Learned the word for happiness is an arabic loanword


Arabic and Somali evolved from the same language. There will be similarities because many common words came from the same root word.

This is a concept taught to 14 years old kids. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Afro-Asiatic has a massive time depth compared to other families. It's estimated to be around 15k years old, Therefore the possibility of remotely related language families like Cushitic and Semitic sharing cognates is very minimal. The only reason Afro-Asiatic was recognized as a legit Language family group is because the world's oldest written languages are Afro-Asiatic.

Considering how loanword borrowings between the two languages have mainly been one-way traffic, it's better to assume that every word shared by Somali and Arabic is a loanword from the latter.
"raynrayn" kulahaa.
The expression "farxad iyo raynrayn"????

Sometimes it's better to stay quiet if you don't know what you're talking about.
Afro-Asiatic has a massive time depth compared to other families. It's estimated to be around 15k years old, Therefore the possibility of remotely related language families like Cushitic and Semitic sharing cognates is very minimal. The only reason Afro-Asiatic was recognized as a legit Language family group is because the world's oldest written languages are Afro-Asiatic.
Cushitic is a really bad phylum in itself. Besides Omotic (which used to be classified as West Cushitic), Cushitic is the most divergent branch of Proto-Afroasiatic. Beja, Somali and Iraqw don't have much vocab cognates unlike the immediate sub-groups within Semitic, Berber or Chadic. Taxonomically Cushitic is equivalent to northern Erythrean (Sem, Ber, Cha, Egy).


If we're making a fair Afroasiatic phylogenetic tree it should look like Semitic, Berber, Chadic, Ancient Egyptian, Bejaic, Agewic, Elmenteitanic, Waaqic and maybe Omotic lol
Afro-Asiatic has a massive time depth compared to other families. It's estimated to be around 15k years old, Therefore the possibility of remotely related language families like Cushitic and Semitic sharing cognates is very minimal. The only reason Afro-Asiatic was recognized as a legit Language family group is because the world's oldest written languages are Afro-Asiatic.

Considering how loanword borrowings between the two languages have mainly been one-way traffic, it's better to assume that every word shared by Somali and Arabic is a loanword from the latter.
9000-12000 for Afro Asiatic.
8000-9500 for Indo-European.

Until you proof to me words like ani, farxad riyo etc are loan words. An Arab bootylicker like you has no legitimacy to speak on Somali language.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Somali is an ancient Semitic language. Therefore, you would find words that it is overlapping with many other Afro-Asiatic languages.

Why do u see the necessity of infusing the word "Afro" ? Is it to ingratiate your oromo back ground?


Cushitic is a really bad phylum in itself. Besides Omotic (which used to be classified as West Cushitic), Cushitic is the most divergent branch of Proto-Afroasiatic. Beja, Somali and Iraqw don't have much vocab cognates unlike the immediate sub-groups within Semitic, Berber or Chadic. Taxonomically Cushitic is equivalent to northern Erythrean (Sem, Ber, Cha, Egy).


If we're making a fair Afroasiatic phylogenetic tree it should look like Semitic, Berber, Chadic, Ancient Egyptian, Bejaic, Agewic, Elmenteitanic, Waaqic and maybe Omotic lol
Is Waaqic Eastern Cushitic lool


9000-12000 for Afro Asiatic.
8000-9500 for Indo-European.

Until you proof to me words like ani, farxad riyo etc are loan words. An Arab bootylicker like you has no legitimacy to speak on Somali language.
Hhhh, Semitic is probably older than Indo-European.

Ani is Afroasiatic cognate, Farxad and Riyo are obviously Arabic loanwords.
Hhhh, Semitic is probably older than Indo-European.

Ani is Afroasiatic cognate, Farxad and Riyo are obviously Arabic loanwords.
These are estimates. For Indoeuropean quick Google search gave me dozen varying estimates from different time periods, ranging from 6000 to 9500. I did what you did, took the oldest one.:icon e biggrin:

Ani is Afroasiatic cognate
You agree with me on Arabic and Somali having same origin and sharing cognates. Waryaa bax meel naga fadhiiso.
Top Pain GIF
Kuye "raynraynayaa" You can't even grammar markaasaad is leedahay gole soo dhex gal.

Waxba qosol gariir ha isku hoos qarin, hooyo mataalo inaad tahay uun baad cadaysatay.
Keep your 20th century made up words to yourself. Farxad is the Somali word for joy. Raynrayn is not a word. The fact you dont find that fake word wich literally means "finefine" cringe is even more amusing. You only know one Somali dialect and you pretend to be an authority here.
Mad No More GIF by Movie Trivia Schmoedown


Sidii roon Raba og
I think Raynrayn is exited.
The Somali word of happiness is Riyaaq.

Riyaaq = Farxad

Warkaas aad baan ugu riyaaqay =
I was happy with that news.

