Maya jama gives Chunkz middle Finger


This doesn't make sense. If a woman sleeps with a thousand men or she sleeps with her husband a thousand times, her privates would end up the same. The vagina is a muscle and it reverts back to its normal form after childbirth.. a child's head is larger than any man's privates.

Some of you guys on Sspot have no clue about women, it's astonishing. I hope no girl or woman ever buys into this sexist and disgusting "loose vagina" myth. Why do men make up rumours about a miraculous anatomy made by Allah SWT?
go back to tik tok

Insulting, degrading and policing women's vaginas has been going on for a long time, that's why Africans came up with fircooni FGM, they probably thought the best way to "control" women is by cutting off feeling and literally sewing them shut so that women don't enjoy sex and thus have no incentive to cheat.

In the West, they would put chastity belts on women to lock up their private parts.

Once those practises fell out of favour, these insecure beta males started up making up "loose vagina" rumours.

All of these filthy practices are based on fragile masculinity. Joke's on them though, the vagina is a self-healing, self-cleaning body part.

Some men and their obsession and hatred of women scare me.