"But I hope by the time I have children that people are even more open-minded to how things are changing and that having a mixed world is what it’s all about."
I don't think race-mixing is haraam and I'm not necessarily opposed to it- as long the the father of the wife approves and both spouses are Muslim.
The father is free to say no to race-mixing if he wants, as I see it..... but to say race-mixing is haraam I think is going too far.....
but to say the whole world should lose all racial identity and all the world should be mixed-race I think is an opposite extreme.
It is really weird, this massive race-mixing agenda. If race-mixing happens occasionally, okay, whatever. But deliberately pushing for race-mixing on a mass scale??? That is bizarre, weird and I know you and you quite likely know what (((tribe))) is pushing it.
I don't think race-mixing is haraam and I'm not necessarily opposed to it- as long the the father of the wife approves and both spouses are Muslim.
The father is free to say no to race-mixing if he wants, as I see it..... but to say race-mixing is haraam I think is going too far.....
but to say the whole world should lose all racial identity and all the world should be mixed-race I think is an opposite extreme.
It is really weird, this massive race-mixing agenda. If race-mixing happens occasionally, okay, whatever. But deliberately pushing for race-mixing on a mass scale??? That is bizarre, weird and I know you and you quite likely know what (((tribe))) is pushing it.