Madows violating North Africans in France

Basically it’s all in French firstly, I’m a francophone so I’ll translate for you & also you can use the translate feature on the tweet.

It started off from this Arab guy saying:

“i believe if every black successful man marries a black woman that he will die”

this Nigerian Francophone who is soon gonna cook up a crazy thread responds saying “this doesn’t concern you idiot”

from that day onwards this Madow fella has been cooking up a crazy thread 💀

Here is the thread titled

“ The North Africans, the Kings & Princes of Recycling our sloppy seconds” 💀

The thread is too crazy but here is a summary of a girl who gave up her virginity to a Madow & is now looking to marry an Arab North African guy 💀

This man went too far :dead: he posted a photo of a arab girl getting flown out to dubai for madows & then getting married to an arab guy

This one was the worst of all 💀 she said my husband is Tunisian & my baby went from white to black 💀

This one killed me, his girl saying she’s made for black men 💀

Madows have destroyed North Africans Wallahi I have to give it to them.

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A lot of successful Madow men will hand over their wealth to Cadaans and Cadaan-lites such as North Africans and Arabs. Let me explain.

Self hating Madow man + Cadaan wife= self-hating mixed children.
Mixed children will marry Cadaans

All that wealth and melanin will disappear within 3 generations tops.

Look at famous Cadaans like Ronda Roussey, you'd never guess her great-grandfather was an important African American man. Look at the beige NBA, all that talent and money will go right back to Cadaans.

For shame, Madow man. For shame!!
These Madows hate themselves and there women literally breeding themselves out. Look at Patrick Mahomes making $500 million in just 2 generations he’s blackness is gone all that money is going back to whites.
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The premise of 'cucking' when it comes to consensual relationships, is very incorrect.
Women don't belong to anyone, let alone random men from their own ethnic group. However, I do think that people are stronger when they stick to their own.

The trouble with Madow men, is that they think they are 'winning' by sticking their cawro into women from other races. They hang all their pride on their cawro, and that is why globally, Madow men are at the bottom, this includes Somali men, with their irresponsible guur and child rearing.

Control yourselves and stop acting like beasts.
He’s not wrong tho, I’ve never seen a madow man marry a madow women, most self hating people imo.

Madow women are so beautiful to me, and they tend to perform very well academically.
Africa would be a power-house, if Madow men controlled their sexual urges and channelled that into building strong family units and wealth.

Mama Africa, your children have failed you.



Plotting world domination
A lot of successful Madow men will hand over their wealth to Cadaans and Cadaan-lites such as North Africans and Arabs. Let me explain.

Self hating Madow man + Cadaan wife= self-hating mixed children.
Mixed children will marry Cadaans

All that wealth and melanin will disappear within 3 generations tops.

Look at famous Cadaans like Ronda Roussey, you'd never guess her great-grandfather was an important African American man. Look at the beige NBA, all that talent and money will go right back to Cadaans.

For shame, Madow man. For sham!!

How conservative and strict is north African culture?

Some chicks from religious backgrounds prefer to party and sleep with men from less strict and religious communities.

This "cucking" problem these niggas seem to have honestly seems avoidable if they just relaxed a little bit more and created more spaces where young people can have fun within the community.

Unless change happens within the community women will continue to do this.
Delete those first two sentencens, literally giving ammo. Our girls if they even date out are far more likely to do so with a white guy (majority of the west) or MENA (same religion and proximity) or rarely asian (fanatic k-pop fan). Africans come dead last so whats your obsession.

Change your ways man, cmon.
Delete this, I deleted it sxb
How conservative and strict is north African culture?

Some chicks from religious backgrounds prefer to party and sleep with men from less strict and religious communities.

This "cucking" problem these niggas seem to have honestly seems avoidable if they just relaxed a little bit more and created more spaces where young people can have fun within the community.

Unless change happens within the community women will continue to do this.

Nobody is even being cucked.

North African men should sit back and count the money that will roll into their community.
They already have Madow DNA and this Madow DNA will get diluted, because we all know that self-hating Madow men, breed self-haters.