Nah full that these niggas claim baati, moos iyo baris and other shyt as theirs. They even claiming our lands as Bantu lands but they got kicked out fukk that gotta set it straightdominicans been eating this since day one. banana and rice isnt some revolutionary one in a lifetime concoction to come up with u kno, but somalis hold claim to little so makes sense guarding any little thing that seems unique
dominicans been eating this since day one. banana and rice isnt some revolutionary one in a lifetime concoction to come up with u kno, but somalis hold claim to little so makes sense guarding any little thing that seems unique
So then why are Somalis the only ones mocked for it.....
It's not a diaspora thing the j4reers everywhere would clown on moos iyo bariis they'd say shyt like "why the f*ck do you Somalians eat banana with everything" now that somalis are popping they wanna claim all our shyt and be like us use our slang f*ck themthe only place ive seen people actively mock it is in the UK, and thats cause they hate somalis period, so they will find any somali thing to mock
Nah it’s more of universal thing. I remember mythe only place ive seen people actively mock it is in the UK, and thats cause they hate somalis period, so they will find any somali thing to mock
We some trend setters broFirst never follow