One fake source validating another! Neither one has an actual source to back it up.
How about a few actual sources?
Ancient Gold Routes of the Monomotapa Kingdom on JSTOR
Ancient Gold Routes of the Monomotapa Kingdom, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 136, No. 2 (Jun., 1970), pp.
The Archaeology of the Sofala Coast on JSTOR
R. W. Dickinson, The Archaeology of the Sofala Coast, The South African Archaeological Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 119/120 (Dec., 1975), pp.
The Muslims were Shia. Sofala is a small island at the mouth of the Buzi river, with no mineral resources. The gold came from Zimbabwe, down the Buzi and Save rivers. We are talking Shirazis in the 10th century here. Somalis, when and how??????
None of the sources you have shown refuted anything.
Mogadishu has always been a Somali settlement since antiquity. Shirazi where? If you used your brain cells properly then you would know Sofala is a province where Buzi and Save rivers flow through and that is where golds were mined. Sofala city is only a port island where gold was traded and Somalis got control of that. You're either deliberately twisting things or just a plain fool that couldn't distinguish any basic thing and you've done this before but like I said you won't fool anyone so you can quit playing stupid.
Just because you disagree with these historians doesn't mean they're fake. It just means you're wrong. Take it up in the chin and go focus on your last days.
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