Let me ask yall religious folks A question?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
There are multiple religions on earth and we can all agree that they contradict each other. This indicates that not all religions can be the truth. So we can prove that although “one religion” in theory could be factual, they cannot all simultaneously be factual.

This proves that human beings are capable of believing in any collection of ideas that are not factual. Proving one religion to be factual would result in multiple other religions being disproven. So that would mean you could have spent your whole life living a lie and believing in ideas without any factual evidence.

Statements like “what I’ve been told is the truth” and “what they’ve been told is lies” with regards to people who follow other religions, are not good enough argument.

The question that I want to ask is “What makes your religion the one true religion?”

The question that I want to ask is “What makes your religion the one true religion?”

Answer: In one word: Quran.

The holly book of Quran is unlike past holly books, ie Taurat & Injel.

Unlike the other two, Quran has remain pure and unaltered.

Furthermore: Quran, reaffirms the other two holly books, therefore making it the final word & a point of reference to the other two as to what is valid and what is not.

Moreover, it is in the nature of Man (and woman of course) to have a desire to worship an entity. A God.

That is why other forms of religion existed or were invented by man to fill the void, however misguided they were. ie Pagans.
We believe in all the prophets of the major religions we just don't share their core concepts such as the Christians believing in Jesus or the Jews saying RIBA is good

Considering the fact that a prophet was sent to every nation it's very plausible that they did to the prophets what they did to Jesus,a good example could be Buddha

My advice is if you're very serious about searching for an answer then take time out of your day to go seek it. Go to a mosque and ask the scholars


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
We believe in all the prophets of the major religions we just don't share their core concepts such as the Christians believing in Jesus or the Jews saying RIBA is good

Considering the fact that a prophet was sent to every nation it's very plausible that they did to the prophets what they did to Jesus,a good example could be Buddha

My advice is if you're very serious about searching for an answer then take time out of your day to go seek it. Go to a mosque and ask the scholars

i do not know what u r smoking but Budha are pagans.

And Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. Istaqfurulaah


Akh Right movement
There are multiple religions on earth and we can all agree that they contradict each other. This indicates that not all religions can be the truth. So we can prove that although “one religion” in theory could be factual, they cannot all simultaneously be factual.

This proves that human beings are capable of believing in any collection of ideas that are not factual. Proving one religion to be factual would result in multiple other religions being disproven. So that would mean you could have spent your whole life living a lie and believing in ideas without any factual evidence.

Statements like “what I’ve been told is the truth” and “what they’ve been told is lies” with regards to people who follow other religions, are not good enough argument.

The question that I want to ask is “What makes your religion the one true religion?”[/QUOTE
Can you watch this and tell me how this was predicted long time ago?


Ted Kaczynski respecter
Over half the world adheres to an Abrahamic faith and the rest are Indians and Chinese with Hinduism, if you look into it, obviously being a degenerated form of monotheistic belief. Forms of faith that aren’t Abrahamic continuously lose against those that are and will disappear from the world eventually. This, is the providence of God.

So, the question really is what Abrahamic faith is the correct one! After examining each one I found that the one that has the most sound theology is Islam and alhamdulillah it’s just my good luck that I was born into it.
Ours is real because we keep winning and growing.

What the muslims did in the 7th century is equivalent to Djibouti conquering USA and China in 30 years.


Engineer of Qandala
Over half the world adheres to an Abrahamic faith and the rest are Indians and Chinese with Hinduism, if you look into it, obviously being a degenerated form of monotheistic belief. Forms of faith that aren’t Abrahamic continuously lose against those that are and will disappear from the world eventually. This, is the providence of God.

So, the question really is what Abrahamic faith is the correct one! After examining each one I found that the one that has the most sound theology is Islam and alhamdulillah it’s just my good luck that I was born into it.

And of the Abrahamic faiths ours is the last and uncorrupted one IE there is only one Quran vs 10 Bibles or the different Torah’s out there


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Wouldn't classify as a religious person but Islam is the only plausible faith in this World. Judaism is a racist ideology, one cannot become a Jew unless born into a Jewish family. Christianity justifies the slavery of the black due to the sins of the sons of Noah whereas Islam honoured Bilal ibn Rabah who became the first Muadhin. Out of the 3, Islam is the only one that honours every prophet and messenger wheres Judaism has no respect for Jesus and his mother. Christianity has 2 testaments, an old and new one which were inspired and altered by St Paul and others.

Rastafarianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and every other Ism out there do not have traditional scriptures to reference therefore i consider them a man made religion.
In Islam a man is man and a woman is a woman. Postmodernism Bruce Jenner can turn into Caitlyn Jenner, therefore islam keeps you human
i do not know what u r smoking but Budha are pagans.

And Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. Istaqfurulaah
It said in the Quran that a prophet was sent to every nation . So even the Indians got their own prophet just like how we got prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). What I'm saying is that there could be a chance that their Buddha was a prophet like any other granted miracles from Allah to spread the message of tawheed and that it could have turned out the wrong way where they started worshiping the creation rather than creator but God knows best


Forza Somalia!
In my opinion, all these relgions even islam based on believe, non of them give an absolute evidence, but you'll find everyone of them giving you reasons some are logical and some aren't.
And [mention] when Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead." [ Allah ] said, "Have you not believed?" He said, "Yes, but [I ask] only that my heart may be satisfied."
And I don't think all the religions have the same goal, like in Islam going to heaven.

Omar del Sur

Islam- Tawheed
Christianity- Bible that you never read, religion is arbitrary, full of contradictions, no one really follows it, genocide nonwhites, "Israel is our greatest ally"
Jews- Control the media, promote ography and feminism, promote multiculturalism to the goyim while hijacking US government to protect your ethnostate
Hinduism- Fanatically support Modi, lynch beef-eaters, claim to believe all religions are correct but kill Muslims anyways
Atheism- Follow your desires and ignore that it violates sound reason that all of Creation came about randomly, worship "science" while not actually following a belief backed by science, believe atheism is scientific because Richard Dawkins told you so

I get that there's other beliefs but they're all inferior to Islam.


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