Miss Denmark competition has a xalimo in it. What is up with her teeth though


Minister of Propaganda
Come On Please GIF by Play Sports


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I know things like weight/hair etc were seen as attractive at some point, but this is what I was actually referring to when I said "objective beauty".

The funny thing is, people who have developed properly and healthily of all phenotypic types ("races") generally look alike. High symmetry, sclera under the eyes not showing, prominent jawline, hollow cheeks, wide chin, straight teeth with a wide non-gummy smile and high cheekbones. That's what a human is supposed to look like if while growing up they get top class nutrition, lack issue like allergies that promote mouth breathing and were born to a similarly healthy mother who breastfed them for a good while like 2-3 years and passed on a good microbiome. There are other factors, but yeah.


Death Awaits You
The funny thing is, people who have developed properly and healthily of all phenotypic types ("races") generally look alike. High symmetry, sclera under the eyes not showing, prominent jawline, hollow cheeks, wide chin, straight teeth with a wide non-gummy smile and high cheekbones. That's what a human is supposed to look like if while growing up they get top class nutrition, lack issue like allergies that promote mouth breathing and were born to a similarly healthy mother who breastfed them for a good while like 2-3 years and passed on a good microbiome. There are other factors, but yeah.
I came across this study that finds men from developed countries prefer the more feminine looking women with soft jaws whereas men from poor countries were least attracted to very feminine faces.
I always preferred women with strong jawlines and hollow cheecks.

I came across this study that finds men from developed countries prefer the more feminine looking women with soft jaws whereas men from poor countries were least attracted to very feminine faces.
I always preferred women with strong jawlines and hollow cheecks.

That is actually interesting. I wonder why. Poor and rich men have such different tastes.


E pluribus unum
Objective beauty exists and people who overestimate how attractive they are a delusional. It would be harmless, if these women weren't letting this delusional shit inflate their ego lol. If a 5'10 lad vehemently claimed to be 6'2, we'd collectively tell him to stfu, and rightfully so. I just find it a little funny.
How does objective beauty exist?