Local parliament of adal state.

Habar awal 18,cidagalle+isxaaq 8, arap 6, gadabursi 6, cisse 2 and HJ 1



Reformation of Somaliland
Move this to the trash section.

If you want a country go to the Sahara

Somaliland isn't being split up.

Is reer Bari failed many times reer galbeed gonna fail that's why kulmiye don't want elections to happen, they gonna be sent packing for the real people to come in take back all the looted lands and provide a level of public service never seen before
Move this to the trash section.

If you want a country go to the Sahara

Somaliland isn't being split up.

Is reer Bari failed many times reer galbeed gonna fail that's why kulmiye don't want elections to happen, they gonna be sent packing for the real people to come in take back all the looted lands and provide a level of public service never seen before

it’s not a country it’s gonna be a Federal Member State


In your dreams you Bucur Bucayr

We will never join ilma Jeegaan in a federal state. The people of Awdal Gabilay and Salal will form their own State or even Republic.
20 seats Makahiil
14 seats Maxamed Case
7 seats Habar Cafaan
5 seats Ciise.
In your dreams you Bucur Bucayr

We will never join ilma Jeegaan in a federal state. The people of Awdal Gabilay and Salal will form their own State or even Republic.
20 seats Makahiil
14 seats Maxamed Case
7 seats Habar Cafaan
5 seats Ciise.
There is no such thing as awdal.
Move this to the trash section.

If you want a country go to the Sahara

Somaliland isn't being split up.

Is reer Bari failed many times reer galbeed gonna fail that's why kulmiye don't want elections to happen, they gonna be sent packing for the real people to come in take back all the looted lands and provide a level of public service never seen before
Kkkk it was waddani and ucid crying about the opening of political parties not kulmiye. Reer galbeed are the financial and military power of the region. What the hell can you do?
Based on the elections of 2017 it should be that way with 41 seats:

HA 16, GX 11, Awdal 10, Arab 3, HJ 1

I still think GX would be underrepresented with 11 seats. The coming local elections will provide clarification.
You’re having a bubble. Kulmiye registered in maroodijeex and saaxil 160k votes. Awdal registered 80k votes including cisse and habar awal voters. So how would they get 10 and we get 16. Gadabursi were also 1/3 the size of habar awal in the census in the 1940s
Waddani which is HY cidagalle and arab also registered 80k votes in maroodijeex and saaxil so on what basis would they have almost the same as habar awal


You’re having a bubble. Kulmiye registered in maroodijeex and saaxil 160k votes. Awdal registered 80k votes including cisse and habar awal voters. So how would they get 10 and we get 16. Gadabursi were also 1/3 the size of habar awal in the census in the 1940s
Maroodijeex has large Garxajis population don't be a beggar. That we registrered 80k alone shows how laangaab you are. Also stop running to colonial census which is unreliable even when they added bit non British protected Samaroon are numbers quickly reached 80000 and Issa 100k. You are laangaab and the only traces of being acknowledged as being laandheer is by clinging to British census.


Also clan demographics have changed since 1940 you illiterate jeegaani scum.

Maybe 1% of your laangaab subclan lives in Awdal while we are around 5-10% in Maroodijeex.
Maroodijeex has large Garxajis population don't be a beggar. That we registrered 80k alone shows how laangaab you are. Also stop running to colonial census which is unreliable even when they added bit non British protected Samaroon are numbers quickly reached 80000 and Issa 100k. You are laangaab and the only traces of being acknowledged as being laandheer is by clinging to British census.


Also clan demographics have changed since 1940 you illiterate jeegaani scum.

Maybe 1% of your laangaab subclan lives in Awdal while we are around 5-10% in Maroodijeex.
The British used to favour HA, well since they brought them in so i think its wrong


Somaliland supremacy
The British used to favour HA, well since they brought them in so i think its wrong
why will the british favour HA by making their population bigger? thats just silly the original book say the didn't account for everyone in the protectorate mostly because we were nomads

