Kenyan Somalis Living in Fear After Spate of Kidnappings and Murders


why do they go to Nairobi, build up Garissa u don't need dusty Nairobi
No , that is a difficult option, for the most Somalis living in Eastleigh, they're mostly from Somalia , they either live illegally in the country or have granted refugee status to go outside beyond the camps or have obtained, neutralised ,residency to some extent ,
They are outsiders in NFD , and are treated like one , the residents of that particular area will constantly remind them that they are "Galti" or "Koyte" , even the Kenyan Somali police will detain them to a holding cell , why do you think non Kenyan Somalis prefer to live outside of NFD.

Ta labaad , most of these Somalis come from all parts of Somalia and they are not welcomed in NFD , especially in their towns and counties which is native to OG , Mx , Dagoodi, Ajuuraan and Garre.

Nairobi has become a hub, or settlement for Somalis from Somalia.


It's Somalis each other. Stop with the xenophobia.


Kenya is not a safe place for Somalis , look at the kidnappings and killings conducted by Somali bussinessmen.

This is sad , I thought maybe the Indians are behind this but it turns out the opposite.

Sadly one of their own doing this , this is not surprising.
Kenya is not a safe place for Somalis , look at the kidnappings and killings conducted by Somali bussinessmen.

This is sad , I thought maybe the Indians are behind this but it turns out the opposite.

Sadly one of their own doing this , this is not surprising.
Kenya is not like south africa my kware kware friend.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Kenya is not a safe place for Somalis , look at the kidnappings and killings conducted by Somali bussinessmen.

This is sad , I thought maybe the Indians are behind this but it turns out the opposite.

Sadly one of their own doing this , this is not surprising.
I knew it was best to keep quiet. These guys were throwing slurs at Kenyans all week without knowing the perpetrators. Kenyans are some of the most hospitable people.



Not long ago, someone on this forum , suggested us to leave SA for Kenya and Tanzania , for our own wellbeing and safety, god bless their souls and I appreciate their genuine concerns but Kenya is becoming more dangerous , as we speak, so many AS sympathisers and N&N supporters living in one place , it is very competitive zones and the rivals will use local gangs to extort and manipulate you , if not them , then expect the biggest gang of all to terrorise you on a daily basis, the police
it is as lawless as our home country the beloved land we fled from long ago , and Tanzania warkeeda iskaba dhaaf , asides from the police bribes , harrasments , you are not safe from
your very own people who are also competitive and xaasid these
jealous and qabiil ridden Somalis may hire hitmen to end you. Either way you are prone to attacks.
It is also not profitable only loses.

I was actually thinking of living in Nakuru or Mombasa after being fed up but I am more afraid , I may end up like the Somali bussinessmen burnt alive. Or kidnapped.

So , no , we don't think that one of us will step a foot there , there are many bussiness oriented people with inspiring ideas and startups , and I believe these fellow countrymen may await the same fate as the deceased if they were to go there to get killed by greedy bussinessmen who have the same ethnicity.

So waa amuurullah . It used to be the fucking Indians conducting target practice , hiring hitmen, nowadays it's the Somalis making contact with killers and showing them the pictures of their potential victims, why do you think everyone is getting strapped legally or illegally here , the Somali neighbourhoods used to be a safe spot because Soomaalida is disha aad bay u yarayd, nowadays everyones
prying on their rivals , I don't even eat from a maqaayad because they may put rat poison that's how bad it is here.
And sad for a minority to do this.

Kenya is becoming more like here , no not the Kenyans, Kenyans are not xenophobic
but the perpetrators are Somalis and they exhibit the same characteristics of Indian bussinessmen.
Meaning Somalis assassinating but their own Somalis.

No more trusts anymore.

Namibia , Botswana , Zambia and Angola have smaller Somali population , relatively calm , the less of them the better they coexist as one entity.

Somalis who resent you want to copy your ideas and steal or kill you and take your customers because you're making a profit and they're taking a loss something they can't tolerate.

This exactly like an Indian putting a price tag on your head.
A vicious cycle.
How can these people sleep at ease with self conscious , knowing that they shed innocent blood because of greed,
the root of all evil , look what greed has done to them.
My heart goes to these victims , they need justice.

Waabilaahi Tawfiiiq.
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King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
Free All These Girls.
Free All The Somali Girls!
Set The Innocent FREE!

Do it Now!!!
Do what's right!


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