well ok but the problem of the reason why he was killed and the censorship and shutting down of the internet shows that country hasn't changed much from the TPLF days.
Because there was media agitation and inciting to violence so the government has no options but to shut down internet and crack down on the criminals. It is a big difference between TPLF and PM Abiy. All the trouble makers like Jawar, Eskender, Bekele etc. were either in jail or in exile during TPLF days but now Abiy allowed them to roam freely, insult him daily on their medias while seating in Addis. But when they are heading to create ethnic violence and civil war the government has to step in and show them their limit. Freedom always comes with responsibility but some radicals really don't know their limit. In contrast to the above, the likes of OLF and ONLF leadership are enjoying their freedom with care and responsibility.