Land prices in somaliland

How much were you thinking to spend. Building a house is relatively easy in Somaliland, my cousin did it last year. But he was lucky to enherit land which saved him a fortune.
Burco looks nice Hargeisa could look good if the mayor wasn’t useless and that the government got misplaced priorities recently they got chosen to host the conifa football tournament which is countries who aren’t recognized playing competing with each other

Now they building a stadium

I guess Building roads and fixing the water issue isn’t important as building a football stadium to host a tournament nobody even cares about
So catalonia will be playing??

It is. This was back in 2016. My investment is worth 30k or more now.

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised. But at the same time you shouldnt sell for 30k, wait till it gets atleast 50K if you are. New Hargeisa waa xaafad shidan, I wouldn't mind living there.

But personally If I were to buy land, I would invest in Abaarso. Its not developed yet but I see a lot of potential.


To be honest I wouldn't be surprised. But at the same time you shouldnt sell for 30k, wait till it gets atleast 50K if you are. New Hargeisa waa xaafad shidan, I wouldn't mind living there.

But personally If I were to buy land, I would invest in Abaarso. Its not developed yet but I see a lot of potential.

Yh I am not gunna sell it cause I don't need the money right now. I will turn it to greenhouse farming or something.
Yh I am not gunna sell it cause I don't need the money right now. I will turn it to greenhouse farming or something.

Bro walahi property in Hargeisa is better to lease or live in as there is a high demand for it.

Specially if you invested only 10k a jogo. My family also has few houses in Hargeisa, but we wouldn't sell it in a million years.
Burco looks nice Hargeisa could look good if the mayor wasn’t useless and that the government got misplaced priorities recently they got chosen to host the conifa football tournament which is countries who aren’t recognized playing competing with each other

Now they building a stadium

I guess Building roads and fixing the water issue isn’t important as building a football stadium to host a tournament nobody even cares about
most of these CONIFA "nations' have roads :ohlord:


Bro walahi property in Hargeisa is better to lease or live in as there is a high demand for it.

Specially if you invested only 10k a jogo. My family also has few houses in Hargeisa, but we wouldn't sell it in a million years.

Rent in Hargeisa is cheap. The average for a entire villa with 4-5 rooms is $300 a month. Only hotel owners are making a killing. In comparison if you had a house in UK worth 100k you can easily get a 20k per year return on it just from rent.
Rent in Hargeisa is cheap. The average for a entire villa with 4-5 rooms is $300 a month. Only hotel owners are making a killing. In comparison if you had a house in UK worth 100k you can easily get a 20k per year return on it just from rent.

Thats true. Its cheaper to rent then buy a house. We rent our 3 bedroom house in Jigjiga yar for about $400. But your right, some places you can rent a villa for a lot cheaper.

It's really the area which dictates the price.


Thats true. Its cheaper to rent then buy a house. We rent our 3 bedroom house in Jigjiga yar for about $400. But your right, some places you can rent a villa for a lot cheaper.

It's really the area which dictates the price.

And how much is your bedroom house valued at? to compare it to UK rental income.


$400 in London. Close to impossible, you'll have to share a double bed room with someone for about $700 in London. And the rest of the house would be shared.

Yes but I mean the value of your house in Hargeisa. London houses are on average 500k. I am referring to places like Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool etc where you can still buy a 4 bedroom house for 100k.
Yes but I mean the value of your house in Hargeisa. London houses are on average 500k. I am referring to places like Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool etc where you can still buy a 4 bedroom house for 100k.

That house was build in early 2000s so probably much cheaper back then. Tbh but I don't know how much was built for. But 1 jago at the time was about a gran
That house was build in early 2000s so probably much cheaper back then. Tbh but I don't know how much was built for. But 1 jago at the time was about a gran

But since Muse Bixi build guriga madaxtooyada in the region last year. The value of the area has gone incredibly high due to the goverment investing in the area.

