Kurolady08 appreciation thread

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I do, but Somalia just too awesome. They didnt just pick any raggedy negroes to breed with. Personality wise, I'm agreed with Somalis. Plus, the history the best ever. Arabs, Whites and other blacks need to get the f*ck out and let Somalia be independent. In a true capitalist, we would made bank. It took 5 or 4 countries to take the country down. If afronazis values all black history like they said, then how come they speak about this. Because it goes against their victim narrative. It was the first country to develop democracy. That's something to proud of .

Somalia awesome!? Where? How? You realize somalis doing anything to get outta there right? You realize that they are like modern day gypsies right? You ever been there?

It sounds like african americans assisted in making your family rich? Was your family involved in civil rights movement?


Men are better than Women.
I've experienced more hostility from black Americans. Mainly the Democrats and the afronazis. I was told growing up from my afronazi Marxist teachers that Somalis were enslaved by Arabs and are full of self hate.

Yeah thats what i figured.
Somalia awesome!? Where? How? You realize somalis doing anything to get outta there right? You realize that they are like modern day gypsies right? You ever been there?

It sounds like african americans assisted in making your family rich? Was your family involved in civil rights movement?
No, most of family keep the relationship with other African Americans from distant. Unless, they weren't ghetto idiots. My dad's side didnt like other black people, though. In general, my folks are capitalist as f*ck.
No, most of family keep the relationship with other African Americans from distant. Unless, they weren't ghetto idiots. My dad's side didnt like other black people, though. In general, my folks are capitalist as f*ck.

What do you think about Trump...and his take on somalis?
Somalia awesome!? Where? How? You realize somalis doing anything to get outta there right? You realize that they are like modern day gypsies right? You ever been there?

It sounds like african americans assisted in making your family rich? Was your family involved in civil rights movement?
Bro, somali people are economic and political geniuses. Have you heard about xeer . Its brilliant. https://mises.org/library/rule-law-without-state
I'm skeptical.
That's fine. I'm pretty weird, but I do love somali culture and history. I have nothing to gain. Plus, at least I'm not BLM social justice idiot. Anyone that doesn't think Somalia is the best country in East Africa is a hater. Either way, f*ck that slavery mentality. My advance to somali people is not all black people are idiot commies and some Somali were force to abandon their pride. Don't let them the white folks treat you into believingyour victims. Also, not take aid and let somali get on third wave feminism. You'll be right there with the madows.
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I don't like government either way but I like him better Obama. Obama was the one who made that ban. I trust the devil I see more Obama's fake ass.

Obama banned somali immigration? Don't think you have that right....but then again don't think you have much of anything right.. Carry on though.


Men are better than Women.
I do, but Somalia just too awesome. They didnt just pick any raggedy negroes to breed with. Personality wise, I'm agreed with Somalis. Plus, the history the best ever. Arabs, Whites and other blacks need to get the f*ck out and let Somalia be independent. In a true capitalist, we would made bank. It took 5 or 4 countries to take the country down. If afronazis values all black history like they said, then how come they speak about this. Because it goes against their victim narrative. It was the first country to develop democracy. That's something to proud of .

Kuro Lady for president :salute:
I'm artist and trying a manga about somali. Whites and other blacks are hatin' . Shit, the person to tell me that how badass Somali are and inspire other youth Somali. No, the left likes to spread the lie that kkk and nazi are everywhere. It's a lie. I live in Chicago and it's the black commie gangsters fucking shit up. White liberals and afronazis just want use us. Eventhough, I'm only a quarter somali, I see how the media guilt tripped ANY non-white. Want we need is our thing and keep good business relationships with other ethnicities. We shouldn't be too hateful, so we have learn better technology to add to our own. I love to have a Somali podcast or something. Host charities for somali businesses or help the Somalis that lost the businesses in south africa
I actually like everyone here, even the ones make of fun of me. 1. I hate sensitive ass mofos that can't take criticism. 2. Excepting a culture that very nationalistic and proud to accept is naive. Not everyone is going to like you . 3. My family makes fun of each other and talk shit about everyone not in the family. 4. The jokes are funny. My boyfriend was laughing his ass of on some of guys comments about my ass. Seriously, white racism is so weak. Especially if it's a poor white person.
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This is me a kid. I pretty look much like a somali with nappy hair with kinda big nostrils. I'm lanky as f*ck. Plus, I grew up madow people and most of them don't have purple lips, unless they're super dark. Those black caricatures confused me. I don't know. The only exception I've heard was the fulani tribe. Like I said I'm weird.
Nigga stfu
Fk the multinicking Somalian bantu troll
Shit even Bantus are coming my people now
What reality you live. Afronazis and white nationalists think we are a bunch uppity negroes that want to Arab. I'm working citzen that takes care of her mother with strong conservative value. My bantu side were beast. You said I look bantu, when I've stated hundreds of times I'm diluted. I could say look like a basic light skin creole black Americans or lanito.
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