Math Gifs

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Some cool visual gifs to illustrate math without all the confusing numbers. Hopefully this thread will make you appreciate the beauty of mathematics. I know the numbers and computation we do in math courses can become quite frustrating, but math is really cool if you look at it conceptually. I'll only post the really popular math concepts that we all know, no advanced stuff.



Pythageom theorem visualized


Completing the Square


a2 - b2 = (a+b)(a-b)


Matrix Transpose




Sin/Cos functions



Ah the sin/cos function.

Thanks to calculator. I still don't understand it.

Are you good with statistics?

Need help with 2-way & 3-way Anova
and G power
You posted interesting visuals. I never liked math special calculus.. I liked using the graphing calculator though.


Ah the sin/cos function.

Thanks to calculator. I still don't understand it.

Are you good with statistics?

Need help with 2-way & 3-way Anova
and G power

No i hate stats lol, I'm more of a applied and pure math person.

Let me try to explain the sine/cos function.

Remember this circle that shows where the respective tan/sin/cos functions are positive or negative


Sorry couldn't find one that shows both where it's positive and the radians, but this circle also shows Radians as well:


Using both unit circles, you can tell that the sin function is going to be positive in the upper half of the circle (from 0 to pi). Graphically that means the function is going to be above the 0 line. Since it's in the upper half you can check the values of sin at the start (sin 0), middle (sin pie/2) and (sin pi). Sin 0 = 0, sin pi/2 = 1 and sin pie = 0. Which means the curve is going to start at x = 0, have a maximum/peak at x = pi/2, and then start decreasing downwards to the 0 line at x = pi. And then you can do the same for the values of sin 3pi/2 and sin 2pi.

I think this gif visually represents what i Jus said about plugging in the values.


Circle on the left is the unit circle i linked above. Notice how when its middle of the top half the corresponding point on the curve is at the maximum of the peak? That's x = 1/2 pi. You'll notice that sin 3/2 pi is also a minimum cuz it's equal to -1. It's pretty simple tbh, you can do the same thing for cos. Tan is the only confusing one.
Just to add a bit... if you know the graphs of sin, cos and tan; you can easily get the graphs of sec, csc and cot.
sec=1/cos which means where ever cos=0, sec will be undefined because you'll have 1/0. csc=1/sin, and cot=sin/cos and the same principle applies. The graph of sin starts at 0, goes up to 1 at pi/2, then comes back and is zero again at pi, and then it will go up to 1 again 3pi/2 before it settles back to zero at 4pi/2 or 2pi which is the period of the sin function. Wherever sin is 0 is called an asymptote and that's where the graph of its reciprocal will be trapped.


Just to add a bit... if you know the graphs of sin, cos and tan; you can easily get the graphs of sec, csc and cot.
sec=1/cos which means where ever cos=0, sec will be undefined because you'll have 1/0. csc=1/sin, and cot=sin/cos and the same principle applies. The graph of sin starts at 0, goes up to 1 at pi/2, then comes back and is zero again at pi, and then it will go up to 1 again 3pi/2 before it settles back to zero at 4pi/2 or 2pi which is the period of the sin function. Wherever sin is 0 is called an asymptote and that's where the graph of its reciprocal will be trapped.
I'm not sure why but apparently the education of alternate trigonometric functions like sec and etc.. are a Anglo-Saxon thing. I know a couple of french dudes in my program thst are from France and Belgium and were never taught thjs. To be fair it has very little practical use and application in the real world.
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