Man couldn't pay for food on a date



Man couldn't pay for a £97 bill for food on a date. Why did is he going on dates if he couldn't afford?:mindblown:
Why didn't he find a decent aesthetic restaurant within his budget?

The amount of dusty stitches coming for the woman in this video is alarming :hova:

For us Americans, £97 is approximately $122.



Man couldn't pay for a £97 bill for food on a date. Why did is he going on dates if he couldn't afford?:mindblown:
Why didn't he find a decent aesthetic restaurant within his budget?

The amount of dusty stitches coming for the woman in this video is alarming :hova:

For us Americans, £97 is approximately $122.
Is the fatty woman fault 😂 why you picking an expensive foods you over weight person.
Personally I will go to McDonald’s for date.
It happens to the best of us. It is not as bad in the UK, as is in the US, where not having money is worse than death sentence for the average Yankee.

In my case, I realised I did not have my wallet with me in the midst of the meal, and quickly improvised. Of course, this was a frequent haunt, where I knew the owner and staff, so I just got up, spoke with the owner, briefing him as to the predicament, and he said 'it was on the house'. I still took slip, came back the next day, and settled the bill with a large tip.

What happened a few times was where I would dash out of the office, just finishing a meeting, and thinking of the next one, head out, order the food, and then realise I left my wallet behind, but 'cos there are the same restaurants, where they know me, I just return the next day to pay.
It happens to the best of us. It is not as bad in the UK, as is in the US, where not having money is worse than death sentence for the average Yankee.

In my case, I realised I did not have my wallet with me in the midst of the meal, and quickly improvised. Of course, this was a frequent haunt, where I knew the owner and staff, so I just got up, spoke with the owner, briefing him as to the predicament, and he said 'it was on the house'. I still took slip, came back the next day, and settled the bill with a large tip.

What happened a few times was where I would dash out of the office, just finishing a meeting, and thinking of the next one, head out, order the food, and then realise I left my wallet behind, but 'cos there are the same restaurants, where they know me, I just return the next day to pay.
Why do you write postscript?