King von’s fire drill music


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
Its not my fault that you guys got bullied by Nigerians, carebbians
Somalis make them our bit.ches. We're emerging as a power not going to assimilate as AA's like American Somalis lmaooo. Look at your pfp claiming these ghetto shits.


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
AA didn’t bully us.

SoMalIans ArE UglY
Madow girls are the most clapped sxb.

Only thing these girls have is fuuto.

Why do you think Madow men want our women.

Look at their horse hair implants:vqbuyv0:

Also they think all Somalis look like this
Somali boys | Somali, Human, People

I get girls easily due to my light complexion and soft curly hair.

I don't know about you though as I saw your face reveal thread and you look like a neek la howla. Don't chat:russ:


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
I’ve never heard of those places it’s too irrelevant sxb. In UK all I know is London , Birmingham , and Manchester. Anywhere else is completely irrelevant
Brum and London are ghettos.

Dunno about Manchester though:chrisfreshhah:

