Kansas City policy requires mosques and churches keep ‘lists’ of those entering


It is for a good cause, we can not afford to be political correct while the death toll is climbing at 68K. People please stay home and save lives :)

Samaalic Era


Omar del Sur

They are moving towards a global police state

This is like something from the Soviet Union. I am utterly convinced that USSR, Cuba, etc. were/are sort of testing grounds for the New World Order.

About five years ago, I read Plato's Republic. I was just interested in reading Plato and I didn't really have any preconceived notions.

When I read it, I realized it was an early blueprint for Communism/NWO.

A while back, I was in my old slum neighborhood and this old homeless guy started talking to me. He brought up the New World Order. I played dumb and pretended to not know anything- I didn't lie or anything but I just wanted to let him give his views rather than just recite my own. I asked him what the New World Order is and I asked him to describe it.

When he described it, I asked him "what's the difference between that and Communism?". He said "there ain't none".

I think he was right. I think Marxism, Communism- I think those were blueprints for the New World Order and those are all going to turn out to be the same thing. I think we're to see a push for global Communist dictatorship. I think likely they'll establish the system over all or most of the earth (I think some places will hold out... hopefully) and then put Dajjal on the throne over it.

The blueprint for the New World Order is laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I think that book is essential to understand the NWO because it really gives the blueprint.

The Protocols makes it clear that all this gibberish about "the workers" is just a smokescreen- the real agenda is to eliminate religion.

What we're looking at is a push to create a system which might be leading to Muslims being put into camps like in China.

Omar del Sur

when was the last time u shared ur smile with the world :)

the bigger issue is that it's haraam to spy on Muslims and that things like Muslims being put on lists can lead to Muslims being put in danger. letting religious people potentially become targeted isn't something cool. this kind of thing has happened before in places like the Soviet Union and it's led to things like religious people being put into camps.

Samaalic Era

This is like something from the Soviet Union. I am utterly convinced that USSR, Cuba, etc. were/are sort of testing grounds for the New World Order.

About five years ago, I read Plato's Republic. I was just interested in reading Plato and I didn't really have any preconceived notions.

When I read it, I realized it was an early blueprint for Communism/NWO.

A while back, I was in my old slum neighborhood and this old homeless guy started talking to me. He brought up the New World Order. I played dumb and pretended to not know anything- I didn't lie or anything but I just wanted to let him give his views rather than just recite my own. I asked him what the New World Order is and I asked him to describe it.

When he described it, I asked him "what's the difference between that and Communism?". He said "there ain't none".

I think he was right. I think Marxism, Communism- I think those were blueprints for the New World Order and those are all going to turn out to be the same thing. I think we're to see a push for global Communist dictatorship. I think likely they'll establish the system over all or most of the earth (I think some places will hold out... hopefully) and then put Dajjal on the throne over it.

The blueprint for the New World Order is laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I think that book is essential to understand the NWO because it really gives the blueprint.

The Protocols makes it clear that all this gibberish about "the workers" is just a smokescreen- the real agenda is to eliminate religion.

What we're looking at is a push to create a system which might be leading to Muslims being put into camps like in China.
Indeed, Islam is the biggest obstacle in their path to a new world order. Communism is atheism at its finest.

I think Muslims will be killed on mass or dumped in camps like you said :francis:

Omar del Sur

pray at home dummys

in places like Central Asia they had already implemented things like this way before people had ever heard of Coronavirus. it had nothing to do with anything like Coronavirus- it was about controlling Muslims. This isn't about Coronavirus. Coronavirus is just pretext. If you really think the US government is your friend, you're the one that's duped.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Indeed, Islam is the biggest obstacle in their path to a new world order. Communism is atheism at its finest.

I think Muslims will be killed on mass or dumped in camps like you said :francis:

If that happens, it is called Martyrdom.
Wallahi i would love to be persecuted for my faith.

To be killed for ur faith is honour & martyrdom InshaAllah

Omar del Sur

Indeed, Islam is the biggest obstacle in their path to a new world order. Communism is atheism at its finest.

I think Muslims will be killed on mass or dumped in camps like you said :francis:

under the system.....

in places like Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, I think they would do mass.... elimination... of Muslims. Large numbers will resist NWO implementation and not accept it.

The ones that are very stupid or very evil and thus go along with it, they'll be more tolerated and they'll be rewarded. They might even be promoted as "imams," "Muslim leaders," and "scholars". The ones horrific stuff will quietly happen to will be the ones who resist.


in places like Central Asia they had already implemented things like this way before people had ever heard of Coronavirus. it had nothing to do with anything like Coronavirus- it was about controlling Muslims. This isn't about Coronavirus. Coronavirus is just pretext. If you really think the US government is your friend, you're the one that's duped.
nobody in their right mind thinks that the us is either my or anybody's friends

