Marriage in the west is dead

Will you get married in the West

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Do you guys not get tired about talking about the same thing? If you don’t wanna get married here, don’t. If you don’t wanna live here, don’t. Maxaa maanta oo dhan nagu soo celcelinaysaan?


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Do you guys not get tired about talking about the same thing? If you don’t wanna get married here, don’t. If you don’t wanna live here, don’t. Maxaa maanta oo dhan nagu soo celcelinaysaan?
We advising the younger akhis not to fall for the trap of the big shaydan aka the west.

Samaalic Era

Since when was zina just penetration? How am I playing with the deen?

When this guy is looking indecently at arab females -or whatever gender they may be- I hope he knows what that’s considered as
That's minor Zina and major Zina.

Penetration is the real Zina

