BREAKING NEWS Minnesota police kill another Somali

Police started really targeting Somalis ever since those disastrous Floyd protests....ya’ll can thank the blm crew for putting a target on the back of Somalis :manny:


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
They aren't mentioning he is Somali too they calling him black man
There will be no BLM involved. Or any protests.

Kid was exchanging shots with the Cop and shot at the cop 1st. That’s a death wish.

AUN to the brother tho
yikes, sounds like he most likely had a criminal record
Holy shit 200 protesters rn
no way are they protesting for someone that shot at cops first my first message on this thread aged like milk :dead:
Thats crazy 200 people protesting in cedar ave. Thats pretty close where I live and I didnt even know about it :dead:
stay safe :ufdup:


Apparently he shot at the cops?

People are out rioting for him and watch the right use this to talk about how police brutality is justified. They won't talk about Nashville but they will talk about this.


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