Minister Jamal loses federal MP seat as elections in Bosaso end

I swear to God if there was a championship of who makes the dumbest comment in SSPOT, it is this guy. This guy doesn't understand MX existed before President Farmaajo and will exist after him.

His comments are on point.

Marehan are in a war in Galgaduud and in DDSI, that's two fronts already and what's worse for them is that the only help they can get is through Airplanes and good luck with that when Farmaajo leaves Mogadishu. As for Gedo; politically, economically and environmentally it is a disaster.

I can already foresee a future in which D&M and Absame start reclaiming their land in Gedo. Sure, Marehan will exist, but anyone can see that a lot of groups are lining up, ready to take back what's theirs. You cannot go around stealing people's land and antagonising everyone else and expect a bright future.


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This is illegal , we will see how he responds. If he fails this solidifies us as langaab second class citizens in our own lands.

You’re falling naively or deliberately falling for the propaganda. You’d be a laangaab if warsangeli seat was given to a non-warsangeli. But Jamaal was replaced by another warsangeli, how does that make you a laangaab? It was a fiercely contested seat. Jamaal even visited Bosaso despite Deni refusing him entry. That’s not how a laangaab rolls.
You’re falling naively or deliberately falling for the propaganda. You’d be a laangaab if warsangeli seat was given to a non-warsangeli. But Jamaal was replaced by another warsangeli, how does that make you a laangaab? It was a fiercely contested seat. Jamaal even visited Bosaso despite Deni refusing him entry. That’s not how a laangaab rolls.

Everything he says about Warsangeli is wrong, offensive or instigatory. He's been caught by @Ascended Farax 2.0 making basic mistakes. He's just another Marehan BOT.