Jar.eerweyne Natives of Muqdisho city revolt

Maybe treat jreer with respect and dignity and you wouldn't have this. Right now I am team jreer. I am tired of the racism and abuse you people put them through. It must be called out, now they have momentum instead of fighting sit down with them and find a peaceful solution.
No way i will ever accept kar**r are equal to me when it comes to ownership of the cou try😂😂

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Only a sub sub sub sub sub of Hawiye was karbaashing Darood. Most of us had other more important things to do.
Again this is false

Raxanweyne and Xawaadle joined the the pan Hawiye USC movement against Darood the entire Hawiye clan was in on it.. even Jreerweyne were in on it. Treat your allies with respect
Again this is false

Raxanweyne and Xawaadle joined the the pan Hawiye USC movement against Darood the entire Hawiye clan was in on it.. even Jreerweyne were in on it. Treat your allies with respect
No bro murusade and abgal only stoped at shabele it was hg and xawadle who were f
Doing the karbaash at jubioyinka

Ximan iyo Xadeed

This is why I said they need actual intellectuals to convey their grievances. Lots of people across Somaliweyn are rooting for them to get the liberties owed to them. They should use this opportunity wisely.
Nah they need a dagaal this is Somalia, qori solves everything
Nah they need a dagaal this is Somalia, qori solves everything
If Xamar becomes a war zone again we know what will happen. As usual, PL will have to take over as the official government. Then we will be forced to invite the whole African Union for another civilization mission. The cycle will never end :farmajoyaab:. I hope for peace and dialogue🙏


Forza Somalia!
We stand with the voiceless and unjustly oppressed beesha Jareeerweyne

Wallahi this whole thread is funny, Hawiye talking like hitlerits for minor problem from a minor clan and getting paranoia from other clans and coming up with conspiracy theories.


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
How can you say this when MJ’s are the bulk of online FKDers :drakelaugh: . When you’re the clan who stands out the most on an online forum of course you’ll be discussed a lot. Ironically if you look at this forum fkd history previous years, most clans that take the most shit are Mareexan and Hawiye. Victim hood isn’t good eebow the famous MJ arrogance is showing:damn:

Most tribalist Somalis are the northern three. MJ, Isaaq and dhulbante. That’s a fact and most Somalis will agree.

This aint even arrogance, this is self-victimisation never seen before. Man qot questioned why he was flanning flames and somehow became the victim.

Beesha darood summed up kkkkk
