Khadar Farole the special economic advisor to Hassan Sheikh Mohamud tries to disrupt elections

People see the obvious spoilers who don't want 1m1v, but they don't see the sneaky one who enabled them, and I mean by that Deni who focused on his Mogadishu campaign and tried to revive 1m1v in his last months. I remember a talk he gave in his first year in which he criticized his predecessors and how they try to do things in their lame duck period and how it didn't work. it seems he didn't get the lesson.
Hassan Shire Abgaal breaks silence and slams dictator deni!
A tentative agreement has been reached between the mucaraad (Aaran Jaan) and PL mediated by Islaan Ciise. The warrant has been recalled in exchange the municipal elections scheduled for the 25th will go on without any disruptions.

