

~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Not to be rude but aren’t women in their late 30s much less likely to have children?
Not really. Your probability of getting pregnant merely reduces month-to-month compared to your youth. And that's highly individual also how would a woman know if she hasn't been (1) sexually active or (2) actively tried to prevent gestation from occurring (for those sexually active women who take birth control). Generally, the women who are more fertile in their later years aren't suffering from hormonal issues. They are also less likely to fluctuate widely in weight during their peak fertility years. The problems mostly stem from (1) shorter fertility window compared to when you were younger and (2) increased possibility of genetic mutations occurring with age (just like in men) and (3) poor lifestyles and environmental toxins which may impair fertility.

I would still advise against wide age gaps for lack of relatability and power dynamics being shifted. As a young man he doesn't have very much to bring to the table for an older woman. Also, she'll likely take the lead which will eventually irritate her and he'll most likely grow tired of the condescension. Always, go for someone age appropriate to save yourself the grief.
I would still advise against wide age gaps for lack of relatability and power dynamics being shifted. As a young man he doesn't have very much to bring to the table for an older woman. Also, she'll likely take the lead which will eventually irritate her and he'll most likely grow tired of the condescension. Always, go for someone age appropriate to save yourself the grief.
It could work if she respects him or their both on the same level maturity wise. This will only not work if the woman can't respect him and tries to mother him because of age gap but the fact she's ok with the age gap probably means she respect him and will let him take the lead. Plus she's probably a shut in that doesn't have life experience aswell so doesn't mind since they would technically be on the same lvl but that's just an assumption.

On the other hand maybe he doesn't mind being dominated by a woman and she want to dominate 🤷‍♂️
It could work if she respects him or their both on the same level maturity wise. This will only not work if the woman can't respect him and tries to mother him because of age gap but the fact she's ok with the age gap probably means she respect him and will let him take the lead. Plus she's probably a shut in that doesn't have life experience aswell so doesn't mind since they would technically be on the same lvl but that's just an assumption.

On the other hand maybe he doesn't mind being dominated by a woman and she want to dominate 🤷‍♂️
in the west men are usually very immature and its hard to become mature quickly thats just how life is for a man we need time and experience and guidance from elders. whereas women mature much quickly, unlikely he is the same maturity as her, if she is a homebody which is unlikely for most women maybe she will be the same maturity as him.

I actually believe some men are meant to be dominated in relationships and it works for them tbh. the ansaars women were more aggressive and jealous than makkan women and they still were in good marriages and righteous women, so different men and women are meant for each other
me personally i hate dominating women and argumentative women
Not really. Your probability of getting pregnant merely reduces month-to-month compared to your youth. And that's highly individual also how would a woman know if she hasn't been (1) sexually active or (2) actively tried to prevent gestation from occurring (for those sexually active women who take birth control). Generally, the women who are more fertile in their later years aren't suffering from hormonal issues. They are also less likely to fluctuate widely in weight during their peak fertility years. The problems mostly stem from (1) shorter fertility window compared to when you were younger and (2) increased possibility of genetic mutations occurring with age (just like in men) and (3) poor lifestyles and environmental toxins which may impair fertility.

I would still advise against wide age gaps for lack of relatability and power dynamics being shifted. As a young man he doesn't have very much to bring to the table for an older woman. Also, she'll likely take the lead which will eventually irritate her and he'll most likely grow tired of the condescension. Always, go for someone age appropriate to save yourself the grief.
maybe she is a cougar, only real thing a young man can bring to an older women is his higher virility and sex drive that will match hers as the older a women gets the higher her sex drive is, therefore usually women interested in younger guys is just for physical reasons, although there is some exceptions
in the west men are usually very immature and its hard to become mature quickly thats just how life is for a man we need time and experience and guidance from elders. whereas women mature much quickly, unlikely he is the same maturity as her, if she is a homebody which is unlikely for most women maybe she will be the same maturity as him.

I actually believe some men are meant to be dominated in relationships and it works for them tbh. the ansaars women were more aggressive and jealous than makkan women and they still were in good marriages and righteous women, so different men and women are meant for each other
me personally i hate dominating women and argumentative women
I don't mind argumentative aslong as its the logical kind and not the emotional kind but I'm definitely not interested in a dominating woman.
I don't mind argumentative aslong as its the logical kind and not the emotional kind but I'm definitely not interested in a dominating woman.
no such thing as logical argumentation for me, all I see it as is intellectual tennis, back and forth, bouncing ideas around, no emotion involved, more of a discussion.
Im going to be honest I have no time of day for any kind of arguments with a women, i need peace in my life, i avoid all argumentation as possible to achieve this, even if have to lose my pride or something
no such thing as logical argumentation for me, all I see it as is intellectual tennis, back and forth, bouncing ideas around, no emotion involved, more of a discussion.
Yeah I don't mind that aslong as it ain't an argument/discussion for the sake of arguing just because they want pointless buuq
no such thing as logical argumentation for me, all I see it as is intellectual tennis, back and forth, bouncing ideas around, no emotion involved, more of a discussion.
Im going to be honest I have no time of day for any kind of arguments with a women, i need peace in my life, i avoid all argumentation as possible to achieve this, even if have to lose my pride or something
In general if your consistently frequenting this site then you most definitely are one for an "argumentative wife" 😂
Doesn't matter this site is your release that's the whole point. Get your self a debater/conversationalist :chrisfreshhah:
Nah this site is my guilty pleasure, I shouldn't even be on this site in all honesty, I got better stuff to be doing, this is like my heroin, i go on here when i am bored and even when im not bored, i need to stop. I cant help myself:mjcry:

Also I don't like arguments, especially in real life, i used to be a hothead by now I hate them i don't like constant conflict, if I even argued once with my wife it would ruin the entire relationship for me cos thats how much I hate it
Nah this site is my guilty pleasure, I shouldn't even be on this site in all honesty, I got better stuff to be doing, this is like my heroin, i go on here when i am bored and even when im not bored, i need to stop. I cant help myself:mjcry:

Also I don't like arguments, especially in real life, i used to be a hothead by now I hate them i don't like constant conflict, if I even argued once with my wife it would ruin the entire relationship for me cos thats how much I hate it
You don't have to be at each others necks like I said you need a conversatialist and you'll probably ditch this site entirely. You keep coming back because that's what you want 🤷‍♂️
You don't have to be at each others necks like I said you need a conversatialist and you'll probably ditch this site entirely. You keep coming back because that's what you want 🤷‍♂️
nah I dont like this site im just addicted, I dont need a women who talks alot I want one who doesn't talk a lot.
nah I dont like this site im just addicted, I dont need a women who talks alot I want one who doesn't talk a lot.
🤔 I'm probably just projecting then or maybe it true for you aswell because I would like a women who talks alot while I just listen. I prefer listening to talking.
Not all day long tho 💀