Minneapolis city gov is looking for Geeljires social media influencers they can pay to cover the trial of the cop ee jilibka ku dilay G-Floyd

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u went from claiming that he died from an overdose to now manslaughter. ur admitting the police plays a major part in the MURDER of George Floyd.
omg omg omg. what else am i supposed to say he will be charged with idiots?? murder?? he did have a role because HE FOLLOWED POLICE protocol to place him in a kneehold which only killed him because of the amount of meth he took. he was already oding as the video shows how agitated and high he was off the fentanyl..
this has nothing do on why he was killed. were the police aware of this during his arrest? NO all this white asskissing won't take u out of ur section 8 house in Minnesota. i'm sure somalis are seen as much worse by the police.
YEAH of course if u have a previous police convictions. ur soundin pretty racist aswell loll "white asskissing" maybe if u spent all this time actually lookin shit up instead of thinking how george floyd was a victim u would get somewhere. i dont live in the us either LOL..
he was a victim of his own actions? he literally was oding and they just followed instructions
You’ve posted 17 times defending a random police officer who doesn’t know even know your name. If he’s own fellow officers ratted on him what makes you think you’re in the right?
You’ve posted 17 times defending a random police officer who doesn’t know even know your name. If he’s own fellow officers ratted on him what makes you think you’re in the right?
they want to save themselves from the blm mob lol. ur also saying im defending "some random po" im not im literally telling you how this trial is going to play out.
I already know that this police officer won't get a fraction of the prison time that they gave the Somali one that shot the white woman in that same city. They never did this for him when his trial was ongoing, why do it now?




I hope he gets off. I have no sympathy for someone who robs a pregnant woman at gun point. Imagine if that woman was Somali.
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