Let me tell you guys something I witness


Interesting I get what you're saying, you can tie that to their lack of Islamic education also that makes them susceptible to these secularist ideologies especially for muslim females I would say eg: Feminism and the perceived lack of rights for women in Islam due to culture etc, the war on Islam everywhere, not being able to distinguish between islamic and cultural practices?

The amount of somali guys that are athiests are massively, massively over-exaggerated lol I know they exist, I've met one before, but they are a very, very small minority (a couple reddit threads could be anyone, 5 accounts could be run by 1 person). Idk in the UK most somali guys at uni have similar friend groups at and you'll always see them praying - at least jummah or once in a while (regardless if theyre religious or not). For muslim guys in the west, I think the problems they face are more material (lack of resources, status etc) rather than ideological for the most part.
I think lack of an education in fiqh and deen is a big one. A lot of parents take their kids to duqsi without fully explaining to them how Islam works and why it is the way it is.
Maybe it also depends on the course they take too. If it’s more social science or humanities related do you think that would be a factor or do you reckon it’s natural sciences like physics and chemistry?
Even Christians complain about how universities create anti religion leftist and the left has realised if they can control the education they can control the thinking of society. This begs the question why is Europe becoming more right wing?


Even Christians complain about how universities create anti religion leftist and the left has realised if they can control the education they can control the thinking of society. This begs the question why is Europe becoming more right wing?
I mean that didn’t answer my question but okay.
I think the right wing movements you see in Europe is mainly reactionary to the political pendulum being swung far left. Many people my age fully sympathise with far left and so called progressive ideologies. It’s also become embedded in the social fabric of the youth now. You don’t need to be educated by your school or university, it’s all around you and all over your screens.
I mean that didn’t answer my question but okay.
I think the right wing movements you see in Europe is mainly reactionary to the political pendulum being swung far left. Many people my age fully sympathise with far left and so called progressive ideologies. It’s also become embedded in the social fabric of the youth now. You don’t need to be educated by your school or university, it’s all around you and all over your screens.
It’s an age thing. The saying If you're not left-wing in your 20's you've got no heart. If you're not right-wing in your 40's you've got no brain exist for a reason. Generation hippies became right wingers when they got older
I think lack of an education in fiqh and deen is a big one. A lot of parents take their kids to duqsi without fully explaining to them how Islam works and why it is the way it is.

Yeaah they don't understand the basic principles and beliefs in Islam and you're exposed to all kinds of shaydanisms at university and you cant defend/protect yourself from all of it. You're more likely to end up becoming very liberal, and the worst case scenario would be you leave the religion altogether.
Yeah parents have got to take responsibility and pay more attention esp if youre raising kids here. I mean Dugsi can be good but focus on education. You can't go on a limb when you know it doesnt work lol we live in a gaal country... its not the same as being brought up in Somalia, or UAE etc

