Jiron come in

Hey @Jiron in your opinion has Southwest State in the last 4.5 years under Laftagareen been making progress or has gone backwards? Those who support true federalism with a dominant central government should be able to have a proven track record of success to convince loose federalists/confederalists that a strong FG with ultimate power over their FMS is in their best interests


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Hanicapped dim-witted somalis. The UN would rather send nucleur bombs to obliterate Somalia then split us up toolo by toolo.
The brother @Jiron is either
A) not a raxanweyne but from the farmajo clan
B) his adheers and juufo benefit from laftagareen looting.

People use to drive from xamar to baidoa without running to isbaaros now there are isbaaros for every juufo that live from afgooye to baidoa .

Shareef sheikh ahmed (the previous president of sws) use to drive from baidoa to afgooye and regularly visited his birth town .Now laftagareen doesnt drive at all but takes plane baidoa-barawe , baidoa -mog .
Other then the baidoa park nothing has really changed for the shacab.
1kg of sugar costs $5usd in baido and surrounding areas mind you the sugar is coming from janaale and mareerey let that sink in .


@InaShaqalle and @Woke1.4rm.Shibis

hey brothers, I really don't follow politics outside of sspot, I learn so much from your valuable inputs and go from there by piecing things together. I wish sometimes my family were more politically aware as they never discuss this issues but other times I am thankful too because I am able to look at it from a distance and make my own judgements as an individual.

I love all my people and I just want to see our beautiful country see its full potential :)


Minister of Propaganda
Look at the imbeciles we have to contend with

@Maxamed bin Harti @Pwyneth Galtrow @Periplus

Kulahaa 18 regions. That’s too many federal states in one country, we would certainly descend back into civil war.

But I am in favour of ditching the current FMS when Somalia becomes stable. I don’t like the idea of qabiil federalism in a post-civil war Somalia.

In the next decade or two, I want to see four or five federal states that aren’t based on qabiil.


Kulahaa 18 regions. That’s too many federal states in one country, we would certainly descend back into civil war.

But I am in favour of ditching the current FMS when Somalia becomes stable. I don’t like the idea of qabiil federalism in a post-civil war Somalia.

In the next decade or two, I want to see four or five federal states that aren’t based on qabiil.
Kenya has 47 counties. I dont see a civil war.


Minister of Propaganda
Kenya has 47 counties. I dont see a civil war.

Kenya implemented that after 40 years of having 8 provinces.

Also I would argue that Kenya’s county leaders don’t have as much power as Somali federal leaders.
Kenya implemented that after 40 years of having 8 provinces.

Also I would argue that Kenya’s county leaders don’t have as much power as Somali federal leaders.

But you support a strong central government so logically you should support as many regions existing as possible


Minister of Propaganda

But you support a strong central government so logically you should support as many regions existing as possible

No, I support a strong federal government in Somalia with four to five strong federal states.

I’m for a stable Somalia, I don’t have any particular loyalty to federalism or centralism.
No, I support a strong federal government in Somalia with four to five strong federal states.

I’m for a stable Somalia, I don’t have any particular loyalty to federalism or centralism.

I would agree with you but how is it possible that in particular PL (as well as JL) exist but have a strong federal government that rules them?


Kenya implemented that after 40 years of having 8 provinces.

Also I would argue that Kenya’s county leaders don’t have as much power as Somali federal leaders.
The power sharing of the fms and time span isnt what you seemed to question its the quantity of qabiil states. I am not against better agreed upon power sharing via constitution.

Kenya has 47 counties largely based off of ethnic and linguistic groups. This is an evidence that people “divided” by their primary identity dont necessarily end up in war nor does it diminish the national identity.

I promote around 11 states with 8 or so being in Italian Somalia for cleaner clan lines.


Minister of Propaganda
The power sharing of the fms and time span isnt what you seemed to question its the quantity of qabiil states. I am not against better agreed upon power sharing via constitution.

Kenya has 47 counties largely based off of ethnic and linguistic groups. This is an evidence that people “divided” by their primary identity dont necessarily end up in war nor does it diminish the national identity.

I promote around 11 states with 8 or so being in Italian Somalia for cleaner clan lines.

Yes but wouldn’t you agree Kenya achieved a certain stage of stability before they divided up into 47 counties based on ethnicity.


Yes but wouldn’t you agree Kenya achieved a certain stage of stability before they divided up into 47 counties based on ethnicity.
I dont see devolution as dependent on peaceful relations, I believe it has the power to better facilitate it. The true reason we cant devolve currently is that the current states are mostly economically inviable besides JL/PL.

Bad faith can exist between identities for many reasons but boxing them together to compete for political positions that are usually unlimited is right out of sykes-picot.

The greatest mistake of diaspora is thinking clan is negotiable and/or the issue.

MT Foxtrot

Bad faith can exist between identities for many reasons but boxing them together to compete for political positions that are usually unlimited is right out of sykes-picot.

Could you expand on this? When you say "identities" are you referring to qabil? If so, how does that have any bearing on Sykes-Picot?

The greatest mistake of diaspora is thinking clan is negotiable and/or the issue.

Qabil may not be the issue, but it certainly is an issue that affects all others. To pretend otherwise, especially in light of the last thirty years, is delusional.
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Could you expand on this? When you say "identities" are you referring to qabil? If so, how does that have any bearing on Sykes-Picot?

Qabil may not be the issue, but it certainly is an issue that affects all others. To pretend otherwise, especially in light of the last thirty years, is delusional.
Sykes-Picot is not important to the point its just a reference.

Qabiil is an identity based off of immutable characteristics similiar to race gender ethnicity etc. I dont think any of those are “issues” nor evil its conditions that surround them that cause them to conflict with one another not their mere existence as “divisions”.

Im similiarly opposed to the Republican idea that identity if immutable doesnt belong in the political sphere compared to fluid identities like party, region, ideology etc. All identity is rigid and functions closely but more importantly why should people not focus on their identity in politics if they are regularly either oppressed or elevated through it. I view clan politics with the same neutrality I see female quotas.

Identity and its politics is non-negotiable yet you base your entire philosophy around being opposed to it. To me that is much more fitting of delusion.
Tbh hawiye pandering to darood is disgraceful. Manta Somalia meeshay tagantahay waxa gaadsiyay hawiyes pandering to darood. The 18 darood regions is a fantasy. Look at the way gedo is carved out of bay. All the populated hinterland farmland on the east bank waxa la raacsiyay bay and bardheere town is added to the gedo desert. This is how Siad barre tried to make his clan a Gobol.
Somalia has 15 million people it cannot have 1 million regions.

