa Somalia.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Caydiid(AUN) has nothing to do with inter-Sacad, inter-HG or inter-Hawiye wars. Clans have been fighting since the beginning of time, blaming one man shows you are either dishonest or extremely retarded.

Also you are yet to answer this question:

Siad Barre knew he could not recapture Mogadishu, so what was the point of the counter offensive other than to kill as many people as possible?

Wallahi you're insane. There's a difference between spinning a story and denying simple facts that occurred during our own lifetime. Aideed was an angel, didn't harm a soul, never fought anybody, everyone else is lying.

As for your question, why else launch a counterattack? It's literally by definition a counter attack, why wouldn't they believe they could retake the capital? Are you a time traveling mind reader?

Baraxley Bob indeed :cryinglaughsmiley:
Enough. Barre caused the dictatorship which killed many but USC caused the anarchy which killed many more. It's not a competition, they're both epic failures and cause if death for millions of Somalis. Let's not celebrate any of them.
Enough. Barre caused the dictatorship which killed many but USC caused the anarchy which killed many more. It's not a competition, they're both epic failures and cause if death for millions of Somalis. Let's not celebrate any of them.


thats simply far too logical. The debate between each of the terrorist groups and siad barre is not over yet.

This is a showdown thread.

Let the games begin.
You're turning into a mooryan apologist just like geeljire.
When have I excused any inexcusable action? :ivers:

Only people here who have made excuses are Barre apologists. I attacked Barre for crimes against the Rahanweyn and I attacked and condemned Gutaale for using the same crimes against the same people.

You're all some of the biggest hypocrites I've seen. Shit I don't care about your opinion on Barre, but if you're going to ignore his shit don't try to act like you're on a higher moral ground
When have I excused any inexcusable action? :ivers:

Only people here who have made excuses are Barre apologists. I attacked Barre for crimes against the Rahanweyn and I attacked and condemned Gutaale for using the same crimes against the same people.

You're all some of the biggest hypocrites I've seen. Shit I don't care about your opinion on Barre, but if you're going to ignore his shit don't try to act like you're on a higher moral ground

First of all, I'm not a Barre apologist. I'm calling you out because you're attacking Barre for crimes committed against Rahanweyn while at same time denying Caydeed/USC genocide against Rahanweyn. You should be fair and objective.
First of all, I'm not a Barre apologist. I'm calling you out because you're attacking Barre for crimes committed against Rahanweyn while at same time denying Caydeed/USC genocide against Rahanweyn. You should be fair and objective.
I didn't deny anything, nor would I ever sxb

Gutaale was the man responsible for attacks against some Rahanweyn. This is what I said.
Gutaale I've never even heard of before. He can burn in hell for emulating Barre.

Edit; He was sentenced in court to death mashaallah.
I just said that Gutaale can burn in hell for applying "Barre/Morgan tactics" on civilians. How am I denying anything?
I only said he did not act upon direct orders from Aideed, which I read from the court report by UN where he got sentenced to death for his crimes.

The only other thing I said is that he came after the initial genocide, plundering and looting by Barre, and continued using the same tactics.
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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I disliked Barre but USC were worse. I would take Barre over USC in a heartbeat. As for Barre over the current situation, thats more tricky. Probably not.
Explain how?
Your people are more free to walk in Mogadishu without fear of being sold to Ethiopia than they are in the land of your fellow Daroods in PL.

Anytime you view the world through the perverted lenses of clan loyalties, you are bound to make a parody of yourself. :icon idea:

Quit this pro-Darood charade and stop with the "bbut hawiye" immature rants.
Omar Jess and your clan were key in breaking the back of the regime, besides, the Darood you claim to love are the reason your people are being sold like slaves in the 21st century. The reality is USC was not a Hawiye-exclusive organization but it made up of many different characters united under one ideology, "to oust siad barre". The claim that it was a clan based organization is really absurd.
How can you talk shit about USC yet still praise Omar Jess?

Cumar Jess= USC
USC = Cumar Jess

You do not have single proof for your many accusations, USC did not murder children nor innocents, infact USC didn't harm any Kacaan POWs unlike other rebel groups.
Here are USC commanders giving water to captured Kacaan POWs.
False, they are not anymore safe to travel to Mogadisho than other Darood inhabitated areas because we actually have family who were handed over by hawiy from Mogadisho. We are not your brothers, because a brother does not compromise his religion and hand over his brother out of FEAR to please another nation. You are very delusional, hawiye has NOTHING we are envious of, youve destroyed a nation and today made it the number failed country in the world consecutively. As for Jess, he did not tell help you to destroy the COUNTRY and murder people based on qabyaalad, Jess had one objective, him and his group felt wronged by an INDIVIDUAL and not his clan, where as you barbarians felt wrong by women, children and men and murdered and raped them. You post as many hawiye made propoganda videos you want but we know the facts of what hawiye has done because my own family members got stuck in Xamar and witnessed the crimes committed by your clan against not only Darood civilians but other Non Darood who did not take part in Barres regime or supported him. I would tell you to take your own advice and act like a human being but hawiye has shown again and again you dont even have a shred of humanity in you. Hawiye is nothing, even with all the aid money and foreign troops you continue to fail to secure ONE city and you claim that I am envious, you are dictated to in Mogadisho, by weaker African nation who have a host of their own problems yet, I,m envious. You have nothing to be envious of nor do I wish to be hawiye. Hawiye single handedly destroyed Mogadisho after the ouster of Barre and murdered innocent clans including the ones who helped you to topple Barre, that is a historical fact you could never erase.

Stop with the verbal diarrhea and inferiority complex. Just try to be a normal human being and for once get your priorities right. Hawiye are your brothers, sisters and fellow Somalis, just like any other clan, envying them this much is extremely not good for your health at all. Quit your silly acts and just live your life!

Caydiid(AUN) was calling for national unity not attacking other clans.

Caydiid(AUN) has nothing to do with inter-Sacad, inter-HG or inter-Hawiye wars. Clans have been fighting since the beginning of time, blaming one man shows you are either dishonest or extremely retarded.

Also you are yet to answer this question:

Siad Barre knew he could not recapture Mogadishu, so what was the point of the counter offensive other than to kill as many people as possible?
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