Learned the word for happiness is an arabic loanword


E pluribus unum
I'm not the loanword police, idc if there are loanwords in our language. But faraxsan is apparently arabic. Forgive my hooyo mataalo-ness but iss there a somali equivalent or were our ancestors too depressed to come up with a word for happiness
As a Darood I’m glad my ancestor brought and incorporated his Arabic language, no complaints here. I speak Somali the language of my maternal ancestor and Arabic the language of my paternal linage. All is good here :salute:


E pluribus unum
As a Darood I’m glad my ancestor brought and incorporated his Arabic language, no complaints here. I speak Somali the language of my maternal ancestor and Arabic the language of my paternal linage. All is good here :salute:
Us darods are not arab, we may descend from one arab man but it was so long ago our dna shows practically 0 arab in it.
I can't lie the somali language does have a lot of arabic loanwords, but that doesn't mean every somali word that has a similar arabic counterpart is loaned. We are in the same language family after all.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I'm not the loanword police, idc if there are loanwords in our language. But faraxsan is apparently arabic. Forgive my hooyo mataalo-ness but iss there a somali equivalent or were our ancestors too depressed to come up with a word for happiness

Our ancestors were tortured, by tribal wars, disastrous unfriendly climate- famines, repetitive diet of baasto and bariis- leading to malnutrition. Their only consolation was the camel milk which gave them a nutritional power, preventing them to die from depravity-& momentary flight to heaven! The word faraxsaan is a novel to them. They loved it so much they inherited the name Farah- in which I am responsible for releasing it to the lexicon, describing the average Somali man. And Xaliimo which was also my invention more than 20 plus years ago.

in Somali culture being happy and smiling is viewed negatively. Like u r a Doqoon.

Ironically- the Somali word for Happiness is not a noun but a verb.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
No I'm Somali

Arabic and Somali evolved from the same language. There will be similarities because many common words came from the same root word.

This is a concept taught to 14 years old kids. You should be ashamed of yourself.
It's "raynrayn". Farxad is Arabic loanword not Afro-asiatic. Oromos and other Cushitics still have their own words for happiness.

Arabs use somali loan words too, look at Yemen, they say Qurac for breakfast, qalooc for a bending road, and digir for beans am pretty sure there’s a lot more
Not really. Quraac, qado, cuwaaf, casho, laxoox, maraq, sanuunad, duqad, suqaar, cusheer, feetamuus, fadiirad, fuul etc. are your classic Adeni words.