Khawariji sect


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The Khawarij (Kharijites) are one of the deviant sects, as is proven by the texts and by scholarly consensus.

Al-Bukhari (6934) and Muslim (1068) narrated that Yusayr ibn ‘Amr said: I said to Sahl ibn Hunayf: Did you hear the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say anything about the Khawarij?

He said: I heard him say – and he gestured with his hand towards Iraq –: “From there will emerge people who recite the Quran, but it will not go past their collarbones. They will pass out of Islam as an arrow passes out of the prey.”

Ibn Majah (173) narrated that Ibn Abi Awfa said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Khawarij are the dogs of Hell.” (Classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih Ibn Majah)
The idea of extreme salafism/borderline khawarjinimo in the 90's which resulted in full blown khawarij nonsense in the 21st century was brought to Somalia by Hassan Dahir Aweys. Prior to him, the civil war in Somalia was solely tribal - based. The reason why it spread so fast was because total anarchy led people to look into religion as a way to deal with no government and reckless warlords. Add that to foreign groups that payed individuals to spread salafism and the ethiopian invasion of somalia in 2006, the creation of a threatening terrorist group such as AS was imminent


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The Khawarij (Kharijites) are one of the deviant sects, as is proven by the texts and by scholarly consensus.

Al-Bukhari (6934) and Muslim (1068) narrated that Yusayr ibn ‘Amr said: I said to Sahl ibn Hunayf: Did you hear the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say anything about the Khawarij?

He said: I heard him say – and he gestured with his hand towards Iraq –: “From there will emerge people who recite the Quran, but it will not go past their collarbones. They will pass out of Islam as an arrow passes out of the prey.”

Ibn Majah (173) narrated that Ibn Abi Awfa said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Khawarij are the dogs of Hell.” (Classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih Ibn Majah)

Innovations of the Khawarij​

Among their innovations are the following:

  • They think that faith does not increase or decrease .
  • They think that failing to do something obligatory constitutes disbelief.
  • They think that committing a major sinconstitutes disbelief.
  • They believe in fighting those Muslims who disagree with them.
Not Islamic scholar by any means doing online research and found these tenants attributed to them


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Khawarij-It is a group that split from mainstream Islam very early and is considered neither Shiʿa nor Sunni. Beyond the theological debate (which is of course essential), Somalis will point out the fact that Khawārij supporters will excommunicate people because of their faith, not their acts compared to Salafis. They also refuse to greet or respond to greetings of other Muslims. They refuse to share the same meal, pray in the same place or even marry women who are the wives of other Muslims. Their leader in Somalia was Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir Shaykh Maḥmūd (Daarood/Lelkaase).


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Students outside the country or ʿulamāʾ who settled abroad to escape the National Security Services were attentive to the new mood in a radicalizing Middle East. Yet, the core issues debated were the enforcement of sharīʿa and the establishment of an Islamic state (whatever it means), and not strictly the adhesion to a takfīri ideology.20 Characteristic of this evolution is the ideological trajectory of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir Shaykh Mahamuud. Once close to the Muslim Brotherhood, he went into exile in Saudi Arabia after 1975 and became an extremist opponent of Siad Barre and claimed that everyone working with the regime was a kāfir (an unbeliever.) In 1981, he endorsed ideology of takfīr and became the first leader of the Somali Takfīr wa al-Hijra [Apostasy and Migration.]22

Takfīr means declaring a fellow Muslim an apostate. In those years, people discussed it through the books of Sayed Qutb and ibn Taymiyya. See also Tarik K. Firro, “The Political Context of the Early Wahhabi Discourse of Takfīr”, Middle Eastern Studies, 49, n° 5, (2013),

Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir was once the leader of Ḥarakat al-Ahliyya funded by Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Faarah. When he travelled to Saudi Arabia, he had the opportunity to meet with members of the Egyptian Takfīr wa al-Hijra movement and endorsed the same ideology when he returned to Somalia. Because he became a takfīri in 1981, he refused to join al-Ittihād that was formed in March 1983.


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The reason things went south against Siad Bare: The implementation of the “scientific socialism” was at first, mostly a rhetorical agenda and did not greatly harm the interests of the Islamic groups that were inclined to not interfere in politics. Although some polemics revealed tensions (for instance in the debate on whether Latin or Arabic script should be used to write the Somali language), the real confrontation emerged only when a new Family Code was enforced in 1975. Because of its modernist aspects (notably gender equality), the Islamic movement could not stay idle. A huge demonstration organized by all Islamic groups was violently repressed by the regime and ten sheikhs were arrested, summarily tried and executed in 1975. Four of them belonged to a ṭarīqa and one was the son of a famous Qādiri, Shaykh Mahammad Faarah Olosow.15


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The reason things went south against Siad Bare: The implementation of the “scientific socialism” was at first, mostly a rhetorical agenda and did not greatly harm the interests of the Islamic groups that were inclined to not interfere in politics. Although some polemics revealed tensions (for instance in the debate on whether Latin or Arabic script should be used to write the Somali language), the real confrontation emerged only when a new Family Code was enforced in 1975. Because of its modernist aspects (notably gender equality), the Islamic movement could not stay idle. A huge demonstration organized by all Islamic groups was violently repressed by the regime and ten sheikhs were arrested, summarily tried and executed in 1975. Four of them belonged to a ṭarīqa and one was the son of a famous Qādiri, Shaykh Mahammad Faarah Olosow.15
Mahammad Siad Barre (himself of a Qādiri family18) decided to promote Sufi groups to contain the growing influence of the Salafi and other Islamic militants. He followed Shaykh Mahammad Guuleed, who belonged to Qādiriyya. Most Mudug people were indeed Qādiri. Mahammad Siad Barre also declared in several public speeches that he was a Qādiri.

He courted the two main Sufi orders in Somalia, the Qādiriyya and Aḥmadiyya, and offered them official positions (especially to Qādiriyya). For instance, he appointed Shaykh Mahammad Guuleed director of Religious Affairs at the Ministry of Justice: this latter was specifically in charge of monitoring mosques and organizing the Hajj and the ‘Umra. Because of their opposition to the Salafi religious and political doctrines (if any), the main Sufi figures were rewarded by the regime and given control of institutions of religious learning as well as mosques.19 They would later on pay for those not so strait compromises, especially among an element of the youth.


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The idea of extreme salafism/borderline khawarjinimo in the 90's which resulted in full blown khawarij nonsense in the 21st century was brought to Somalia by Hassan Dahir Aweys. Prior to him, the civil war in Somalia was solely tribal - based. The reason why it spread so fast was because total anarchy led people to look into religion as a way to deal with no government and reckless warlords. Add that to foreign groups that payed individuals to spread salafism and the ethiopian invasion of somalia in 2006, the creation of a threatening terrorist group such as AS was imminent
I think the sheik who helped found the khawariji formed his extremist movement in the 60 & 70s and was the predecessor to Al-itahid which was formed in 1983. He refused to join becuase he was part of radical group called takfir wa al-hijrah in 1981 and stuck with them when



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It seems alot of the terrorist leaning groups were formed during Siad Barre era after being exiled to Saudi arabia and Egypt. I always had assumed it was during civil war these groups formed.


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l-Ittihād al-Islāmiyya in March 1983. In 1980, Shaykh Mahammad Ma’allin Hasan and other clerics who had been arrested in 1975 were released and tried to reorganize an umbrella for more dedicated Islamic groups they then identified.24 Al-Ittihād was born but its success in the 1980s was debatable because of the heterogeneity of its components, the repression and the ambitions of its would-be leaders. Historically, al-Ittihād was the real cradle of Salafism in Somalia, even though many Salafis were not formally members. The movement was seen as the sole entity calling for the implementation of sharīʿa and fighting the right religious and political battles, even though it split within itself on many issues in the 1990s.25 But it was an indispensable point of reference for a larger Salafi community, not always confident that armed struggle was the best way to achieve its fundamental religious goals.


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It seems alot of the terrorist leaning groups were formed during Siad Barre era after being exiled to Saudi arabia and Egypt. I always had assumed it was during civil war these groups formed.
The civil war was not the starting moment for political Islam in Somalia. Clan appeal and the legacy of “scientific socialism” made their emergence less visible and impressive in the 1980s but one should understand that the religious competition found in the context of the civil war began at least 10 years earlier.
There is a big difference between the kharijites of old, who were neither sunni nor shia but part of a totally different group of sects called muhakima ( the only existing muhakima in the modern day are the ibdadis), and modern day groups who are called that like isis, al shabbat etc. Isis, al shabbat are in truth just misguided, extremist sunnis and ideologically they are not near the old kharijites at all as they do believe in the tennants of the sunnis like the sahih hadith and so other, the only reason they are called that is because they are as extreme and deranged as the old kharijites.


There is a big difference between the kharijites of old, who were neither sunni nor shia but part of a totally different group of sects called muhakima ( the only existing muhakima in the modern day are the ibdadis), and modern day groups who are called that like isis, al shabbat etc. Isis, al shabbat are in truth just misguided, extremist sunnis and ideologically they are not near the old kharijites at all as they do believe in the tennants of the sunnis like the sahih hadith and so other, the only reason they are called that is because they are as extreme and deranged as the old kharijites.
AS are a special kind of retarded. Atleast groups like Hezbollah & the Taliban fully accept the nation-state and the international order that is built on the concept of national sovereignty. AS are just a death cult, they'd start constant cross border raids on Kenya
The idea of extreme salafism/borderline khawarjinimo in the 90's which resulted in full blown khawarij nonsense in the 21st century was brought to Somalia by Hassan Dahir Aweys. Prior to him, the civil war in Somalia was solely tribal - based. The reason why it spread so fast was because total anarchy led people to look into religion as a way to deal with no government and reckless warlords. Add that to foreign groups that payed individuals to spread salafism and the ethiopian invasion of somalia in 2006, the creation of a threatening terrorist group such as AS was imminent
Political islam is and always has been an existential threat to the current world order, whether it is liberalism or communism. It will never be allowed to thrive and has been stamped out wherever it has reared its head. The radicalism only follows dulum (Sayyid Qutub). There’s nothing wrong with the rational of salafism.

Instead of sympathising and parroting the talking points of those that have proliferated negative stereotypes and seek to gaslight you, see it for what it is. Both groups have nothing to offer but death, your life, or your morals a lose-lose. Its a bitter truth. The ex-muslim and happy-meal jihadi trend was a direct reaction to this. These kids in the post 9-11 era were crushed mentally by a society that other-ised them - in lieu of the star of david stiched onto our overcoats we wore hijabs and grew out our beards.

Let them fight their battles, don’t apologise for the attacks and don’t pick up arms. You’re only responsible for yourself, for your actions and your behaviour don’t get caught up in someone elses political ambition.
Political islam is and always has been an existential threat to the current world order, whether it is liberalism or communism. It will never be allowed to thrive and has been stamped out wherever it has reared its head. The radicalism only follows dulum (Sayyid Qutub). There’s nothing wrong with the rational of salafism.

Instead of sympathising and parroting the talking points of those that have proliferated negative stereotypes and seek to gaslight you, see it for what it is. Both groups have nothing to offer but death, your life, or your morals a lose-lose. Its a bitter truth. The ex-muslim and happy-meal jihadi trend was a direct reaction to this. These kids in the post 9-11 era were crushed mentally by a society that other-ised them - in lieu of the star of david stiched onto our overcoats we wore hijabs and grew out our beards.

Let them fight their battles, don’t apologise for the attacks and don’t pick up arms. You’re only responsible for yourself, for your actions and your behaviour don’t get caught up in someone elses political ambition.
somalia will do better without salafism brother. I'm not a sufi but i promote them due to their peaceful nature. it is needed to counter the khawarrijis. political islam should also be sidelined. somalia needs democracy right now

