Making plans but not wanting to go out

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i have a job and a car, so don't take the subway. was just giving some ideas to keep urself busy. why don't u visit ur half relatives in columbia? on ur way back, u can bring some cocaine.......
I have visited my relatives 2 years ago. I am going Kenya this year so no. I'm a Cokehead adress? I think u want some


Get a job. You are a grown as person what the hell are you doing at home:gucciwhat:
It’s freaking summertime..plenty of fun seasonal jobs out there.


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
Yes I am going to start reading my books again. I used to got gym but go bored will start doing that soon

Go to a coffee place and have a read. Later on the day you could go to the gym. I used to volunteer in a summer camp for children, maybe you could do that if they organize those things in London.
Naaya take the hint, she doesnt wanna go to the movies with you.:icon lol:

Go and learn something useful, perhaps get a new skill. Teach yourself about a new topic. Im financially illiterate and am teaching myself some Economics and how to manage personal finances over the summer (allow me, i never took a business class ya know :( history and sciences arent very helpful in figuring out how banks work).

Perhaps youre politically retarded (after your bantu-kenya alliance conspiracy this is a possibility) so maybe youd want to learn about that? Learn about colombian geo politics or about somalia? Maybe volunteer at your mosque or some charity. Get some hasanat. Its impossible to be bored abaayo theres always something new to do.
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