Miskeen gets duped and marries..


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

Many many such cases unfortunately.

You gotta charge it to the game and keep it moving, ain't no such thing as a male garoob :icon lol:

Many many such cases unfortunately.

You gotta charge it to the game and keep it moving, ain't no such thing as a male garoob :icon lol:
There is. It’s a divorced man. No difference between a divorced man and woman. Somalis don’t even mind marrying a Divorced women in many cases. So never understood why they tried to make a distinction. Sexist fools.
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Plotting world domination
Let's start a hagbad for these niggas and get these guys some hookers 😳, everyone chip in a tenner

Hookers don't help incels that much sadly because deep down they know the hookers don't want them.

These niggas need to learn how to pursue women and find love. This won't happen if they just avoid dating women.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There is. It’s a divorced man. No difference between a divorced man and woman. Somalis don’t even mind marrying a Divorced women in many cases. So never understood why they tried to make a distinction. Sexist fools.

Hey I don't make the rules

Hey I don't make the rules

The ones who make the rules, don’t even stick to them. They call a woman garoob but marry her in a heart beat. Back home they really couldn’t care less, hence they’re clearly just saying it to be insulting. There is no difference between a divorced woman or man.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The ones who make the rules, don’t even stick to them. They call a woman garoob but marry her in a heart beat. Back home they really couldn’t care less, hence they’re clearly just saying it to be insulting. There is no difference between a divorced woman or man.

Somalis are vile hypocrites and misogynist as a rule, you're preaching to the choir sister :icon lol:
Technically you guys aren't even the most successful men either in regards to income and salary. Non practicing guys that commit zina also finish college and earn good incomes.
“Do not go near adultery. It is truly a shameful deed and an evil way” Quran 17:32
As a guy from ages 17-22 is the best time to date around. Most chicks around these ages don't care how financially stable you are and are purely just dating based on looks and vibes. A lot of non Muslim men that don't have fun between these ages tend to enter a bachelor period after they finish college. So they just sleep around with a bunch of women before settling down in their 30s.
“Those who guard their chastity; except with their wives or those [bondwomen] in their possession, for then they are free from blame; but whoever seeks beyond that are the transgressors;” Quran 23:5-7
The average age of marriage keeps on increasing too. These days you guys are pretty much staying away from women until your like 25+ and financially stable. We got niggas that won't even talk to chicks until they got a good paying job and have 10k saved up for mehr.
Just to let you kno that im already planning on something that def gon get me financially stable before I even hit 25 :sass2:
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Plotting world domination
“Do not go near adultery. It is truly a shameful deed and an evil way” Quran 17:32

“Those who guard their chastity; except with their wives or those [bondwomen] in their possession, for then they are free from blame; but whoever seeks beyond that are the transgressors;” Quran 23:5-7

You guys are staying away from zina but are still becoming menaces to society.

I wouldn't be having this convo with you guys if religious incels weren't causing havoc on social media.
See @Ozymandias these niggas always talk about marrying back home but never stop talking about western Muslimahs :mjlol:
They’re in two camps.

Usually undesirable but watch a lot of redpill and feel they’re deserving of the type of woman that wouldn’t usually go for them.


They’re misogynistic playboys who’ve surrounded themselves with the worst type of Somali girls since they’re part of that lifestyle and can’t seem to understand that you attract what you are. That group have seen far too many degenerate Somali girls since they frequent clubs and parties and hang out with groups that chill with Somali girls who are like that.

You hardly come across normal well adjusted Faraxs talking this way. The fact of the matter is that the average Somali hijabi is a virgin until marriage. Culturally, we’re still conservative community hence the average person still somewhat tows the line. Also, what’s a fact is that in every community it’s usually the men that lead the way when it comes to degeneracy when it comes to Zina but since a lot of Muslim cultures are ultra misogynistic, most don’t seem to dwell on that. Being a woman is tough as men tend to project their feeling and behaviors on to women.
There is. It’s a divorced man. No difference between a divorced man and woman. Somalis don’t even mind marrying a Divorced women in many cases. So never understood why they tried to make a distinction. Sexist fools.

Republican Debate Ugh GIF by Robert E Blackmon
Have you been back home? Because wallahi if you have, you’d know they don’t find it hard to remarry. It’s the month of Ramadan and I’m not lying about how in Xamar anyways, women get remarried very easily.
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So what’s the difference then? I’m not talking about your views but cultural standards.
They’re in two camps.

Usually undesirable but watch a lot of redpill and feel they’re deserving of the type of woman that wouldn’t usually go for them.


They’re misogynistic playboys who’ve surrounded themselves with the worst type of Somali girls since they’re part of that lifestyle and can’t seem to understand that you attract what you are. That group have seen far too many degenerate Somali girls since they frequent clubs and parties and hang out with groups that chill with Somali girls who are like that.

You hardly come across normal well adjusted Faraxs talking this way. The fact of the matter is that the average Somali hijabi is a virgin until marriage. Culturally, we’re still conservative community hence the average person still somewhat tows the line. Also, what’s a fact is that in every community it’s usually the men that lead the way when it comes to degeneracy when it comes to Zina but since a lot of Muslim cultures are ultra misogynistic, most don’t seem to dwell on that. Being a woman is tough as men tend to project their feeling and behaviors on to women.

I remember hearing a guy talking about his wife, and how he found out she wasn't a virgin. Guess what? It sounded like he was sexually experienced himself. Yet he had the audacity to divorce his counter-part. These hypocrites enjoy pre-marital sex, and enjoy it even more when these women are experienced. But they think they deserve and will get a virgin for a wife.

That's why they don't ever marry their girlfriends, and instead string them along. They think they are above Allah SWT's laws, and believe they, as men, can do whatever they want in this life and receive Xurul Cayn in this life and the next.

Walahi, misogyny needs to be classed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. These people need to be studied by specialists.
Have you been back home? Because wallahi if you have, you’d know they don’t find it hard to remarry. It’s the month of Ramadan and I’m not lying about how in Xamar anyways, women get remarried very easily.
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So what’s the difference then? I’m not talking about your views but cultural standards.

I have a theory that there are two reasons why Somali women find it easy to remarry.

1. The fact that Somali men have made a hobby out of killing each other, and thus, they created a surplus of widows, and in Somali culture, men marry the widows of their brothers etc.
2. Somali women, tend to be attractive, Masha'Allah, and we all know that men have trouble lowering their gaze.

We're not Hindi or Arabs, Somali women remarry all the time, thanks to high-rates of divorce, and even more prevalent; clan warfare (war widows).
You'll see Somalis back home, that have two ex-spouses by their mid to late twenties, you best believe they will get married a few more times before they die.

Usually, when you see a Somali hooyo that is single, it's because she doesn't want to remarry, not because she lacks options.
I remember hearing a guy talking about his wife, and how he found out she wasn't a virgin. Guess what? It sounded like he was sexually experienced himself. Yet he had the audacity to divorce his counter-part. These hypocrites enjoy pre-marital sex, and enjoy it even more when these women are experienced. But they think they deserve and will get a virgin for a wife.

That's why they don't ever marry their girlfriends, and instead string them along. They think they are above Allah SWT's laws, and believe they, as men, can do whatever they want in this life and receive Xurul Cayn in this life and the next.

Walahi, misogyny needs to be classed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. These people need to be studied by specialists.
It is indeed a mental disorder that’s facilitated and encouraged by misogynistic society ideals. That’s what makes them delusional and above all arrogant. It takes a special level of arrogance as a Muslim for you to give yourself the green light to engage in an action that Allah hates and then believe that you’re deserving of the best. You have violated a major law and committed a major sin to such an extent that if there was witnesses and we lived in a pure Islamic society you’d be whipped and banished, yet instead of feel shame they’re uppity. This is a month of mercy hence I’ll keep my views to myself but I feel nothing but contempt for those types of men and I’ll keep it at that.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Divorced men have baggage. Divorced men with children have even more.They are delusional if they think they are on the same level as single never married men without children. 🤷